The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 842: I just stand and I don't speak

Excited, Gu Zheng raised his hands and waved to the direction where the cheers were the most enthusiastic. Then, under the gaze of everyone, he flicked the cloak on his shoulders, making it look like a flying butterfly... …It fell into the hands of Manager Jiang Yue who followed.

Don't mention how elegant and beautiful this scene is. If a martial arts master who is accustomed to hidden weapons is here, he will definitely shout: "Is this the long-lost arrow in the sleeves of the rivers and lakes?" "...It's a pity that this is in the United States, which doesn't understand anything. These western guys only know how to appreciate the ethereal lightness of that cloak.

Gu Zheng, who was handsome in front of the audience, played ten percent, while Jiang Yue, who was in charge of holding the clothes behind him, was baffled by the whole face.

When he tried to remove the cloak from his face outside the cage, he wanted to remind Gu Zheng on the stage to take a moment. In the corridor opposite, Cotrutte stepped out and walked to the arena.

Different from the small amount of cheers that Gu Zheng had just appeared on the stage, this kind of hot feeling that the roof would be overturned by the air wave at any time, all of a sudden, Gu Zheng’s previous appearance was turned into a scum.

Gu Zheng, who had just been a little proud, suddenly came down.

But Jiang Yue, who was following the coach from the side, was overjoyed on his face. He told Gu Zheng in a very low volume: "It's almost enough to fight. Let's not fight for the first. If the opponent is too strong , You use your trick, Invincible Scud to fight him."

"We will return to China soon, and there are bonuses and celebration parties to attend at home."

"If you go back with an injury, you will give your superiors a bad impression."

The more Jiang said, the more guilty he was. Who made Gu Zheng's worth now?

Coupled with a good citizen medal, the athlete he was carrying was labeled as a hero.

After he returned to China, there must be a lot of brand owners flocking to him, but he wanted to take care of the hen who laid the eggs.

It's a pity that Gu Zheng at this time thought that Jiang Yue was caring about him. Instead, he slapped his chest and assured his agent: "Don't worry, I know!"

The veteran on the opposite side looked a little more difficult, but Gu Zheng was confident that he could successfully take the enemy down.

Gu Zheng, who had set a goal for himself, brought back the line of sight that was originally placed on the opponent.

On the other side, Cotrute turned from a pale state, and after walking around vigilantly for a week, he began to think suspiciously.

"Not good, badly bad. Why do I feel a sense of anxiety."

"Since I entered this playing field, why do I feel like a frog caught by a snake?"

"Damn it! Could it be that?" Mumbled Cotrute here, turned his head and looked in Gu Zheng's direction. At this time, the young Chinese man was closing his eyes on the edge of the stadium.

"Hehe, it may be my illusion. I have put too much pressure on myself recently. My decision to retire is really right. I am suspicious when I get older."

Cotrut laughed at himself twice, and the shout of the emcee on the side echoed in the court.

Go on, after this last game, let's take a good rest.

Cotrutte, who had renewed his fighting spirit, stood in the center of the arena with a pair of fists, and Gu Zheng, who was standing opposite, showed him the most kind smile.

The two parties were very happy, but the atmosphere of the spring breeze changed after the black-clothed referee gave an order.

Cotrute this time is very different from the players Gu Zheng has often encountered.

Because this comrade turned out to be a master of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

What he is best at is close fighting.

As for the opponents Gu Zheng had to face in the past, they were all weak-counseling types who planned to run away if they didn't look good.

So, when the first bell rang, the two people holding the same thought rushed towards each other.

It was just a moment of effort, and the two officially collided together.

The expectant audience outside the field stood up from their seats nervously and yelled at the two excitedly.

"Yes! This is the most antagonistic UFC! Go! Kill him! Kill him!"

As for which one was killed?

It doesn't matter, as long as you can see the exciting game, who cares who the final winner is?

And these two really deserved the cheers to the audience outside the venue. After a meeting, they began to have real skills.

At this time, Gu Zheng’s hand was covered with a fingerless, ultra-thin full set. In order not to kill people, he immediately made an elbow restraint movement, and did not follow Kurt without a punch. Root was hammered in the forehead.

Instead, he chose a safer side kick, intending to kick this heavy opponent out.

Because the airtight net cages are hung around, the other party is most likely to lie on the net and behave like a gecko.

Gu Zheng had a good plan here, who knew that Cotrutte's thoughts were exactly the same as him, he also went straight to Gu Zheng's kicked thigh.

So what did he rush to do?

Isn't it for eating?

Haha, after Cotrutte rushed over, he immediately wrapped his hands around him, and firmly hugged Gu Zheng's leg in sports shorts.

As for the next movement, Cotrutte had already thought about it after he hugged Gu Zheng's leg.

He can use his body weight, coupled with the twisting force of his elbows and waist, to throw Gu Zheng, who is only supported by one leg, to the ground, taking advantage of the moment the opponent just hits the ground, when he does not wait for him to react. He twisted his shoulders again to form a crocodile-like attack that fell and rolled. After twisting the opponent on the ground, he took advantage of the dizziness of the opponent, and then took Gu Zheng’s leg that had lost his defense and strength. He made a cross twist in his arms.

If you do another rollover and press down, you will press this opponent, who doesn't know the depth, on the stage and can't roll over.

Even if the other party can make a reasonable response to his series of technical movements, it will have to wait until he gets rid of his own pair of arms like iron pliers.

At that time, if you are lucky, with this technical action group, you can win an automatic surrender and fail the ten-second technical penalty.

No matter how bad, you can get at least 3-5 points for an effective attack.

In terms of momentum, he was able to hold down Gu Zheng.

Cotrutte thought well, and his technical analysis was also in place.

This series of his actions, let alone a novice who has only played a few games, can be quite effective even on the body of the current UFC champion boxer.

In the struggle of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, it is difficult for ordinary people to have any effective tactics to fight back.

However, the success of this Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu requires a preconceived condition, and that is entanglement.

If you get stuck, you can control the audience. Can't get stuck? It became like a puppy pounding on a rice bowl...and pounced on each other again and again.

So in this electric light flint does Cotrute's technology work?

After looking at the collective quiet scenes in the venue, you can guess it.

I know, this is the most popular fighting competition in the world. I don't know, but I thought it had entered a crematorium full of dead people with the hearse.

So why is everyone so silent?

Because the scene in the field is really amazing.

At this time, Cotrut had finished his first technical movement, and he was very successful in hugging Gu Zheng's thigh, but he ran into trouble when he was planning to do the second move.

His whole body fell, and his technical downward movement did not overturn Gu Zheng, who was supported on one leg, to the ground.

This man with a very stable footboard and no kidney deficiency, now just maintains a side kick posture, standing on one leg.

If you ignore his other high leg with a human-shaped frog hanging from it, this will be a very pretentious high-kicks single-leg support figure.

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