The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 818: The magic weapon is released

Yes, I almost forgot. Nowadays, the word "long live" is still the common congratulatory language of the people of the Han Dynasty, and it is not exclusive to the emperor.

Even ordinary people will shout long live when they encounter something festive.

It has been recorded in history that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty tried to take the word long live as his own...could it be caused by his indiscriminate rhetoric this time?

Sin, sin, now that there is no way to make up for it, let's try our best to divert the emperor's attention.

At this time, Gu Zheng really showed a silly and bold appearance. He followed Liu Che's words and directly cut him back on the right path.

"Your Majesty said everything is right, we people don't understand, but your Majesty, can we craftsmen do the next step now?"

"The longer the steel juice is exposed to the air, the more difficult it will be to forge and cast into standard weapons."

"If your majesty has nothing else to do, can you wait for the kid to finish the inspection of the materials for this furnace, and then listen to your instructions?"

Oh, it turned out to be like that, Liu Che, who is a non-technical person...he doesn't know.

After listening to Gu Zheng's words, this shameless child showed a rare touch of solemnity on his face. He did not pretend to understand and issue the next order, but instead raised his hand and did it. In an action that Gu Zheng had full command of, the initiative was returned to Gu Zheng's hands.

This is a monarch who takes care of the overall situation, and does not put the face of the royal family and the dignity of the emperor in the first place when doing business.

For this kind of emperor who is determined to do practical things, Gu Zheng can only use his hard work to give back to the other party.

He changed the somewhat cramped state just now, but calmly and calmly followed up the process...arranged one by one.

Those craftsmen who came back to their senses, under the command of Gu Zheng, worked in an orderly manner.

And as Gu Zheng took the forged hammer in his hand, he shouted: "New material enters the trough, Lord Vulcan will enjoy the meal." After the words, after a period of precipitation, it has gradually become colder and colder. The melted material received this freshly-baked first hammer under his hands.


After the hammer fell, Gu Zheng once again fell into that mysterious and mysterious state.

At this time, the noisy environment around him, the strange crowd, no longer exist in his mind, even the young emperor of the same age who made him pay special attention, will not give him half a distraction.

Because at this time, Gu Zheng had put all his mind on the half-inch forging platform right now, and as his arms waved up and down, he merged with the weapon that was gradually being cast.

At this time, Gu Zheng was like an unformed sword, wrapped in a majestic and infinite aura, ready to go, until the final soaring into the sky.

Time passed by in seconds, and the people standing on the stage had already forgotten everything.

In the half-open workshop, the sun gradually rises and then slowly descends until it hides half of his flushed face under the burning clouds. The action finally had a substantial change.

Under such a strong work, the last few hammer blows are like rainstorm pear blossoms, like raindrops, small and dense.

The veteran craftsmen present have already finished their work and waited, because anyone who has cast a finished weapon knows that the final hammering of dozens of hammers is the key to the release of a magic weapon. A step of.

This is the formation process of the weapon, and it is also a step related to the classification of the finished weapon.

A momentary failure will be a thousand miles away, and the quality and the ordinary may only be between one hammer.

Therefore, no one spoke at this time, and in the hall of the huge finished product workshop, only the sound of the bulging iron furnace and the clinking hammers reverberated.

Inexplicably, there was a sense of tranquility for some years.

This made Comrade Liu Che, who sneaked into the Xishan camp and took a look at this meeting, thought that Gu Zheng's forging had failed when he walked in here.

Just as he was about to speak in doubt, Gu Zheng on the table croaked and steadily retracted the hammer.

With the sound of the iron piercing into the water, the four-foot-square forging platform around him was immediately surrounded by the faint white mist.

At this time, standing in the center, Gu Zheng, whose quilt fire should have turned into a bronze color, his muscular back is so broad, but it is a pity that no one in the audience appreciates this beautiful scenery.

If at this time, someone from the starting point of the mature female author’s team is here, she will definitely not waste such a beautiful scene, she will not only record the forced scenes in detail in her latest conceived story, but she can’t say it, but she also has sex. The courageous hands are very exciting... just run after touching it.

Thanks to the current Han Dynasty, there are certain limitations on the aesthetics of men up and down, and I don't know the distinction between macho bronzes and weak chickens.

Otherwise, in the Western Han Dynasty, where the male style prevailed, the chance of Gu Zheng being coveted was still quite high.

Thanks for the aesthetics of the people of the Han Dynasty, let's get back to business.

There was only one reason why Gu Zheng stopped hammering, and that was that he had produced a finished product.

After he pulled out the condensed iron sword while pinching the beat, the eyes of everyone around him lit up at the same time.

It's like a scorching kilowatt bulb, green everywhere.

"Go to work! Check the goods!"

And after Gu Zheng’s voice fell, the eager test master behind him who had been waiting for a long time, approached Gu Zheng with three steps in two steps, as if he was carrying some rare treasure... and left. Next to the weapon rack with all kinds of standard weapons, I solemnly selected one of the most commonly used ring knives in the military. After taking a deep breath, he held it high with one hand, towards Gu Zheng. Cut the blade of the freshly-baked Su Tie Dao, whose appearance and color are different from those of the current knives.

'when! ’

‘Ding Cang Cang...’

With this hack, something that everyone can't believe... just happened.

The ring-head knife used for this test knife unexpectedly suffered from the sharp blade of the non-staying iron knife under the collision of the two knives, and was chopped into two pieces by the middle. Flew out for more than half a meter, rubbed the ground for a long time before stopping to move forward, lying on the slate floor crookedly, so pitiful.


The sound of air-conditioning is uniform.

After seeing this test, everyone was no longer reserved as a master, one or two pushed the workers around him, and squeezed in the direction of the weapon rack.

At this time, the inspection craftsman with his trembling hands had already picked up a military wooden shield and spread it on the stage, but he had already changed hands and got the iron sword in his right hand, but it was in the next moment, just like The gust of wind and rain slashed on the shield of the platform.

‘Flap! ’

With the collision of the two, the sawdust on the shield of not thin thickness immediately flew up. Looking at this posture, if there is a certain gap underneath, if there is a few more hits, this military-standard shield I am afraid that all the cracks will be opened up in the middle.

Good knife, good knife.

It is not only the bravery to be sharp, but also the rare tenacity. UU Reading

I haven't seen so many hacks. Isn't there any obvious gap or twist at this blade?

This fully shows that the material smelted by the method of filling steel studied by Gu Zheng is much higher in quality than the most sophisticated casting materials available.

This is an epoch-making initiative, and it is an opportunity for the military's standard weapons to be updated.

"Gu Zheng!"

"Gu Zheng!"

"Gu Zheng!"

I don't know who cheered in the first place. One or two of them responded in a low voice. At the end, the voice became louder and louder, and the movements of the craftsmen became louder and louder.

Quite a lot of excited blushing craftsmen gathered around Gu Zheng, and lifted this magical young man high without being connected to each other.

These very powerful craftsmen, but after shouting out the chant of one or two, they threw this equally sturdy young man into the air.

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