The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 800: Is this a gold finger?

The Three Treasures at this time, with a little bit of care and mystery, after confirming that it was dead at night at this time, under Gu Zheng's gaze, he put his little hand under his bedding.

The position he stretched out was exactly the treasure chest that Gu Zheng had explored.

As for the small wooden board, Chen Sanbao picked it up so easily, and when he explored it, he took out a large amount of money from under the grid board.

It wasn't until this time that Gu Zheng figured out, for whom this small hole was prepared for.

Chen Sanbao's small hand stretched through the small door, unobstructed.

When his master first designed this secret grid, he prepared it for his son.

Seeing Gu Zheng's eyes slightly surprised, Chen Sanbao scratched his head a little embarrassedly, and stuffed the newly grabbed handful of money into Gu Zheng's hands.

"Ahem, my father is off work at night, and he always stuffs money here."

"It's usually late then, my dad thought I was asleep and didn't know."

"Actually, sometimes when I am awake, I naturally look through my eyes."

"Hey, brother, I used to take advantage of my father's carelessness, and I've done so many times."

"Do you still remember the bud sugar in my hand? I got it for a lot of money."

Okay, what a thief.

But Master really didn’t know that Chen Sanbao took the money?

I'm afraid you know it, right?

It's just that a lot of clues are revealed quietly towards the Three Treasures in the daily actions.

If Gu Zheng's master hadn't left in a hurry, even if his master passed away, he would carry the Three Treasures alone, and he might be able to live a very good life this day.

The master of the client respected Gu Zheng for three points, and he was not polite with the Sambo.

After he took the money, he exhorted one more sentence: "Don't tell a third person about this matter, just take it as your father to continue to keep this secret."


After finishing this matter, the Three Treasures took the quilt and stuffed their heads in, facing him with their buttocks, and said today's farewell words.

"Brother, you should go to bed early. Also, be alert at night. If I call you, you have to answer me."

I am afraid.

Chen Sanbao didn't say this last sentence. His father said that he would be six years old after the Chinese New Year. When that time comes, he will set aside a single room for him to sleep by himself.

Because, when he was six years old, he was an older child.

And the older kids, don’t you want to be afraid of the dark?

Gu Zheng didn't know what Chen Sanbao's little brain was thinking.

But when he returned to the client's house, Gu Zhengke really had to sigh with emotion.

This room where the client lived, although it was a compartment opened on the side of the blacksmith shop.

But looking at the furnishings and daily necessities in this, it can be seen that the master of his family has never really treated him harshly.

Although I haven't paid wages, but the cost of food and clothing is the most appropriate.

If you touch the thick bedding on the couch, you won't be a crooked, sweet-skinned stuffed person.

Since he can treat an apprentice who has no relatives and no reason in this way, then in the client's memory, his master did not leave him anything, it is a bit unreasonable.

Therefore, the bamboo slips with many symbols that Gu Zheng can't understand are recorded in the wooden box. Thinking about it is the crux of the problem.

If Gu Zheng didn't make a mistake in guessing, this should be the only written thing left to Gu Zheng or Chen Sanbao?

But what are these unintelligible circle triangles?

Gu Zheng, who didn’t understand for a while, was really thinking about it. He listened to the watchman on the outside and beat the drums three times, and planned to temporarily put this unsolved mystery away. After finishing all the chores around, come and solve the puzzles with peace of mind.

After thinking clearly, Gu Zheng turned his head and blew out the oil lamp in the house.

I fell into a small dark room, but within a short time, I heard the sound of snoring after falling asleep.

This night, Gu Zheng slept quite unsteadily.

He is tired!

Because he found that once he fell into unconscious deep sleep, his client’s memories of a long time ago were blurred in his sleep, like a movie, which was enlarged countless times. In the sea of ​​divine consciousness, it kept playing in a loop.

And these memories that have been played back and forth are all related to the livelihood in the forge.

Some are forging techniques and techniques that Gu Zheng has learned from Master, and some are small details that even the client himself has forgotten. Master has ordered or taught them.

Not only that, when he started work in the blacksmith's shop on weekdays, the master's way of handling timekeeping that he had watched on the sidelines or accidentally took up more than half of this memory.

With such a series of Gu Zheng in his sleep, he unexpectedly discovered that this is a very systematic process from the learning of the junior blacksmith apprentice to the trainer.

I really don't know how the client of this world learned it in the first place.

After so many years, I was treated as a fool by my own master. It was only a step in arranging forging, and I didn't even learn a few tricks.

Now that there is such an opportunity in his dream, can Gu Zheng miss it?

This is really drowsy. Someone gave a pillow, so let's study hard.

When people were awake, Gu Zheng had to wait on the young ones and would have to spend his brains to walk down the road in the future, but he couldn't rest when he was sleeping, and he had to study hard when he was energetic.

No world is so strenuous as this world, it's spinning around the clock for 24 hours.

When this person is tired, it will be easy to bring out the face.

Sleeping is equivalent to Gu Zheng who was not sleeping. When he received a guest who came to pay his respects to his master the next day, a statue was hung on that face.

A boy with a pale face, chapped lips, and dull eyes, paired with a wrinkled linen shirt that he didn't have time to change in the evening, when he stood at the door of the welcoming guest, he was still swaying like a weak willow in the wind. .

This makes everyone see it and only feels that it is miserable!

Neighbors who originally didn't care for the face are not hard-hearted, and they will be a little bit sullen.

And those friends and clients who had some friendships and relationships with Chen Tiejiang, don't even mention it in their hearts.

Few of these people were poor people who couldn't make it through. After seeing Gu Zheng's appearance, they temporarily increased a bit on top of the original gift list.

This can be regarded as a crooked beating, so that Gu Zheng, who was arrogantly entering the mourning hall while receiving the list, felt beautiful for a while in his heart.

But at this time he dared not be overjoyed.

Because this is the righteous man he intends to see, but he hasn't seen it yet.

This person is not far from his master, and he is Huang Dahe, the supervisor of the current Ping County Government Office's workshop.

I think that when Master was responsible for forging in the Chang'an official workshop, this Huang Dahe was Master’s worker.

Later, one was injured and withdrew from the government office, while the other was transferred to Ping County by chance and was responsible for overseeing the maintenance of weapons in the government-run workshops as well as the upgrading and re-recycling of products.

Because even if Gu Zheng’s master quit Chang'an, he still kept in touch with his old friends in the original After learning that Huang Dahe was coming to Ping County, although the relationship between the two was It can only be regarded as an acquaintance, but it does not prevent Chen Tiejiang from trying to connect this face-saving love.

The reason why the Chen family’s blacksmith shop is able to open in Pingxian County is that if the reputation of He Shui ink prevents the ruffians who come to look for trouble, then Huang Dahe’s support is his blacksmith. The most fundamental reason for the prosperous shop business.

How do the people in this city know about Chen Tiejiang's craftsmanship?

But after seeing that the official workshops have given him a part of volunteer work, can everyone understand the craftsmanship of Tiejiang Chen?

This is Chen Tiejiang's biggest help in Ping County.

But now that Tiesmith Chen has fallen, the only scent of incense has ceased.

People can look at the friendship with those who worked in the official workshops, and give you a few unimportant jobs.

But this person is dead like a lamp, and Huang Dahe doesn't even need to help even your apprentice's share.

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