If your chosen successor doesn't even have the ability to prop up a shop, why bother to risk offending the local snake for a boy who doesn't have any affection.

Therefore, in the world experienced by the original client, Huang Dahe pretended to be deaf and dumb and ignored the persecution of He Shui.

As for the end of the trouble, I don't know if this person is just a symbolic character in the original owner's impression. Is there any anxiety in his heart?

But these things are not the things that Gu Zheng is now scrupulous about. He doesn't have time to ponder and analyze it carefully, because now Huang Dahe only wears plain clothes, with a white linen belt tied around his waist, and the one with his hands on his back has already reached the point. It's in front of the door.

Looking forward to the righteous Gu Zheng, he straightened his back for a few minutes and put on a simple face. The moment he met Huang Dahe, the big man burst into tears.

"Uncle Huang, I am looking forward to you! My master went too suddenly!"

"Uncle! My Chen Ji Blacksmith's is causing you trouble!"

"Uncle, I'm not a person who doesn't know good or bad. Master always told me when he was alive, you are a great kindness to my shop in Ping County."

"You can't forget your roots when you are a man. After my master's coffin is buried, five days, no, three days later, I will fix all the work that I dragged last time."

"You don't need to collect it, I will send it to you."

This crying was sincere and sincere, causing the people in the half-full room that was standing behind Gu Zheng to cry.

Many people also helped to respond with Gu Zheng.

"Yes, made by Huang Jian, this person needs to be separated from each other. Gu Zheng is not easy. He alone supported his master's affairs, but he didn't even gritted his teeth. throat."

"But as soon as I saw you, I cried out. It can be seen that I really regarded you as his own relatives."

When everyone said that, Huang Dahe looked at the horrible situation of the child named Gu Zheng in front of him with a nose and tears. The other party's words were accepted.

"Since you called me uncle, what else can I criticize you for? The job is not an important job. After you are busy with your master, you will come to me again."

"I know what you are worried about, don't worry, when you are free, come find me in the official workshop and give me your craft."

"If there is not much difference, you will continue to work for him if your master continues to work with me in the future."

"It's the same for everyone. It doesn't matter to you outsiders. Don't worry, your Uncle Huang is not the one who has fallen into trouble."

The premise is that you have the real ability to take over.

I'll talk about this later, but after this cry, the network of the government-run workshop was not lost by Gu Zheng, but was contacted again. Then his purpose of crying was achieved.

The rest is much simpler.

And the unstupid He Shumo was really unequivocal, and he really went to the funeral of Master Gu Zheng to worship himself.

After seeing the figure of Huang Dahe, when he looked at Gu Zheng, his smile became more sincere.

This is really a master who is not easy to fool, which made Gu Zheng, who buried the master's coffin smoothly, a little alert in his heart.

Little people have their own shrewdness. When dealing with them, you still have to be careful.

After thinking about these things, Gu Zheng, who was guarding the edge of Chen Sanbao's bed, looked up at the current time.

Because of Master's burial, even if Chen Sanbao's own son was sick and unable to go to the kang, he still had to accompany the guests to watch Master's coffin fall into the ground for safety.

After so many wanderings, even though most of Chen Sanbao's things were carried out by Gu Zheng, the children were not resistant to tossing. After this day, the illnesses that had improved somewhat relapsed.

Gu Zheng finally coaxed him to take the medicine, and it was almost evening before he had time to come and go to his workshop shop.

Because Gu Zheng had a guess that he needed to verify in person, he wanted to see what kind of change that inexplicable dream could bring to him in reality.

Anxious Gu Zheng walked fast under his feet.

It was only when he entered the center of a cold-hearted shop that he hadn't entered for many days, only to discover how much his master in this world had put in this shop.

Although, Gu Zheng, who has gone through several worlds, has never made iron.

However, he couldn't hold back his close contacts with officials from the Ministry of Industry and Weapons and Yamen.

Coupled with the technical contact and understanding of weapon structure and gunpowder improvement that I had learned with Sun's father.

He still has a basic understanding of the structure of a blacksmith's shop.

And the foundry facilities in the Chen's blacksmith's shop, let alone ordinary folk workshops, are not much worse than the official workshops in counties and counties.

From the furnace for refining mineral deposits, to the wind box that provides high-temperature performance, from the blower that blows in the carbon powder metal mixture, to the abrasive tool that dumps the liquid iron, there is no shortage.

Not to mention that in the middle of the smithy, the casting table that occupies the largest area can be used as a machine tool.

When using later words to describe the facilities of the blacksmith shop at this time, there is one word that fits perfectly.

That is ahead.

All of them are the best tools at the moment, and these external conditions have been created like this. If Gu Zheng still can't put up a decent posture, it's too unreasonable.

After taking a deep breath, Gu Zheng followed the instructions in his memory, and he came to the toolbox visited by the side of the shop.

From among the hammers of different models, I naturally pulled out a hammer that I usually use.

He weighed it slightly in his hand, and after finding a feeling, he never opened the oven to start the fire. Instead, he stood on the bare forging platform and closed his eyes and became refreshed.

At this time, in the blacksmith's shop, because of the sky, it was completely dark. Standing in the middle of Gu Zheng, the aura on his body was getting more and more vigorous, but his breathing was getting slower and slower.

In the end, in this big shop, he couldn't even hear his slight breathing.

And at this moment, Gu Zheng suddenly opened his eyes, and his arm, which hadn't been changed for a long time, followed suit.

'when! ’

The sound of the sledgehammer hitting the forging table was short and crisp, but such a short sound, before it fell, ‘When! ’...The second sound followed immediately.

In the beginning, this kind of percussive sound can still maintain a steady rhythm, but after such a sound rang more than a dozen times, the interval between the sound and the sound gradually shortened.

At the end, the voice sounded more and more urgently, like raindrops hitting the beams of the room, and the jewels fell to the flat plate like a gust of rain.

‘Dangdangdangdang! ’

The sound became shorter and shorter, and faster and faster, so that the hearts of the people who heard it were picked up, and the breath was breathless.

However, Gu Zheng, who had made such a distracted movement, fell into a very mysterious state at this time.

At this time, he has completely integrated into the actions shown in the dream of last night, not only copied it perfectly, but also fell into a state of unexplainable epiphany~www.readwn.com~ If Huang Dahe was standing in front of Gu Zheng's eyes now, he would be exclaimed if he knew how to do it. Maybe if he got hot, he would turn Gu Zheng into his own name.

That's because for the craftsmen, simple imitation and skilled repetition can only be called a craftsman, and only those who have their own insights and flashing ideas can be called masters.

They can meet the unattainable state, which is now reflected in Gu Zheng's body, how can they not let them pay attention?

It's a pity that Gu Zheng's master is no longer there, and in this quiet shop, there is only Gu Zheng alone.

Therefore, Gu Zheng, who broke out of this state because of exhaustion, had no other feelings other than a hint of joy.

"it is as expected!"

Gu Zheng's joyful direction is not right.

The reason why Gu Zheng was happy was because he discovered that the effect he had practiced with himself in his dreams last night was reflected in the day today.

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