Gu Zheng had already anticipated the previous decree, but it was only sooner or later.

It’s just that this second order is different from what he imagined that the imperial court would send someone down to study and exchange the recipe with other things in his hands. Instead, he transferred him to the Chang'an official office and praised the imperial court’s iron. rice bowl.

It can be seen that the emperor sitting above paid a rare amount of attention to the craftsmen.

I am afraid that soon, he will start from this aspect, with no small actions.

That's good, the more you pay attention, the more bargaining chips he can negotiate, but the order came suddenly, and the things behind him still need a lot of time to turn around.

Gu Zheng, who received the transfer order, thought quite well, but the people under the workshop at the court were waiting a little anxious.

In these days, they have worked **** these boxes of steel ingots.

High-temperature remelting, reworking, and forging research up and down have already removed most of these raw materials.

But in the end, they didn't let them work out why.

But the big box containing the two types of steel ingots saw the bottom.

This makes the craftsmen in all processes from forging to smelting look forward to Gu Zheng's arrival.

For this matter, the government work order in charge of the workshop also sent two official letters to Gu Zheng urging the promotion of Chang'an.

However, Gu Zheng in Ping County did not panic, still acting at his own pace.

He still has such a big industry in Pingxian. If you say you lose it, you will lose it. This is not Gu Zheng's style.

At this time, his original preparations for the rainy day were reflected.

The two brothers he bought, with his training, can already handle the basic tasks of the folks.

As for this family, his young and old holding the deed will be stationed in Ping County, leaving a brother to guard the shop, and there is always a basic income every month, lukewarm or lukewarm.

The other brother followed him, Gu Zheng, to Beijing to clean up the new shop.

Now that I have gone to a high place, I went to Chang'an, and according to my own ability, I would like to have some time to expand and reproduce my own shop.

At that time, I can leave Chen Sanbao a way out, and also leave a way to make money for the original owner of this body.

Therefore, this cleanup is very complete.

Not only did Gu Zheng put all the money in the award order on the ox cart, together with his usual tools, the commemorative objects left by Master during his lifetime, the total number of pieces... but everything that can be moved away. He was strapped to the car together.

Fortunately, Ping County is only a few dozen miles away from Chang'an City. If it is a long distance, this crime is really not something a child can bear.

Gu Zheng’s arrangements here are already calculated. He also borrowed the light of the **** team from the official workshop that transported supplies to Chang'an City in the county, so that they could arrive in Chang'an smoothly and unimpeded with so many luggages. He entered the capital with towering blue walls.

The first thing Gu Zheng did when he arrived in Chang'an was to find an official middleman. He would rather spend more money than buy a safe and comfortable house.

When he took the deed book with the official seal of the capital city government office and came out of the mansion, the five thousand dollars he had just received, and the reward of hardware... he went out bald.

The land price of this Chang'an city was terrifying, and the emperor rewarded him with this little money, and just asked Gu Zheng to buy a yard with a small door face on the north side of the city.

For this, I picked up a small bargain, which was allocated to him by the official yamen because he was about to go to work in the official workshop nearby.

This was originally an external undertaking under the workshop, and its initial role was to sell and promote some of the newly developed farm tools and tools developed by the imperial court.

However, in the past two years, not many new things have been produced in the workshop, and the ones that come and go are left unused there, leaving nothing but ashes.

Now it has been sold to Gu Zheng's name through the hands of this little official, who is also at the top of the workshop, indirectly showing favor to this new young man.

Because talents are rare, but those who can share their own recipes are even rarer.

Gu Zheng's step-by-step movements understood that he intended to show the appearance of this prescription.

Regardless of what he was drawing, let the craftsmen in the whole workshop take a high look. While being grateful, they were all considered to have inherited his Gu Zheng's kindness.

Because in this year and month, the artisan announces the process of his own skills, just like a doctor showing his ancestral secret recipe... not easy.

In public and private, when Gu Zheng took out the steel ingot rationing and process, he was already nominally half a skill teacher for this group of craftsmen of all ages.

Therefore, they can still do it by giving this young man a little more convenience and compensation where it doesn't matter.

It was this group of people who had this mentality that made Gu Zheng's purchase after entering Chang'an so smooth.

When Gu Zheng took the freshly-baked key and drove two heavy-duty bullock carts, rushing to his new home with large bags and small bags, the workshop belonged to Yamen Street, at the door of the small courtyard that Gu Zheng had just bought. Someone spontaneously began to clean up.

After Gu Zheng carried the sleepy Chen Sanbao on his back and looked out at their new home, before the long-unoccupied small courtyard, there was no sense of dilapidation and mess.

At this time, the dirt road in front of the door had already been sprinkled with water, and the double-push door panel of the front door was also wiped clean.

The gate of the yard that can be used as a shop after kicking the board is now half open. There are three or four sturdy men inside, holding brooms and dusters, and they are eager to clean up.

This hot scene made Gu Zheng think he had walked the wrong door.

He also deliberately took out the simple map marked on the house deed, turned it over and checked it twice.

After a group of outsiders hesitated so much, they made the people in the courtyard notice their existence. They were one or two, and they didn't care about cleaning up, so they ran out with a big grin.

"This is the new master forger, Mr. Gu Zheng, right? Oh, it's a well-deserved reputation, really young and promising!"

"Hehe, maybe you don't know a few of my brothers yet, but I'm not afraid of this, we will know each other after introducing each other."

"We are all the same, belonging to the artisans who forged the piece in the imperial government's workshop."

"You don’t have to go door-to-door to the neighbourhoods that live around here. After you get to work, the big guys will eat a meal together, and you will know that their doors are facing each other. Which way is it?"

"You're welcome, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. We are not only workers in an affiliated government office, but also neighbors who live together. This relationship is closer, isn't it?"

The reason is the same, but it didn’t come to the point of even seeing no one, so I rushed to clean the house.

So, if you have anything to say, let’s say it to your face. This makes me feel flustered.

Gu Zheng still didn't enter the door with Chen Sanbao on his back, his eyes still flickering with a bit of vigilance.

Those craftsmen are not really stupid either, they just slapped their thighs when they saw this, and went on to say the following.

"Hey, if you say this is a mess, I said that I can't play with Master Gu, because people have figured out so many new crafts at such a young age. Isn't it a bad brain?"

"Everyone still has something to say, so please be clear about that point of care in your heart."

After the headed man finished saying this sentence, he didn't pretend to be pretentious, and gave Gu Zheng a solid bow at the door with a puff, and shouted out his request like a mourning.

"Master Gu, after starting work tomorrow, I beg Master Gu to reserve my first place to study, Lao Feng!"

"My old Feng has been in art for fifteen years in an official workshop. I am absolutely proficient. I have taken care of all three major categories of craftsmanship."

"I don't ask Master Gu to give him a lesson. I only hope that my old Feng can give pointers from the sidelines. When the time comes, I can master a craft that can be used to provide for the elderly!"

"Hey! This Feng Laoyu, usually silent, jumps faster than anyone at a critical time!"

When the craftsman surnamed Feng has finished yelling, the two or three craftsmen behind him will react, and one or two will quarrel.

One said: "Master Gu, don't listen to him. You choose me. I have worked longer than him."

The other said: "You listen to Feng Laoyu boasting, why is he so anxious to follow you? It's not that he didn't have a craftsmanship before, and he couldn't get out of the workshop. That's why he wanted to find a way out of you. Are you going to thrash up again?"

"Don't believe him, it would be nice if he doesn't hold back you. Look at me, I am a specialized craftsman who has been specializing in forging for sixteen years! You can consider me!"

Oh, I see, these people are here to find a way out.

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