The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 823: Playback of the 17th world (2) (twenty-nine/fifty)

"The acupuncture point is here. Let Xiao Liuzi put down the guard net while there is no one around, we can start now."

On the side, a thin, thin, bare-eyed little man slapped his mouth, exposing his big yellow teeth.

"I know, Master Wei, I'm going to tell my brothers to copy guys."

From the conversations of these people, it is not difficult to see what the other party is doing. Just when Gu Zheng felt a little strange, the person who was called Xiaoliuzi by Master Wei ran over from a distance in three and two steps. The three or four people behind him spread out in four different directions, centered on the location of Lord Wei's fixed point.

Seeing that everyone's cooperation was correct, the old man nodded in satisfaction, and after pointing to the exact point under his feet, he withdrew a few meters away, excitedly, and lit a cigarette for himself.

This unbranded cigarette was rolled by itself, which is quite rare nowadays.

It is not difficult to see that the Wei Ye's addiction to cigarettes is not so big, and only the fierceness of this hand-rolled cigarette can make him resist the uncomfortable feelings of smoking addiction in underground caves.

When you get to the ground, you can't easily move an open flame. This is the rule in the circle.

A cautious style is also a prerequisite for Weiye to work in this business without incident for so many years.

This eye twitched quickly. When Wei Ye threw the cigarette fart that was about to burn to his feet reluctantly, and repeatedly crushed and stomped out the open flame, the direction of the helpers who were responsible for digging deep behind him, he passed on. There was a cheer with a little excitement.

"Master Wei, out of the cave!"

This hello, everyone in the industry understands, it also means that Wei Ye has once again accurately found the exact location of a catacomb, which has consolidated his title of gold finger in the industry.

"When you come out, come out, what's the excitement."

"If you don't get to the bottom, you don't see the real chapter, and all the previous successes will be in vain."

"When we go down and see the dry goods, it will not be too late to be excited."

These few words said that the faces of the few hairy boys around the entrance of the cave were all brilliant, but when everyone turned their heads, Xiao Liuzi put them down and picked up the unextinguished flames...all attracted. mind.

"Oxygen, good sign. Hurry up, let go of the chicken!"

After everyone put a vigorous rooster down with the cage, this time it took a full fifteen minutes before it slipped up.

When this group of people saw the rooster in the cage still swaying its head arrogantly from side to side, everyone made a gesture of venting.

"Haha, don't worry, there is no miasma. A clean hole may yield less, but it won't be safe."

This time, they found this ancient tomb which is said to be quite old by following a record in a very weird genealogy copied from the Four Old Times.

According to the content described in this genealogy, which is as thick as an encyclopedia, this tomb should be traced back to the time of Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty.

In line with the idea of ​​earning what you have, these gangsters who don't do good things have found Master Wei who is very famous in the underground road.

After the old man saw this handwritten book, he really determined this fact rather than the tomb to a relatively precise location.

In this wasteland **** west of ancient Chang'an, with no shops in front of the village, and a place full of yellow sand at a glance, there is still a tomb of the Han Dynasty?

This made the **** who had held a lot of hope after arriving here lose their confidence.

It wasn't until just now, after everyone opened the hole, that they gave a thumbs up for their whim in their hearts. Ignorance and fearlessness also have this benefit. You can catch a clue to chase after it.

Isn't this, a chance to make a fortune is just around the corner?

"Okay, the two are correct, find a clever boy to explore the terrain first."

The words of Master Wei could be regarded as opening the eager halves on their bodies, and they looked at each other one by one, and their eyes were full of eagerness.


This sound was Dawei, who had automatically stood behind him since he gave the order. This taciturn man has been behind him for many years. As he has stepped on all parts of the southern and northern borders, he naturally reacts to the people in front of him. The excitement of these half-bottled laymen is very insignificant.

But Wei Ye didn’t say, he didn’t say, the people he brought followed behind Wei Ye, watching Xiao Liuzi, the wave of people selected the most dexterous and weak thin man responsible for opening the hole, as a pathfinder, slowly. Was sent to the robbery hole.

However, after a while, this strong rope suddenly stopped its downward trend. It should be the person above... stepped onto the ground.

Hum, the part of the rope, after another half a moment, it moved three times.

The crowd of people who saw this signal breathed a sigh of relief first, and then burst into greater cheers.

"It's done! It's safe, go down and take a look, what's there."

"It's from the Han Dynasty. Anything we take out a little bit is enough for us to eat for a lifetime."

The premise is that it must be scarce and preserved intact, and it must also have historical research value and collection value. The last one is that it cannot be discovered by the state.

After all, this snake has a snake path, and a rat has a rat path, and the sale of stolen goods has become their least worrying link.

After the group of people finished yelling, they seemed to feel that they were a little gaffe. After carefully looking at Wei Ye's face, they smiled awkwardly... and slipped into the not-so-big hole one by one.

After all the half hangings in the front were finished, Dawei looked around, and after making a gesture to a brother behind him, he took the lead in front of Master Wei and dropped down the rope.

It was another few minutes. After a few slight swaying came from the end of the rope, the main guard of the second group of people stroked the neat and tidy hair that he had combed, as if he was enjoying it. What a rare holiday trip, I slid down the rope.

Behind him, two of them followed, and two of them stayed. The thing to prevent is to eat the black after the goods come back.

Such a cautious step by step is the work of the veteran in this industry.

But even a well-informed person like Wei Ye, after he got down to the pothole here, he was with others... and was dazed at the things in this inexplicable pothole.

The place where they settled is definitely not the main tomb, not even the burial pit where the burial objects are placed in the side hall.

The place where they settled turned out to be a long corridor of three feet square.

If it were a normal tunnel, they would not have such a reaction. The most frightening thing was that the left and right sides of the tunnel seemed to be supplemented by steel and bronze. The seal carved out one after another symbols that they could not understand. And this symbol extends to the end of the road of the black hole, inexplicably adding a bit of depression and mystery to the road they are about to explore.

"Master Wei, what do you mean by these symbols?"

The group of Xiao Liuzi, who was the first to go to the grave, stood still and did not dare to step out.

Just stretched out his hand in the air, intending to probe the void and reality on the wall first.

The Wei Ye standing behind the team stared at these symbols for a long time before spitting out a few words slowly.

" Guti Xiaozhuan, judging from the font, you can confirm that this should be a tomb in the Han Dynasty."

"However, the composition here is also too strange. In the past dynasties, there is no precedent in which tombs were cast with metal grinding tools and carved into stone slabs."

This is not the pharaoh of ancient Egypt. The tomb of that person... is nothing more than a mural or something.

Why is this tomb so unique?

Wei Ye, who didn't understand, was awake for a few minutes. He held his hands behind his back, raised his thumb, and pinched three times with his index and middle fingers.

This gesture is very dirty, just like using a male indescribable thing ooxx a female indescribable thing.

But this kind of signal that only they can understand is that the Dawei people around him immediately changed their formation.

Two one two...

Suddenly, Master Wei was guarded.

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