The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 766: Lu Bujie, the beauty returns

At this moment, Gu Zheng clamped the long spear in his hand to his side. The bow on his back was not untied, he took it to the front end and took it into his hand.

On the contrary, I was carrying my back, drawing a feather arrow from the arrow basket on the other side based on my feelings, turning his body sideways to the front, and bend the bow directly behind his backhand to shoot arrows. It was all cultivated by years of practice. Feeling of the hand, the unexpected arrow was sent.

This arrow, carrying a terrifying piercing through the air, and a solemn killing, went straight to the back of Lu Bun's head when he turned and retreated.

If this arrow hits the real place, then this person Zhong Lu Bu will die on the spot, becoming another dead soul under Gu Zheng's name.

But Lu Fengxian, after all, is different from ordinary people.

He flicked his ears, knowing that something was wrong, he squatted on the horse's back regardless of his own image, and rolled off the red rabbit horse for fear that he couldn't avoid it.

Just when Gu Zheng missed a hit and was about to rush, and stab at his back again, Lu Fengxian, who had fallen to the ground halfway, took the horse's rein, and a lazy donkey rolled towards him. After rolling forward one by one in front of him, he ran back towards his camp without looking back.

This speed is called a fast.

Not only did Gu Zheng's second attack stabbed a void, it didn't count.

When Gu Zheng retracted his gun, held the reins, and turned his horse's head to chase him, there was only a puff of yellow smoke left in front of him, and Lu Bu had disappeared long ago.

As for why the smoke is so big?

This has to say about Lu Fengxian's unique skills, and then kicked his legs, which is a dog-style escape.

Not only can it dig out the dust and mist that interferes with the enemy's sight, but it can also use the reaction force of the back kick to save time and effort.

Seeing this, Gu Zheng, who had lost his goal, was half depressed. He laughed, and used his spear that reflected the brilliant light to pick it in the direction of the red rabbit horse. The reins of the BMW were picked up.

The red horse that was going to stab, after Gu Zheng's eyes passed, it cleverly followed Gu Zheng's lead and followed him.

It was not until this time that the allied forces confirmed that their biggest difficulty against Hulao Pass was finally resolved.

Wu Jun Gu's family, Gu Yuansu, became famous in the first battle.

So here comes the problem.

What should everyone do next after the winner is determined?

Does this need to be asked?

Point your troops together, take advantage of the **** of the opponent being beaten, and in the moment of uncertainty, take advantage of the victory to chase and directly attack Hulao Pass!

For a time, meeting allied forces over a dozen princes, they rushed to the past while screaming.

That's a mess in one's own camp.

Even Yuan Shao, the so-called leader, can't care about any eggs now, one or two, just thinking about vying for credit.

Just when the enemy is in chaos as well as his own, what did Gu Zheng, the creator of the greatest credit, go for?

Hehe, he graciously passed Liu Guanzhang's three people. When passing by Liu Bei's side, he patted the other person on the shoulder and said, "Don't thank me... "After that, I knew I would be beaten if I stayed, so I hurried to the place where the rear army was stationed.

"Hey! I have a bad temper! Second brother, don't stop me, I'll never stop with this kid today!"

Zhang Bailian yelled, planning to fight Gu Zheng for three hundred rounds.

But whoever came up with it, after Gu Zheng passed by, the horse ran fast.

When passing a group of people from the Allied Forces who were going to come forward to chat with them, they didn't slow down half a minute.

And his goal was also very clear, heading straight to Diao Chan's location.

He was like this with one person and two horses, with no one beside him, only the girl with flying skirts on the high platform was left in his eyes.

"Diao Chan! I'm back!"

"This is my explanation to you, and this horse is the trophy I gave you. The token of love is a bit shabby, so don't dislike it."

By coincidence, Guan Yu, who was passing by Gu Zheng, heard:...

You still say this is a vulgar thing, don't give it to me! I am also very handsome!

Of course, how could Diao Chan on the high platform dislike it?

Since the moment she recognized Lu Bu, she has put aside the last bit of memory and put all her heart on Gu Zheng's body.

Her childhood playmate is still alive and well, and her heart is let go.

It's time to accept your own happy life and say goodbye to previous sufferings.

And her current lover is Gu Zheng, now and in the future, if there is an afterlife, she will still follow her husband for the rest of her life.

Therefore, when Gu Zheng rushed towards her, the woman standing on the high platform, who had always been calm and steady, rushed towards the world-famous hero like a soft spring breeze.

