It’s just that the two armies are playing against each other. The general’s most taboo thing is distraction. When Lu Bu thought about it and came back to his senses again, he found that Gu Zheng, the opponent who made his heart awe-inspiring, had already rushed to him. In front of him, shook a bright silver spear that was even more exaggerated than his Fang Tian painted halberd, and once again said a word that made him angry.

"You and I don't have any deep hatred, Yu Gong? We are the two armies facing each other."

"It's just that I am doing the righteous act of helping the Han Dynasty, and you are a rioter who helped him to be abusive."

"So, if you dismount at this time and bow down, and recognize me as a big brother or something, even if you wake up, you can still be a good courtier in the Han Dynasty after surrendering."

"If it's not, don't blame me for the spear of someone Gu's being rude."

"As for the private? You just need to shout three times here: I am not as talented as Gu You, I am not as handsome as Gu Yuansu, I am not as handsome as Gu Yuansu, and I am not as good as a woman by Gu Zheng."

"Then give me your woman."

Okay, after listening to Gu Zheng’s words, let’s not talk about Lu Bu’s reaction, just say that he supported Big Brother Liu Bei behind him and helped him on the horse. He planned to pick up the guy and then come to find Gu Zheng’s troublesome Zhang Fei and Guan Yu. They all crooked and almost followed in the footsteps of their eldest brother.

Is this Gu Zheng a neurotic?

It is said that the families of the Jiangnan aristocratic families are too closely married, and this blood relationship is too close, and it is easy to give birth to dementia children.

Otherwise, these words are not like a normal person who can say it.

For a while, both Guan Yu and Zhang Fei took the reins very consciously and decided not to touch the mold of Lu Bu that was about to explode, so as not to be accidentally injured.

Sure enough, Lu Bu heard what Gu Zheng said. After a short period of sluggishness, he was furious.

Angrily, he swept the feather of the chicken duster on the back of his hat, swung Fang Tian's halberd in his hand, and rushed towards Gu Zheng's direction.

While stabbing with a halberd, I didn't forget to ask: "Bastard! Could it be that you missed my foster father's Diao Niang?"

and many more?

Who is Diao Niang?


This sentence, what Gu Zheng said was sloppy. After hearing this nonsense sentence, he looked back at the back of his head with joy.

Diao Chan, have you heard?

There is someone in his heart, that person is Diao Niang, not Ren Niang.

Wow haha, now, your expectations of Lu Bu are about to fall to the bottom, right?

Diao Chan, who was standing on the viewing platform, knew this behavior very well, but Lu Bu, who was directly fighting Gu Zheng, didn't know.

Lu Bu saw Gu Zheng's reaction, and thought it was an expression of his disdain for Lu Fengxian.

Seeing this, Lu Fengxian, who was even more angry, then asked: "Say! How did you get to know Diao Niang!"

And Gu Zheng, who turned his head again, with a bit of curiosity, clamored up with the silver gun in his hand, and used the most sincere tone when he solved Lu Bu's first stabbing with skill. Asked: "Who is Diao Niang?"

"Wow! You don't know who Diao Niang is? Then why do you want my woman?"

"and many more?"

Gu Zheng once again turned his head to avoid Lu Bu's trick, cut eggs and cut roots in three ways, and accused Lu Bu with a very serious expression that looked like a guilty man. Egg! I ask you, do you remember Ren Hongchang under the western hillside?"

It was this roar that brought Lubula back to his most miserable and helpless teenage years.

The small mountain village surrounded by the memory of suffering gradually emerged in his mind.

In that mountain village, there are his poor past that he can't bear to look back, and his sick and weak parents who died early.

What else is there besides these?

There are also neighbors, because they saw him being tall and burly since childhood, so he made a baby kiss for him early.

And how old was the girl who was called her fiancé, and what was it like at that time?

All of this, after reverberating in Lu Bu's mind, there was only a vaguely small figure with crochet braids left.

"So, you are here for my fiancée in the village?"


"Hehe, the one who snatched his wife is quite righteous and arrogant?"

"Haha, that's not better than that. I haven't heard from him for many years, hung the title of fiancé, and still be merciful. It's a scumbag who mistakenly happily came from!"

The two men were fighting, but the moves under their hands were not idle.

Not only that, but the older the two are getting more angry, their moves are in accordance with each other's vitals.

The place where you are struggling is still the most important part of men.

What a handsome face, the vital male dog's waist, and the most important organ in the human body, the kidney, and so on.

Why do they greet you like this?

Its purpose is self-evident.

This is like two peerless beauties getting together, it is difficult to be a confidant girlfriend, two equally good men, now there are only comparisons left.

