In this official workshop operated by the imperial court for many years, the craftsman inheritance is passed down from generation to generation.

From father to son, descendant from grandson to grandson, even the craftsmen belonging to the imperial court will leave a hand to their family in the matching and process of craft forging.

The skilled craftsmen recruited from various places in Chang'an were able to enrich the talents for the imperial court.

But in the same way, every household has to press down on the bottom of the box... to show it tighter.

Now suddenly there is an innovative talent like Gu Zheng, who can create two more advanced forging processes in such a short period of time.

Let those craftsmen who do not have the ability to press the bottom of the box see hope.

Because of continuous innovation, the confidentiality of secrets is not so important.

Moreover, this craftsman who is about to become the master forging is still so young, in the eyes of these years of old craftsmen, aren't there infinite possibilities?

People keep inventing better ones, but this market is so big, there are always some places where some people can't use such good materials to make less important things.

At that time, they have mastered some of the forging techniques, even if they have learned the old skills that were eliminated by Gu Zheng, when they are old and weak, they will be transferred to the place, and they will rely on what they have learned to eat. Have a bite of rice.

After understanding the purpose of this group of people, Gu Zheng had nothing to worry about.

He thought his family was worried by the thief.

That's fine, the original unfamiliar anxiety from the beginning is gone. With the help of these ‘disciples’ who sincerely take care of him, his future life... will never be separated.

Feeling comfortable, Gu Zheng replied happily: "Okay, it doesn't matter how many people, as long as you can talk about the arrangements in our workshop, and how many people follow me, I don't care."

Take a look, this is an expression of super confidence in his own skills.

But the more Gu Zheng said so, the more respectful those people's expressions were.

Learning from a capable master is something that can be met but not sought. Even if people just show up from their fingers, it is enough for them to pass on from their descendants. From today on, they can be regarded as people of factional inheritance.

This meeting ended successfully in the joy of everyone.

After the group of neighbours worked together to clean up, Gu Zheng not only lived in the room of Ming Waliang, ate a warm meal, and slept a rare night's sleep.

This evening, a brand-new steel casting technique once again emerged in his dream, and while he was watching, he recorded relevant technical points and tool information.

When he reported to the official workshop on the second day, Gu Zheng was still physically exhausted, but his spirit had reached a point of excitement.

The cells in his body seem to be clamoring non-stop, hurry up, hurry up to test whether the process that is constantly playing back in his mind can be successful.

Yesterday’s gradual dream state, the technical process taught was called the method of filling steel.

This technique that has truly flourished a hundred years later is one of the necessary materials for later generations of military swords and iron swords.

If this skill can be restored, then the materials of military weapons of the Han Dynasty will have a qualitative leap.

In the original weapon's blade, if only one layer of iron craftwork was cast, all the weapons would immediately be invincible like shotguns for guns.

How could this not make Gu Zheng excited.

With the introduction of the steel filling method, the dream of casting a famous knife is about to come true!

Gu Zheng was impatient, and he just said it.

He deliberately got up early, and when black smoke came out from the chimney of the workshop furnace, he went to the front clerical office to register without stopping.

With a surprised expression on the knife and penman's face, he snatched the number plate that represented the master forging identity in the opponent's hand, without raising his head... and went straight to the big forging workshop.


In the government-run blacksmith workshops of the Han Dynasty, the internal structure is progressive.

The location of the entrance, which is also the closest part to the auxiliary material transportation warehouse, is where the smelting furnace is located.

In one day, I would light the bell and start the furnace. Following the flow of soft or hard mineral water in the huge furnaces, I came to the second major section of the workshop.

The area here is larger than the first part, but the structure is a long and narrow structure.

According to the forging, fusion, casting, grinding and other processes, when you walk through the middle aisle, you can clearly see where each part is. If there is a problem in which link, it is a check one by one. .

It is a rare, efficient and useful design for the official workshops of mass production.

After walking through the forging workshop, the layout changed abruptly. It was no longer a semi-open building space that opened and closed. Instead, it had to pass through a dark corridor and arrive at the back of the square shaped lobby. , Was considered to be the end of the airtight.

Finally, the last step of the weapon is melted and molded, cooled and solidified, and polished.

After completing all the procedures, the weapons were sealed in special boxes, affixed with the corresponding labels of the official weapon shop, and transported from the storage warehouse by the higher-level department in the affiliated government office.

This weapon, which was released after a long circle, will be seen in the hands of the soldiers again and play their ultimate role.


As for the place where Gu Zheng is going now, it is the second largest section in the workshop, and it is also the part of the smelting and reconciliation with the most complete process flow and the clearest segmentation.

There, he was the first craftsman to step in today, and when he walked to this most advanced workshop at the time, he only patrolled the equipment and facilities and operating room. The tools have been clarified.

With Gu Zheng in his heart, his men kept going.

He took off his outer robe three times, put on the apron that he used to run through during the day, untied the heavy toolbox behind his back, picked up the hammer that he used to use inside, and tapped the iron nozzle. As soon as the valve at the mouth of the plug was pulled, the corresponding whitish molten iron in the high-temperature furnace flowed into the workbench in front of him along a long channel.

"No, not alone."

After getting started, Gu Zheng discovered that the process of filling steel skills taught by the vague figure teaching skills in his sleep could not be completed with one person and two hands.

Even if the corresponding materials don’t need to be refined by yourself.

But in the skill of filling steel, the process of mixing pig iron with wrought iron cannot be done by one person alone.

"It would be great if there were apprentices in this workshop, Zhao Da in my family is a rare and good helper."

Gu Zheng was staring at the red iron ingot in front of him and muttering to himself, an old face full of wrinkles suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Gu Zheng? What trouble have you encountered? You need help. Let me come. I am also a rare good helper!"

Seeing a person popping up silently in this empty place, Gu Zheng almost frightened off the hammer.

But Gu Zheng really couldn't get angry. He was a newcomer who opened the furnace for smelting without permission and quietly. He did not comply with the rules.

Looking at the old man's gray beard, shriveled torso, and the same shirtless shape, Gu Zheng breathed out in his heart.

I'm afraid this is another unsatisfactory old craftsman, so it should be no problem to let him help.

Thinking of Gu Zheng here, he smiled and politely said to the old man: "Okay, this master can be regarded as a great help to me."

"I'm trying a new technique here. It just needs the cooperation of many people."

"Did you see the drainage trough over there? I need the liquid material from the pig iron mouth in the orange flame furnace to mix it with the material produced in my high-temperature furnace."

"Then they are heated above the melting point of pig iron, and then they are made into steel."

"We may have to repeat the experiment several times. Because the molding process of this technique may not be limited to one."

"Different methods of operation have different final works and uses."

"I just don't know if the physical strength of the master can keep up with the rhythm of my operation."

"After all, your old man..." Gu Zheng stopped talking, but his eyes kept on the old man's thin body and the empty vest hanging on him.

The meaning is self-evident, your old physique may not be good.

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