The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 822: The Return and Replay of the 17 World

To say that this Liu Che is really a capable person, he just looked at the time Gu Zheng assembled, and he has basically figured out how to use this crossbow.

When the young emperor held Kong Wu himself, he drew a crossbow arrow and installed it on it, and shot it at the trunk of a big tree about fifty steps away.


The crossbow arrow was wrapped in a sharp sound of breaking through the air, at a speed that the naked eye could not keep up... all of a sudden, it stuck on the hapless target tree trunk.


The arrow didn't go in to a depth of an inch, and Liu Che sent the little yellow gate to inspect, but the boss didn't pull it out of the tree trunk with all his strength.

"Haha, great, try again!"

This time, Liu Che withdrew a hundred steps away, and he still chose the same tree. After the second crossbow arrow was still firmly inserted in the trunk, the surrounding talents exclaimed.

It's really too powerful. This launch speed, coupled with the power of the weapon, is not inferior to the original huge bow and crossbow.

And this kind of weight that ordinary people can lift...

Thinking of Liu Che here, the eyes of Gu Zheng were burning.

He was in a good mood, he was not a stingy monarch, and with a big wave of his hand, he planned to add an official to Gu Zheng.

This time, Liu Che skipped the nineteenth rank of the title, and directly gave Gu Zheng a hairpin.

What is hairpin? Take the horse in a group and say curl up.

Those with hairpins will decorate this horse.

It is a hairpin.

It means that people who have won the title can hang ribbons on the horses they ride to show their identity.

Although it is still the rank of the last four ranks, it is the person who has the obvious mark of the noble family, and it is from this noble rank that it is truly entered into the category of nobles.

Although you still have to serve, you can give cattle to 3 hectares (300 acres) of hairpins and 3 houses of hairpins (the standard for homesteads is 30 square feet of land as a "house"), if it can be further achieved If you don't change the rank, you can be exempted from corvee forever and enjoy the privileges of a real scholar-official, this title is still very promising.

This cunning emperor obviously dropped a carrot from Gu Zheng's head and drove the donkey desperately.

But because of Gu Zheng, he was also made under the supervision of a sergeant, but he would not think so.

He, an old man dedicated to the welfare of the craftsmen, really saw the opportunity to improve the status of the craftsmen from this time of entitlement.

And when he thought about taking this opportunity to dedicate all the good things from his craftsmen to the imperial court, and to change the respect of a craftsman, Gu Zheng, his most optimistic, turned into trouble.

"Your Majesty, the minister has something to say."

"Oh? Gu Zheng, don't you think the title I gave you is too small? Not satisfied?"

Listening to Gu Zheng's answer, Liu Che, who was standing in the front, narrowed his eyes.

Who would have thought of this craftsman who was highly valued by him, but he really bowed down in front of him, and made a request that was very strange to everyone.

"No, your majesty, the grace you gave to the ministers has greatly exceeded the minister's expectations, and the ministers are naturally grateful."

"But because of the emperor's favor, the Weichen will naturally put the service of the court first. How can the personal honor and disgrace compare with the court's interests?"

"The minister has the courage to use the feats he has gained so far to appeal to a warrior who wants to serve the country and guard the frontier."

"Your Majesty, please be able to hear his wishes for many years, satisfy his childhood ideals, and send him to the frontier army of the Han Dynasty stationed in Shuoxian County, starting from a small soldier in the death camp, for me The Han Dynasty stationed on the frontier to fulfill his wish to defend his home and the country!"


Hearing Gu Zheng said this, the emperor, including the people in this entire garden, was astonished.

There is such a patriotic warrior this year?

The next one is not to choose, the first choice is to choose the most dangerous and hardest, the border army of Shuoxian, who has been dead for a lifetime, as his own team, Gu Zheng, are you a gang or a cheat?

But when everyone looked at Gu Zheng's loyal and extremely serious face, the suspicion in his heart was also let go.

In order to confirm what they had just heard, Liu Che deliberately asked again.

"That friend of yours is really going to Shuo County Death Camp?"

"And you really intend to use your so much credit and title in exchange for his chance to join the army?"

And Gu Zheng's answer was categorical: "Yes, your majesty, the minister will naturally use his hands to promote him again in the future, but the minister's uncle, his age is... he can't wait any longer."

"If it's another two years at night, let alone fighting on horseback, just holding a knife to defend the city, he won't have this strength."

"While his uncle, who is better than a close relative, still has energy, Weichen decided to try his best to let him fulfill his dream in his lifetime."

Liu Che was moved by this remark.

He looked at Gu Zheng again, and solemnly promised: "As you wish."

"Thank your majesty!"

As for this person who is dedicated to his country?

Still need to ask?

What ink in Pingxian County.

When the imperial court's order was issued, Gu Zheng, who was standing in the forging room specially set up for him by the imperial court, laughed.

He touched the most advanced forging tool in the room and said softly the last farewell words.

"When the road is here, there is the golden finger in the dream to **** you. I think there is nothing to worry about in the future."

"It's time for me to leave."

When his voice fell, a small white ball carrying a golden ball rose from the top of Gu Zheng's head, but after a short period of time, it dissipated in this world.

When Gu Zheng returned from the darkness again, his current people had arrived at the Los Angeles Hotel, in the room already prepared by the brand.

After a short period of adaptation, Gu Zheng started a conversation with Xiao Wangshu in his mind.

"There is really no difficulty in this world, and I don't know how much life I can gain after completing the task so perfectly."

And Xiao Wangshu's answer was very quick: "Master Gu, don't worry, although the boy's wishes in this world are not difficult, but it can't hold him to live a long life, it's good to be fooled."

"The twenty-year lifespan I signed at the beginning was successfully converted. Except that the upper limit of lifespan cannot be increased, your lifespan has become 37 years old, and it will soon be capped at the highest."

Yes, Gu Zheng, who heard this, let go of his heart, saying that as long as he has a life to earn, he is not afraid that he will not find a chance in the next world.

Afterwards, he faced the 120cm-long ring knife that suddenly appeared in front of him...

When he was abroad, he suddenly came up with a big knife that seemed to be very old. No matter how you look at it, it feels very suspicious.

Gu Zheng, who was unprepared, was in trouble for a while.

At this time, after he and Xiao Wangshu stared at them with big eyes, Gu Zheng's mind suddenly flashed, and he really came up with a way.

"It's really dark under the lights. The location we chose for this weekend is not far from Roseboeet. Then we can find a reason to walk around there. The origin of this knife will be easy to explain."

"Hmm" Xiao Wangshu nodded in response, ignorant, it didn't know what the rose bowl was, anyway, the long-term experience let it know, it should always tell Gu Zheng that it is always When laughs After forgetting the book, seeing that Gu Zheng had completely implemented the first swordsmanship in the Han Dynasty, he took advantage of Xing and reminded him: "Would you like to watch the replay of this world?"

When Gu Zheng heard the question, he was taken aback, then turned his head and nodded.

In this world, the only thing he couldn't let go of was Chen Sanbao. After passing the small figure in his mind, Gu Zheng gave the order to replay: "Okay, let it go."

And with this sound falling, Xiao Wangshu's body instantly burst out with a little golden light. As the pages of the book flowed, the replay of the seventeenth world appeared in front of Gu Zheng's eyes.


Wind, strong wind, a few people wearing jackets, carrying large bags and dusty faces, but holding professional tools in such a harsh environment... poking in this deserted wasteland Little bit.

Among them, a slightly older person raised his face full of vicissitudes, and after observing the surrounding terrain once again, he thrust the observation rod in his hand very **** a half-foot square under his feet. Under the soil bag.

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