A tall man equivalent to his bare hands, holding only a tree branch and a piece of gravel in his hand, was about to hit the main hall. His buried forehead was pushed out by a bronze fork. The son interrupted his words for help.

And the person doing this action is Gu Zheng.

This short fork made everyone on and off the court stunned. The chasers dressed as eunuchs who followed the help-seeking staff were beaming with joy, and they followed two steps with a wave of the weapon in their hands. He greeted the guy towards the target of their sniper.


There were wolves in the rear, and the way forward for help was right in front of them, but a tiger that was blocking the way came out.

He Jin, who was puzzled, yelled: "Who is blocking me! I am the queen mother's brother, a general of soldiers and horses. He Jin is the same!"

"Today the **** party is in trouble, trying to kill me. If you don't help this general to fight the enemy together, you dare to cooperate with the **** party to make trouble."

It's a pity that he said this to the blind, only to hear the noise in the apse of the Kangning Palace, but now it has become quiet.

Seeing Gu Zheng here, he smiled sarcastically, but he held the lamp stand on the main hall more firmly.

He used his not-so-wide back to block Ren Hongchang and all the rest of the people in the hall, with an indescribable free and easy way, and smiled: "Miss Ren, it seems that your call for help is a bit late. ."

"If my guess is correct, the people in the apse have also been controlled by the people of the ten permanent attendants."

"How could they not use the young emperor and the queen mother as a bargaining chip in the attack?"

"After all, only with the emperor of the Han family can he have real authority."

"For the present plan, forgive me, a mundane person, I can only be responsible for the lives of me and everyone in this hall."

"After all, this is a general trend, and the impersonal Kong Wu can change it."

After Gu Zheng said these words, even Xiao Zuo, who had no political consciousness, understood the situation of everyone.

Whether the people in their room can survive or not depends on whether the chaos outside the temple can be brought in.

If Gu Zheng's line of defense is broken, and as the person who confuses him, there is only one way to go, whether innocent or not, then he will die in chaos with the general.

And if you keep this barrier, after the people around you have solved the people they really want to solve, it will take a while to clean up the mess, and you won't worry about them, such insignificant people.

Hearing that Gu Zheng took the initiative to take up the first line of defense facing life and death, the remaining servants and palace staff in the palace were filled with gratitude.

The palace has been waiting for people for a long time, and naturally they know what they are going to do in this situation.

Even the most courageous person, tremblingly picked up the table on the side, tremblingly moved towards the main entrance of the hall, and blocked all obstacles that could prevent people from entering easily. Between outsiders, try to buy more time for this person who is about to die bravely.

Because they knew that Gu Zheng's action was only temporary. Not to mention the number of 20 or 30 people who were chased down, the struggle of General He Jin before his death could not be resisted by a thin literati.

However, what Gu Zheng did next was to constantly refresh their new understanding of literati.

Everyone, including Ren Hongchang, was thinking about a question.

'Do we have a misunderstanding about the literati group? Maybe their IQ is too high, their style is too elegant, their character is too strong, and they disdain to grab food with the generals. That's why the people now don’t treat them. Understand. ’

‘Judge people by their appearance. ’

Regardless of the issue of people present being more cautious from now on, let's take a look at what kind of situation Gu Zheng has caused.

The reason why Gu Zheng reshaped the three views of the people behind him is because in this short moment, he has used two lamp frames indiscriminately to repel the impact of three waves.

One wave is that General He Jin’s disbelief in evil rushes to the temple again, and the other two are because of fighting, because they can’t control the intensity of this move, and there are people who want to enter the temple to find siege. Advances caused by new angles.

Regardless of the situation, Gu Zheng didn't let anyone come in.

The man's strength is not strong, and the weapon in his hand is not sharp, but he can always catch the opponent's weakness in the attack just right, and knock back the enemy in the future.

And just after he blocked the assassin sent by the Ten Standing Attendant outside the temple for the second time, the head of the group of desperadoes noticed the existence of Gu Zheng and snarled at him. stand up.

"Boy! I thought you were blocking the path of this anti-thief. You are a man of foresight. Now you dare to block what I am waiting for. Do you want to die?"

Hearing such a roar from the other party, Gu Zheng tapped the light holders in both hands and let out a cold snort from his nostrils.

"Haha, a joke, if I were to wait to enter the hall today, the four or five people in this hall would all go to Huangquan together with the key criminals you want to kill."

"Let the culprits into the temple, and the guilt of disturbing the queen mother is not unexpected, so it must be buckled on our heads."

"Forget about the feelings of the queen dowager if she knew her brother was killed in her own palace, which is separated by a courtyard. Even for the sake of fame, you will use the big hat of weak guards to hold me and wait. On the head."

"Awaiting us is still a dead end."

"Knowing this is the case, we shouldn't fight to the death, no matter if you wait outside the temple to fight for life, those of us who have never been out of the Kangning Palace know nothing about this."

"At that time, the ten constant attendants who have fulfilled their wishes have gained the power of their hearts and minds. Maybe if the mood is good, we will be treated lightly."

To sum up, it's easy to say anything after today.

Then, Gu Zheng laughed louder, and then! His voice rose another pitch and spread out towards the distance.

"Don't you think? Chang Chang, who has the'graciousness of knowing and meeting' for me?"

As Gu Zheng's voice fell, outside the small circle of life and death, a team of people slowly walked over.

This group of people is obviously different from those fighting.

The aura on them is darker, their expressions are darker, with long-term domineering power, and with a kind of cruelty that is not ordinary, so that the places they pass by are a little bit cold.

And Gu Zheng's raised voice was naturally addressed to the man headed by the group of people.

For today, these ten eunuchs are really hard enough. They are grouped into a whole group of eunuchs, all gathered here, waiting for their biggest opponent, who has always wanted to kill them all. He Jin general. Death.

Seeing Gu Zheng's appearance at this time, and then looking at his smirking but very free and easy words, Zhang Rang, who was separated by the battle circle, laughed hoarsely.

"That's natural. I thought our plan was foolproof, and few people would know the action to eliminate this thief."

"But I never expected that the Queen Mother is not a complete silly~www.readwn.com~ and the name of General He Jin is really not in vain."

"The struggle before this man's general died is really terrifying, it was almost a bit, let him escape to the most unfavorable place for us."

"If it weren't for your assistance from Gu Langjun, today's matter must be done, but it will cost a lot of weekly chapters, and there will also be a lot of people and this old thief from the He family at the Kangning Palace. Funeral together."

"So, I am too late to thank Gu Langjun, so how can I blame Mr. Gu for his life-saving actions?"

Haha, what was said is really good, haven't you seen that He Jin has his eyes wide open, his whole body is relieved, and he is not far from death?

When he saw his real enemy coming, He Jin, who was about to be pitted to death, let out a roar that he didn't dare to die before.

"The Eunuch! I regret not to listen to Yuan Benchu's persuasion, I have listened to the letter from the palace, and underestimated the courage of Er Deng, who dared to blatantly murder the court officials."

It's so simple and rude, even the basic skin is ignored.

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