What's more, a person is blatantly holding a spoon to dig into the corner of the wall that the other person has already fallen down. Although the other person has never cared about it, it is always unreasonable.

At this time, the three brothers Liu Guan and Zhang, who were closest to the two outside the battle circle, watched with expressionless expressions at the two people in the station circle fighting to death.

Liu Bei, who was slowing down, after a long time of silence, weakly asked a word that he had wanted to ask a long time ago.

"Second brother, third brother, you said, what strength did Lu Fengxian use during the battle with him just now?"

Even if he didn't want to admit it anymore, this open-minded Guan Yu still uttered his guess that was very close to the answer: "Six points."

"Then, when meeting with Gu Zheng at this time, how good did the two play?"

Guan Yu suffocated his breath for a long time, and then returned again: "Twelve points for real."

"So, even if I successfully broke into the battle circle just now, the three of us fought against Lu Bu in this battle, I am afraid that this is not Lu Fengxian's opponent?"

"So at this time, Gu Zheng, who was fighting with Lu Bu to death, didn't see half of his decline. Doesn't that mean that Gu Zheng's children's skills are similar to those of Na Lu Fengxian?"

Having said this, Liu Bei, who had found the location of the sneak attack, was speechless.

Seeing the situation in the battle, if Gu Zheng wins, the people next to him will say that Gu Zheng saw the decline of the three, so he took the initiative to save Liu Bei's life.

And if Gu Zheng was reluctant to lose, people would also say that Gu Zheng indirectly died for him.

Whatever happened to the end, it was not his ineffective Liu Bei.

It's a pity that the ability of my second and third brothers, and the reputation that they have worked so hard just now, are gone.

After being entangled by this halfway Gu Zheng, I am afraid that after this match, no one knows him Gu Yuansu, but no one recognizes him Liu Guanzhang.

How can it be so difficult to get out!

The three brothers who were so sad for a while were silly.

However, the confrontation between Gu Lu in the field became more and more anxious.

Because of the clever Gu Zheng, apart from fighting, he can still analyze some details that are not enough for outsiders.

For example...

"The reason why you think of that dire girl for the first time, I think, she must be your sweetheart?"

"Let me speculate. You, Lu Fengxian, originally belonged to Ding Yuan and served as a civilian in the army."

"I can't see any woman waiting for a while, so this girl is definitely not you met after you left home until Ding Yuan's term expired."

"And the rest of the time you follow Dong Zhuo. Although the name given to you is pretty good, righteous son, county magistrate, and Zhong Lang general, but in fact your duty should be Dong Zhuo's personal protection. Role."

"Then the problem comes."

"You live with Dong Zhuo, who is so afraid of death and always being stabbed, every day. Where do you know that Diao girl?"

"It must be in the backyard of Dong Zhuo's house."

"Since it's a girl, it can't be Dong Zhuo's concubine, it must be a close-knit maid, or the kind of more favored and important close-knit maid who can often appear in front of you."

"Long night, lonely, empty and cold,

Single men and women, dry firewood and raging flames. "

"Well, you must have the beginning and the end, and the beginning and the end are very intimate and inhumane."

"Then the question is coming. For Dong Zhuo, who is very suspicious and moody, if he learns that you have slept with his private property, how will he react?"

"After all, this powerful general, but he is a man who throws lethal weapons at you when he doesn't agree with him."

"If it weren't for Lu Fengxian, you're a martial artist, I'm afraid you would have been in a different place now, where did the idle time come from here to fight and kill me?"

"You said, my analysis is correct? Lu Stinky?"

After Gu Zheng's analysis of this article was completed, the hands that matched his match fluttered, revealing a huge flaw.

There is a way, my guess is really correct.

Taking advantage of your illness, killing you, it’s not easy for Lu Feng to leak a flaw on the battlefield facing the enemy. Gu Zheng, who is not at all polite to him, then gave his spear tip to him. Past.


A pillar of blood spurted out The wind-bearing arm of Fang Tian's halberd dance also hung down.

"Gu Zheng child, you... despicable and shameless!"

What I said, I didn't have much confidence.

These days, playing dirty is a commendable strategy, as long as the result is good, it is commendable.

Gu Zheng, who was not ashamed but proud, took advantage of this flaw...Finally used his mortal skill, the reflexive bow.

This is what he learned from the master who was best at archery on the grassland with the Mongolian people.

It is a means of life-saving in a crisis situation.

In this world, it was an honor for him to use it on Lu Fengxian for the first time.


ps: "The Veteran Doesn't Die" by Jiu Shiye, military article, seedlings. You can take a look if you like

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