The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 743: I know a woman's heart

Then, after the orange little ball had carefully observed Gu Zheng, he began to mutter to himself again in a suddenly realized tone.

"Oh, it turns out that I have an old senior on me. No wonder he has such a great power."

But this tone doesn't look like the respect of the younger generation when they see the elders.

And it was this sentence that made Xiao Wangshu a complete eruption.

"Hey, kid! You are a little boy who has never been with the host! You are really ignorant and fearless!"

"Gu Zheng, this, this can't be tolerated, I plan to absorb it directly, don't you have any comments."

However, after seeing that Gu Zheng was silent, Xiao Wangshu had a bad premonition.

"I'm going, aren't you? Are you planning to take advantage of this system? I tell you, it's really hard to say that this system doesn't work."

"This kid is still unopened, maybe it's still a substandard product and needs to be repaired. If it doesn't work well, what should you do if it messes up your task."

This is true and sincere, but Gu Zheng, who was facing the two systems face to face, smiled.

"Do you really think I'm a stupid?"

"The so-called I know a woman's heart is nothing more than an aid to guess the heart and thoughts of others."

"A person's words and deeds could have revealed one or two in his heart. If this system is really useless, don't I have a general judgment based on the other's words and deeds?"

"If you analyze it carefully, you can basically understand whether the response of the system is true."

"If a person has got your so-called golden fingers, but in the future they will rely on it all, then this dear friend is truly no-brainer."

"After all, a tool is a tool. People who rely too much on it are just like taking drugs. What's the difference?"

"In this world, if you have to give up, you have to get something. You and I are exchanged at the same price. What you do is just to get what you need."

"Otherwise, you have stolen snacks countless times, and you have a lot of time to change to a new host. Why do I punch and kick you like this, but you are still by my side?"

"What you are asking for is mutual benefit. You are afraid that you won't find an efficient host like me, and I just want to save my life."

In the end, Gu Zheng was somewhat lonely. The first time he confronted this problem with Xiao Wangshu, one person, one system, he became relatively speechless.

And just when there was a touch of sorrow and emotion in it, the new born system that had little experience opened his mouth unopened.

"Well, do you want my system? If you don't, I'll be in that girl's body."

"Although my system is aimed at women's hearts, the requirements for the host are really not high."

"I think if that girl wants to look like in the palace, she might still need my system very much."

Gong Dou is very interesting.

It's a pity that Gu Zheng on the opposite side just picked the corner of his mouth, grabbed the orange ball, and threw it into the space of Laughing Forgetful Books, making a decision for everyone.

"I'll leave it to you for training. When the matter is over, you will kill or pluck it. It's easy to listen to it."

"Well Alright!"

Laughing and forgetting the book after receiving the milk ball, has become accustomed to obeying Gu Zheng’s instructions, but subconsciously stuffed it into his own space, once again triggering this short-lived time due to the appearance of the system. The phenomenon of stagnation.

Even if he had seen it many times, Gu Zheng found it very interesting, that Ren Hongchang, who was held down by a body curse, instantly recovered to be a lively beauty.

And the original state of being stiff on the spot also made this alienated woman lose a bit of fierceness caused by her beautiful appearance, and add a dazed and bewildered coquettishness.

Gu Zheng smiled when he saw it.

And this time, the smile is no longer with a little purpose, but with the ease and relief that has never been discovered by Ren Hongchang.

Gu Zheng who smiles like this is very handsome.

A burst of unspeakable free and easy, exudes from the inside out.

Even Ren Hongchang, who favors brave and reliable men, couldn't help but admire.

‘It turns out that those palace people always say that Gu Lang Junyi, I never felt it before, but when I saw it today, I felt that what I said was true. ’

And this sound, the ‘I Know the Woman’s Heart System’ that was beaten by the older generation and instantly subdued in the space where the book had been perfectly forgotten by laughter was translated with a milky voice.

Oh, it turns out that everything I did before was done for the blind, but why?

Although Gu Zheng’s skin in this world is not as handsome as the actor who brought disaster to the country and the people during the Republic of China, from his own point of view, after traveling through so many worlds, he is also a handsome man who can enter the top three. .

Coupled with this client’s childhood education, following the influence of Cai Yong’s so many years of poetry, calligraphy, and melody, he has his own literary style, and he should be a top-notch person.

Why is Ren Hongchang so blind!

But now is not a good time to make Gu Zheng puzzled.

Because the gradual sound of fighting has already approached the main entrance of the Kangning Palace, approaching the hall on this side.

It seems that General He Jin, who was tricked into the palace by the attendant of the ten permanent attendants, is not a fool.

Also knows that fleeing there is best for him.

Only after a short period of thought, Gu Zheng decided not to drip into this muddy water, so as to ensure the safety of himself and Ren Hongchang.

That's because there is basically no possibility of a comeback with his own power against the power of a harem.

If this is the case, he will not be thankful.

Gu Zheng, who had made up his mind, saw Ren Hongchang behind him finally showing a trace of panic that belonged to a woman at this moment.

He thought that this peculiar and determined woman didn't know what to worry about.

It's okay if you are worried, women, of course they have to hide behind the stalwart and tall man.

He was already looking for a handy weapon, and when he was about to come to a vigorous hero to save the United States, a grandma's voice gave him another crit.

‘Ren Hongchang said: It’s broken, it’s too late, that group of people have already been killed. ’

‘But this huge palace is full of weak women, with no eyes on the sword, but they have to protect the queen mother and the young prince. ’

‘I don’t know how many sisters can survive this chaos. ’

‘It’s a pity that Gu Zheng is a literati who has no power to bind a chicken. Hey, but for the sake of having some friendship with him, you can’t just leave him here and wait for death, right? I reminded him, let him evacuate to the apse where the queen mother lives, only hope that he will not let his legs become weak and messy. ’

With these words, Gu Zheng almost fell on a flat ground.

And the very awkward voice rang again.

‘Ren Hongchang sighed at this time, and then continued to think: Look, it is really casual, the scene of the fight has not been seen, just hearing the sound, it is already so unbearable. ’

What words are men most afraid of hearing?

That is, is!

Regardless of what Ren Hongchang said, she didn't say it, even if she thinks about it in her heart, it won't work!

In order to prevent the world from being destroyed, and for the peace of mankind in the whole society, I will show it to you.

Just after this translation fell Gu Zheng really took action.

He discarded the useless guqin that was broken into two pieces, and very decisively took up the shelf used to insert the candle and oil lamp.

At this time, because of the day's sake, the disk-shaped oil tray on the upper side of the shelf was not placed, only the sharp double-stranded tines were exposed.

Although it is not as sharp as the tip of a spear, it is okay to use cleverness to stab the enemy through.

Gu Zheng, who found the weapon in his hand, was afraid that this shelf was not enough. He even hugged the row of light stands beside him. A row was used as a reserve weapon storehouse, and his left and right hands were also grabbed. One.

"What are you?"

Ren Hongchang and Xiao Zuo here were stunned as they watched Gu Zheng, who had always been full of etiquette, busy in the hall with swift movements. The question in their hearts just wanted to be asked, the culprit who made the jingle of fighting. We have arrived here.

"Queen Mother! Save me! Girl! Send someone..."

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