When they arrived at the original crime scene, apart from leaving a place of **** and mess, they were not even half-person visible.

Then, for the rest of the time, they pretended to take some sighting materials with the nearby residents, and finally returned slowly to their car to help the citizens who lost their silk stockings and throwing cucumbers. Their big cases that seem rare.

But today, it's too abnormal!

This makes the two groups of people who have already fought the real fire, and now they are in a dilemma.

No one dared to evacuate first, for fear that the other party would put a cold gun on them behind their backs, so that they would lie in this dark and damp alley directly, and become evidence of the merits of those policemen.

But whoever came up with it, they only hesitated for a moment. Those Los Angeles police officers who were like old scalpers were actually injected with renin, and those who were racing to drive the front and back of this alley. The two exits... are all blocked.

Then, headed by a captain with a high-level police rank, the police officers worked together... and turned on a loudspeaker.

"Listen to the people inside, you are already surrounded!"

"Don't want to resist anymore, raise your hand, put down your weapon, put your head in your hands, and walk out obediently."

"Otherwise, we will think that you are extremely aggressive, and the snipers who have arrived at the sniper point by the police have the right to shoot at you under my command!"

"Repeat it again, don't make senseless resistance, raise your hands quickly and surrender!!"

When the sheriff shouted toward the alley with that very passionate voice, in the blind corner that everyone in the alley could not see, Jiang Yue and a group of assistants were cooperating with the embassy staff and the public relations of the Los Angeles police. The department staff is negotiating.

"Let me tell you, there is a super athlete from our country who just won the World Championships marathon championship and the silver medal of 100,000 meters. He has won the world-class athletes of Dima, East Malaysia and North Malaysia again!"

"And it is such an outstanding talent who has fallen into the gang fire on the streets of Los Angeles!"

"Talk about it yourself, a city like you still boasts of being a movie capital, a big tourist city, and a jewel on the coast of Southern California!"

"Bah! Who dares to come with such security."

"It's not that I scared you, buddy, knowing that besides the identity of the athlete, what does he do?"

"He is a well-known young painter in my country, at the national level, a very successful successor of opera, and even an outstanding Chinese public official. He is even a close friend of the first heir in Dubai!"

"If something happens to him here, what a big impact it will have on your city's international impression."

"So, I don't care what the final result of this matter is, how you will deal with the follow-up of this gang, our request is only one point, and that is to rescue Gu Zheng from me!"

Following the complaints from the Chinese Embassy, ​​the sweat bead on the forehead of the police publicist in Los Angeles is also increasing.

Does this count as stabbing a hornet's nest?

Why is this buddy's luck so bad, and when the gangsters are fighting inside, he is just blocked in it?

Jiang Yue wouldn't tell this buddy that it was his athlete who was looking for death by himself.

And at this time, Jiang Yue still had a vague idea in his heart, saying that this gangster might have started to rally in a place not far from the downtown area inexplicably, and the reason for Gu Zheng was inside.

As for whether it has a good effect or a bad effect, it is really uncertain.

Now Jiang Yue can only pray silently, and this comrade who can toss can come out of it with all his beards and tails.

But after hearing the horn of the police car, what did Gu Zheng do?

Taking advantage of everyone's shock, he quickly found out the surrounding environment and the location of the existing combative enemies... clearly.

Because the two parties are really not easy to start, most of them are now out of the lottery, and the bullets in their hands have reached the point of running out of ammunition and food.

But there are always those one or two smart people hiding in the corners that are not easy to find, secretly putting cold guns, while ensuring their own safety, they also deal fatal blows to those careless enemies.

And what Gu Zheng wanted to solve was such an opponent.

According to his rough calculations just now, there are at least two people left, which are located on the left and right diagonally. Based on the intelligence analysis obtained from the sergeant's roar outside, it can be concluded that these two The location of the individual happened to be the dead end of the sniper.

This is a bit difficult, how can I deal with two enemies in different directions unscathed?

While thinking, Gu Zheng habitually tapped the pickup truck on the side with his fingers, and the clinking sound from it suddenly gave Gu Zheng a flash of inspiration.

That's right, why didn't I expect that there is still this trick?

In the face of absolute strength, all difficulties are not difficult!

Gu Zheng smiled when he thought of this. He inserted the ring knife in his hand into the black backpack behind him, then grabbed the thief's jacket collar with his backhand, and then looked in the other's incredible eyes. He lifted it upside down easily, just like shaking the carpet... and shook it vigorously.

"Ding Ling Dang Cang"

As expected by Gu Zheng, when going out to work for this kind of technical work, in addition to self-defense weapons, he will definitely bring a few pieces of tools for committing crimes.

A small blade, a few small tweezers, and an iron bar of unknown material were shaken out of the thin little thief.

After seeing his own results, Gu Zheng closed his hands very satisfied. He even gently turned the opponent in a circle before putting it on the ground safely.

"Well, with these, at least you can start in one direction."

After Gu Zheng said this nonsense, he moved under the nervous gaze of the little thief on the side.

I saw Gu Zheng sinking in his dantian at this time, struggling with great strides, and then he put his hands on the pickup truck in front of him, and shouted: "Get up!!!"

Then, the pickup truck was slowly lifted up following Gu Zheng's luck.

Next, the thing that shocked everyone's eyes... finally happened.

After Gu Zheng lifted up and got acquainted with the weight of the pickup truck, he carried the body of that huge pickup truck... and he walked faster and faster, and the more he walked, the more stable he went.

Then he walked to the center of the alley without anyone else, and took the big pickup to the ground. Using a civet-like agile skill, he suddenly rushed into the back of the pickup truck and gently made one. Small movements that no one else has noticed.

He threw a flashing blade towards the small corner in front of him. After his whole body disappeared from the back, he heard the black corner... there was an ear-piercing horror. Call!


The hands of the hapless guy who was discovered by Gu Zheng are already covered with blades ~www.readwn.com~, and his **** right hand is also completely unable to hold the gun because of the veins of his palm being injured. NS.


The sound of the gun landing finally sounded at this moment, and Gu Zheng, who was in the back of the pickup truck, let out a sigh of relief. After that, he took a side jump again, standing on the side where the danger was relieved, and once again lifted the pickup truck. Up.

Only this time, he didn't bother to use this dangerous method at all. He just pushed the giant that no one could stop, step by step towards the direction of another hidden person...slowly advancing. NS.

The direction that Gu Zheng took was also calculated by him. As the pickup truck moved, the obstacles in front of the truck also accumulated more and more. Iron racks, copper plates, and discarded trash cans were all piled up in front. Gradually, it formed a giant like a mountain of garbage.

As for the places that Gu Zheng walked through, they were as clean as they were licked.

His actions completely shocked all the people in this alley.

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