The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 840: Do another meritorious service

Not only those gang members who had lost their combat effectiveness, they jumped up as Gu Zheng approached.

Even the well-informed police snipers crawled on the top of the building they had set up, looking at Gu Zheng with a scope, the corners of their mouths twitching constantly.

As for the Los Angeles Sheriff, who is on the front line against the black forces?

The loudspeaker in his hand had slipped on the soles of his feet long ago, and his mouth opened like a mentally retarded... but he couldn't get it together anymore.

This unscientific!

Don’t superheroes only exist in comics?

Why in reality, this kind of superhero-like performance will appear on a Chinese person?

Could it be said that the experiments of biochemical fighters have been successful in China?

China finally plans to abandon its plan to infiltrate the United States with food and population, and is ready to formally use force to dominate the earth?

Oh, God, I must have not woken up yet.

There are so many American police officers with such thoughts. They just watched Gu Zheng pushing this taller and higher garbage mountain, and walked out half of the alley directly, and finally they would be irresistible. The kid was stuck in the middle of a pile of garbage, and the revolver in his hand lost its original purpose.

This kid was like a frog locked in a tin box, weak and helpless and shivering.

It's so cruel!

When this thought came to the minds of all people, the young man who was suspected of being a superhero gently patted the floating soil in his hands, shook his slightly sorrowful shoulder, and moved towards the Los Angeles police. Long direction smiled slightly, and strode towards them.

As he ran, he waved his hands excitedly towards this place, but in a short time he plunged into the back of the cordon established by the police, leaving only a mess on the scene.

A group of petrochemical police officers were left at the scene, watching the dead and wounded on the street not far away, there was not a single person.

In other words, Gu Zheng was the only one who had all the tails to come out of the scene of the fire.

And this person, based on the various visions he showed just now, might have been the real fuse of this sudden fire and coalition incident.

Thanks to the IQ Online of the Los Angeles Police. Although they can infer an indistinct clue, the specific content needs to be asked after the group of people are invited into the police station.

As for Gu Zheng, who had escaped from danger, he immediately pretended to be weak and frightened, and as soon as he hid behind Jiang Yue, he asked his agent to take over these upsetting matters for him.

The registration of the negotiating staff of the Chinese Embassy, ​​the subsequent routine visits to the embassy, ​​the registration of the records of the Los Angeles Police Department, and the subsequent collection of evidence involved, all require Gu Zheng's personal participation.

As a result, this trip to Los Angeles, which had only been squeezed out for three days, was spent in the running of these government agencies from the inside out.

However, this unexpected incident has a rare benefit to Gu Zheng's career.

Because after his unconscious intervention, the Los Angeles police actually took advantage of the loss of the Kugou gang's strength. Person 1 and Person 2 entered the gap of the hospital together, mobilizing a lot of police force, and entrenched this in a flea in one fell swoop. Around the market, gangs that have been in trouble for many years have been uprooted.

For this matter, the shopkeepers of the entire Rose Bowl also jointly sent a letter of commendation to the Los Angeles police.

And this police officer, who has never done anything, has been commended by the municipal government and related departments.

When he thought of this, the sheriff's heart was filled with joy.

Had it not been for his very unreliable cousin to call him for help, and there was a mother and aunt who had a very good sisterhood relationship in his family, he would not risk his life. The danger of going to the muddy water this trip.

Thinking of this, Sheriff Charlie tidyed up the white collar of his uniform that he washed, buttoned the big brimmed hat towards his head, holding the special medal of the good citizen of the police station, towards China where Gu Zheng is now. The direction of the embassy walked over.

Today, as the representative of the police, he will attend the award ceremony of the Los Angeles City Hall for the good citizen Gu Zheng.

At this ceremony, not only will the mayor of Los Angeles present Gu Zheng with a medal of outstanding citizens, he will also represent the police department and present to Gu Zheng only those who have made contributions to the police department can obtain the awards of outstanding citizens. badge.

It is said that today's ceremony is very grand, and the awarding of awards to Gu Zheng is only a part of the ceremony.

Its ultimate goal is to take this opportunity to sign the agreement between Los Angeles and the sister city of the Chinese capital.

In this way, Los Angeles will become the fourth sister city in North America that has signed an agreement with the capital city. This agreement is beneficial to the development of tourism and film business in its own city.

As for Gu Zheng, when he was picked up by the embassy staff for the first time, the relevant domestic departments learned about the feat of this unconscious athlete in other countries.

The delegations of the World Championships here have not finished the competition. They just passed the results of the competition to the country. The hero athletes from the countries that have just won one gold and one silver caused a change in Los Angeles. Big trouble.

However, if Gu Zheng's troubles in the future are like today, then it seems that it is not impossible for him to cause more troubles of this kind in the future.

After receiving the notice from far away in North America, the relevant domestic departments moved quickly.

In addition to giving Gu Zheng a certain amount of corresponding rewards, he should also give him a general statement.

Related to this, the domestic social news section and the international external relations section also need to issue a news announcement.

The establishment of another sister city is not a trivial matter of Sesame Mung Bean.

Suddenly, Gu Zheng's original news column, which had been silent, became lively again.

It's just that, this time, the people recruited through the connection are not sports fans who love sports and gossip fans who like to watch.

This time I came to see where Gu Zheng is a sacred person. He is often seen in the international people's livelihood sector, and most like the keyboard guys and angry fans who give advice to Fang Qiu.

It is so rare that they didn't pick out something wrong with Gu Zheng's column, but with a spirit of critical analysis, starting from Gu Zheng's first news, they analyzed the path to success of a small person.

On the Internet, talented people abound.

There are even capable people who took advantage of this opportunity to cross the wall and went abroad to copy the report of Gu Zheng's heroic behavior on the corresponding Los Angeles newspaper website, and share it with the loving compatriots of the motherland.

For a time, in the comment area of ​​the news column created by Bei Jun for Gu Zheng, it was like instant scrolling.

There is also the most capable person, the short video that puts the top spot in North America's most popular funny video nowadays into a face-slapped short video, but also moved it over.

After careful analysis of the characters in the, we finally came to an amazing conclusion.

The person in this video who completed surfing, saving people, and waiting for a series of actions with an extremely powerful posture, it was Comrade Gu Zheng who appeared in the Rose Bowl a few hours later and caused another big event. .

This is a capable person.

First, after using super sports nerves to crush a handful of American bear kids, using the Chinese people's righteousness and courage to open the correct posture, they end up with a gang den.

This is what I mean. It's no wonder that current American netizens have directly dubbed Gu Zheng a "magic Chinese kid".

There are also some American netizens who are not very good at their brains. They specifically rushed to our website to leave a message and ask if it is true that eating preserved eggs can transform the structure of the human body and evolve toward a superhero context.

Chinese netizens, who are so bored, once again show off their superiority in IQ.

It turned out to be a very happy chat with American netizens from across the ocean. By the way, Gu Zheng's small reputation in the United States has been firmly consolidated.

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