The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 824: World 17 Playback (3)

And until this time, Wei Ye, who hadn't spoken for a long time, spoke again.

"Okay. Has anyone brought a pen and paper? Let's go slowly and copy all the words on the wall. After we get out, we will find someone who understands them to translate."

"If there are dry goods this time, and I understand the meaning of the above, can we come back for the second time."

Well, this is the truth, then let's go.

This unconventional tomb chamber immediately made the newcomers tremble.

On the contrary, the group of half-hearted dudes who walked in front of them looked at the characters that were shining brightly under the light of the flashlight with emotion.

"I'll go, if this is really a tomb from the Han Dynasty, the person who built this tomb is a veteran."

"If you look at this material, it is shining like a Milky Way on the Tianhe River."

"It's a pity, I don't know if the ironware of the Han Dynasty is worthless. If it is worth three melons, someone will ask for it."

Dawei behind him heard this, his mouth twitched, why don't you sell scrap iron? That is still priced, not cheap.

But he wasn't a fellow traveler, and he didn't bother to talk nonsense. On the contrary, as everyone continued to deepen, the expression on his face became serious.

Because the end of the tunnel was widened without warning. It was different from the narrow passage that could only be squeezed through by two people. In the hall where they are standing now, let alone two people, there are ten people side by side. Standing, there is no crowded.

But in this huge hall that suddenly appeared, the patterns on the walls had undergone earth-shaking changes.

This time, on the four walls, the words cast with copper and iron disappeared. Instead, many pictures painted on the walls with dyes of unknown material appeared.

"This is?"

The range that the light of the flashlight can illuminate is so much, but everyone can still see the clues of the two points from these intact murals.

This should be a diagram of the structure of the parts of something to be made. Follow these diagrams step by step, and the direction pointed to extends to the back room of the main hall.

If the guess is correct, behind those unknown little doors is the destination of their trip, the place where the coffin of the owner of the tomb is parked.

But until I got here, there was still nothing in this tomb that could indicate the identity of the owner of this tomb.

By relying on the words and paintings, I really can’t imagine the meaning of this, and why it was portrayed in the tombs of the Han dynasty.

But the more so, the group of people stood in this seemingly unobstructed hall, and they didn't dare to step out indiscriminately.

"Master Wei, what will Master Wei say next?"

"Try it first! Dawei, let go of the living thing."


The big **** that was used to test the poison gas was picked up again and got another chance to appear on the scene.

When Dawei opened the chicken cage like this, the **** that had been locked up for a long time rushed out of the cage, without even thinking about it... rushed towards the center of the widest hall.

'Da da da'

The chicken paws in the hall were trotting, and nothing happened.

The little six who made a false alarm laughed loudly.

"Hahaha, I'm trying to be mystery, I'll just say that the people of the Han Dynasty can have any tricks and tricks, and it's all about us frightening ourselves."

"This is just a hall of display, maybe a wave of former thieves have come here for a while."

"I'm going, no, then we are at a big loss."

When Xiao Liuzi and the others were joking like this, even the Wei Ye behind them might have thought of this possibility.

But cautiously, he still shook his head at Dawei, and watched Xiaoliuzi's group as if they burned their ass... ran towards the doors behind the hall, lest he could run away. After slowing down, those treasures that should have belonged to oneself just followed their own guesses... and disappeared.


A tiny organ sound came out from under the floor of the hall, but unfortunately, it was easily covered up by the extremely exaggerated footsteps of this group of people.

And with the sound of this sound, the entire hall seemed to have a chain reaction, clicking non-stop, and the huge space squirmed like alive.

"Not good! There are mechanisms!"

The group of six people, who realized afterwards, had already rushed to the center of the hall at this time, but when they felt the vibration under their feet, when they were about to turn their heads and run back, they were suddenly surrounded by the iron fence that suddenly stood up. He was surrounded by a straight face.

No more, no less, five people standing in the center of the five square floors, connected up and down by columns like railings on all sides, they became like five monkeys in the zoo...for people to visit.

"Ah, Lord Wei help!"

"Damn! Who has the chainsaw, cut it! Axe, axe! That's okay!"

The first reaction of this group of people after being locked up was to quickly break out of the cage, but their moves to prepare to take out their weapons one after another were stopped by a word from Master Zai Wei.

"You are not afraid that when you get out of trouble by violence, what more deadly mechanism will be triggered?"

"Look at this mechanism. It just traps you in it. Is there any follow-up action to kill you?"

Yes, after hearing this, the hands of the few people holding the axe trembled three times.

"Fortunately, we are separated. It will not be too late for you to make plans when we study the mystery in this hall."

After listening to Wei Ye's words, Xiao Liuzi didn't bother to think about it. Instead, they shouted desperately in the direction of Wei Ye.

"That's it, Brother Wei is up to you!"

The noise like a duck made Dawei who was standing in front of Wei Ye frowned. Without even thinking about it, he yelled, "Shut up!"

"In a place like this, yelling is a dead end. If you continue to yell like that, be careful that I throw you here and follow the owner of this tomb as a company!"

And it was this sentence that caused everyone in the cage to shut up.

Taking advantage of this clean effort, Master Wei paced at the edge of the hall and probed carefully.

It can be seen from the corner of his mouth that he is in a very good mood at this time.

According to his mind, he can crack this mechanism. As for those who are locked in, it depends on his ‘ability’... whether it is enough.

After all, with such a complicated mechanism, ordinary people like him are sometimes powerless.

But who would have thought, the steps under his feet have not taken two steps, the two walls of this hall are flipped down piece by piece of iron, like the old pendulum lamp in the prison, flipped out I made a small...small oil lamp.

And as these iron pieces were flattened, the chain that was pressed down by the oil lamp and the notch in the wall rubbed a blue-green flame in the dark, and the wick of the oil lamp was ignited by twisting it twice.

"Papa Papa"

The huge halls were illuminated by the oil lamps that lighted up in sequence. Until this time, everyone discovered that the hall they had illuminated with flashlights was not the whole picture at all.

Turning down this hall, every road leads to a door at the back of the hall, and on the walls of these roads, various tools of different standards are hung.

Above these tools, there is a hint that seems to be a pass?

Master Wei squinted again, UU Reading set his gaze on the road closest to his feet.

There was a heavy hammer hung there, with a long weird iron plate on the side of the hammer, inlaid on the entire wall.

And directly above this iron plate, a line of small characters was still written in words that looked like a small seal.

Relying on Wei Ye's very scarce Xiaozhuan knowledge system, he could barely recognize a few of the words.

Hammer...hit...are the symbols behind them just numbers?

This needs someone to check.

Weiye's eyes naturally turned to Dawei's direction, and this very loyal Dawei did not hesitate to walk along the edge of the hammer.

When Dawei walked to the front of the hammer head, Wei Ye nodded towards him insignificantly, and among those trapped in the cage, one of them was screened by Dawei's actions. The sound became quiet.


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