After Gu Zheng's words were finished, this beautiful figure suddenly plunged into the arms of Gu Zheng, who had already turned over and dismounted, and buried his full face in the arms of this not majestic man. .

The pale pink drapery hat, like a turbulent feather, fell precariously, making it tickled at the heart and body as well as the beauty of Gu Zheng in her arms.

Time seems to be still at this moment, and both he and she hope that this moment will last forever.

It's a pity that the current situation can't help anyone here have a love for children.

Diao Chan, who focused on the overall situation, only posted it for a while, then half pushed Gu Zheng's armor, and got out of that warm embrace.

In order to alleviate the embarrassment of leaving suddenly, Diao Chan also sniffed her rather delicate nose very cooperatively: "Hey, there is a smell of sweat, if nothing happens after the war, I will help you dress up."

"I just cut a new jacket for you a while ago. I got the model from your usual embroiderer. I don't know if you fit it."

Hearing these words, Gu Zheng felt warm in his heart. With a hippy smile, he scratched Diao Chan’s nose with his fingers, and returned with a smile: “Don’t worry, after we get married, I will let you measure for your husband every day. size."

"If it is inappropriate once, we will measure it again. Let's measure it every day, night and night, three or four times a day, no, no, three or four times depends on the situation."

"Anyway, I must satisfy the lady's volume!"

These words made Diao Chan, who had not been freed from Gu Zheng's arms, flushed.

And just when Diao Chan was about to use her unique skills in the palace, to get a needle in Dafa, the pig teammate, Cao Cao, who was assisted by the gods..., jumped out again in an untimely manner.

"Gu Yuansu, the big business is not good! When is this, you are still here chatting about love."

"Do you know that those shameless people have now ordered their soldiers and horses together and rushed towards the direction of Hulao Pass."

"This is to grab the head start!"

"If they break through the Hulao Pass like this, what else is there for our brothers!"

Hearing Cao Cao's non-spoofing words, Gu Zheng smiled slightly. He leaned in Diao Chan's ear and whispered: "Go back and wait for me!" After such multi-meaning words, he turned with the most disdainful smile. Looking back, he stared at Cao Cao blankly.

Seeing Cao Cao here, it was a flustered heart. He took a step back while whistling, and said puzzledly: "No, Brother Gu, I'm not a beautiful woman. You look at me with straight hair."

Gu Zheng felt that he had seen enough, but he draped the cloak behind him on his shoulders and asked Cao Cao back: "The reason why we assembled the army in the first place, what was the main purpose of the alliance here?"

"Set out the chaos anyway, help the Han Dynasty, assist the young emperor, and not be held hostage by the gangsters."

"Yes, this is the banner played by our princes from all walks of life, but how many people really think this way?"

"Cao Mengde, I'm Gu Zheng here to say something, no matter what others think, Gu Yuansu, I really do it in this way."

"Therefore, the reason why I am not in a hurry now is because I know that even though this Hulao Pass has lost Lu Bu, it will not be easily overcome by others."

"The princes of all walks of life have their own personal thoughts."

"With this kind of joint force, there is not even a command to prohibit it, but there is no real commander in command."

"How can they easily overcome this known as the most difficult Hulao Pass?"

"Don't say that I'm not interesting enough, these people's forces were not prepared for the young emperor anyway, and it became a scourge to leave it to the end."

"Why don't you consume a little bit of life and death first here."

"No way, when they find out their wishful thinking, they will stop."

"After this battle, there will always be people who really want to do something for the Han Dynasty."

"When I find a like-minded let's point at Luoyang again and conquer Dong Zhuo's thieves in one fell swoop."

The voice of these words was not loud, and the rear army who had already assembled and left the spectator stage, only Cao Cao and Gu Zheng were left.

Cao Cao, irritated by Gu Zheng's remarks, secretly clenched his fists.

"I know that Gu Yuansu is a gentleman who can truly communicate with each other."

"I, Cao Mengde, would like to form an alliance with Gu Yuansu to contribute to Dahan Jiangshanjin's own strength."

"Never let the country of the Han Dynasty fall into the hands of ambitions. If there are people with this kind of mind in the allied army, I will not let it go easily because of the past friendship."

Hearing Cao Cao's promise, Gu Zheng smiled. He gently took the two very well-behaved horses beside him, and walked slowly in the direction of his camp.

It's just that at the last moment when people left, he threw a plausible word at Cao Cao: "Brother Meng De, I naturally believe in you, but I hope you will always remember what you said today."

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