The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 817: Who can be worth long live except me? (Twenty-seven/fifty)

The supervisor has already spoken, so what else can they complain about? They looked at the sealed furnace together in a regular manner, according to Gu Zheng's request, layer by layer. Seal the mud.

Not to mention, the flames underneath are burning vigorously, and the natural clay is on the surface of the high-temperature stove, and there is a tendency for ears to be dried in an instant.

The flames in the furnace provided oxygen for their continuous combustion, and in the end only the pores in the center of the rough mud remained.

At the end, the high-temperature clay pot wrapped in a ball finally did not see the slightest smell of fireworks.

The outsider Gu Zheng asked the apprentice who replaced him to continue stepping on the stove, removed the bellows, and sealed the last air hole.

Then, just wait quietly. You don't know what you are waiting for, just wait anyway.

When the little emperor took a group of guards and swayed to the center of the workshop again, he saw the following scene.


A group of black men squatting on the ground, surrounded by a huge mud bump, staring straightly.

Those who know this is waiting for the ingredients to come out, but those who don't know think they are waiting for the steamed buns to be eaten in a circle.

If you want to join in the fun, no one is better than this young emperor.

He waved his hand to stop the guards behind him from speaking out, untied the big fur on his body, tucked the hem of his robe, and squeezed into a gap in the group of people.

As he squeezed, he squatted down, not thinking of himself as an outsider.

"Hey, what are you doing, what are you doing, what are you waiting for?"

It's also a coincidence that it may be that the hearts of the people of the same age are in good spirits. The place where Liu Che squeezed past is exactly where Gu Zheng, the youngest in the crowd, is located.

This newcomer Gu Zheng has never seen the current emperor. When he heard the question and turned his face, he saw a young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, with a look that I was curious and told me quickly. Staring at him.

Suddenly... Gu Zheng was taken aback for a moment, and then he looked at Liu Che's hem naturally, and he had a general guess about the identity of the person in front of him.

Gu Zheng's face remained unchanged, he did not reveal Liu Che's identity, but he answered Liu Che's question very seriously and honestly.

"We are waiting for an updated material to appear."

"If it is lucky that a furnace succeeds, a quarter of an hour later, a tougher material will appear in our court's workshop, which can be used for the forging of today's weapons."

"If there is any technical name to name this new material, I would probably call this technology the steel filling method, and the resulting material would be named high-carbon steel."

"If this material is successfully smelted, it will bring me a qualitative leap in iron smelting in the Han Dynasty."

"It can speed up the efficiency of generation and increase the output of the workshop. At the very least, it will not make sophisticated weapons a scarce item, so that every soldier has the hope of being equipped with better weapons."

"You said, is it worth what we are waiting here now?"

After listening to Gu Zheng's explanation, Liu Che's eyes changed. He rarely put away his scornful form, and for the first time earnestly got his thumb up to Gu Zheng, and he replied: "Value! "

After saying this, Liu Che didn't say a word, but squatted together with a group of big old men, like watching a little widow taking a bath, looking at the soil in the middle.

‘Ding Dong’

Time passed smoothly and slowly, and the craftsman who was in charge of timing rang the small copper bell hanging on the side of the workshop to remind Gu Zheng that it was time to start the furnace.

And following this sound, the guys in a circle around the stove, one or two, stood up one after another, and cast their eager eyes on Gu Zheng's body.

Gu Zheng, who was being watched, had a long-handled sledgehammer in his hand, and after looking around, he yelled in a low voice with his low and hoarse voice, which was still in the stage of voice change, and said in a low voice: "Open the furnace, take the slot. , Drainage, forging!"

"The receiver is ready!"

After the sound fell, the sledgehammer in his hand was picked up high, wrapped in an indomitable momentum, and knocked down in the direction of the discharge port of the clay pot.



The sound is brighter than once, and the strength is lighter than once.

It was not until the third knocking sound that the protruding discharge port was knocked open by Gu Zheng's hammer.

The white and yellow open flame spewed out from the furnace mouth with a swish, but after it touched the cold air outside, it went out instantly with a swish.

This is the last trace of smoke and fire gas contained in the furnace by the mud, and the iron juice steaming with the white mist, along with the vent of this trace of flame, gushes out, and hits the assistant in the socket. After placing the notch in place for the benefit, he flowed along the trough to the same hot casting table in front of him.

"How? Is it done?"

With the appearance of these red liquids, one of the people around Gu Zheng gathered around this small forging platform, waiting for his judgment with scorching eyes.

"It's hard to say, you need to forge the finished product before you can judge."


Liu Che on the side was greatly disappointed, and immediately followed him with a loud sigh.

And just this scream is the complete pull back of everyone's mind.

These craftsmen, whose attention was all on the casting furnace, turned their heads and glared in the direction of the mourner.

Who is so ignorant? The reforms and innovations of this forging technique are completed with repeated attempts and repeated failures.

If you want to test the success of a new technique, you can only judge from the quality of the finished product again and again.

Isn't this the basic common sense of a craftsman?

Is this here to tear down the stage? Who is so wicked!

When they looked at it like this, it was amazing, and many people's eyes were about to fall out.

"Your Majesty... Why are you here?"

You will die if you squeak!

You will be scared to death, don't you know?

But they didn't dare to complain about these words. Instead, they were a pair of neat clothes, bowed their heads and lowered their hands, standing in front of the young emperor, solemnly and lively together and said: "I have seen your majesty!"

This behavior came suddenly. As a new young man who had never seen an emperor before, how did he react?

Gu Zheng has been very successful in portraying the image of a simple and honest technician.

He scratched his hair blankly at first, and then dropped as the people around him called him, and his mouth gradually grew wider.

Then it gets bigger and bigger, and finally forms an unbelievable state of dementia.

And it was this honest expression that completely pleased Liu Che who was surrounded by a group of smart people.

The young emperor was really fed up with the wits and courage of courtiers who had enough brains.

In his free time, he would rather stay with ‘innocent people’ like Gu Zheng.

Therefore, Liu Che, who laughed a lot, didn't consider Gu Zheng's psychological endurance at all. Instead, he patted him on the shoulder with great enthusiasm, and comforted him in an extremely intimate tone: "How come Gu Zheng is scared? NS?"

"I'm the emperor who issued you a commendation You met the employer who gave you money and things. Is this the reaction?"

And until this time, Gu Zheng seemed to recover, his face flushed instantly.

Under the gaze of the crowd, the squatted gourd drew a dipper, learning from his colleagues' salute, and bowed in the direction of Liu Che.

"Pingxian Gu Zheng, see your majesty."

"Long live our emperor, long live long live long live."

Liu Che was very happy after hearing this, his hand patted Gu Zheng's shoulder still did not stop.

"Hey, your congratulatory sentence is pretty good."

"Long live, long live, that's not bad, I want me to say that the word long live should be prepared for me, the master."

"People in this world, besides me, who can deserve the word long live?"

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