The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 843: How to win? I have the final say!

It's a pity that Cotrutte, who was on Gu Zheng's leg, did not give up his treatment. In order to complete the second plan designed in his mind, he is now holding Gu Zheng's thigh and kicking hard.


"Laughing at me, God, do you think I'm not happy enough, are you planning to send angels down to make me laugh?"

The joke sent by the monkey probably refers to such a person.

These off-field spectators, together with the referees in the field, laughed out loud after reacting.

It's just that these kind laughs sounded malicious ridicule in Cotrutte's ears.


In order to bid farewell to the glory of the game, I fight with you.

Cotrute didn’t give up, he immediately let go of his hands, intending to take advantage of Gu Zheng’s dazed effort to make a tumbling, then go around Gu Zheng’s back and bend his opponent’s legs. Start.

At this time, Gu Zheng is standing on one leg. Even if your lower plate is stable again, when people’s knees are pushed and pulled vigorously by external forces, they will unconsciously bend in the front or back direction. Up.

And Cotrutte wanted to seize this opportunity to make Gu Zheng kneel down face-to-face, and then he could use this opportunity to tie his shoulders with his hands and turn his shoulder bones toward the back. Lifting, to achieve the purpose of locking the opponent, but also to a large extent make the opponent painful. In the end, he temporarily lost the ability to resist and was successfully pressed on the floor by him, waiting for the ten-second reading to end.

Of course, this time, it's still Cotrute's... take it for granted.

He is probably the kind that some great people once said, a giant in thought and a short man in action.

The moment Cotrute let go and rolled, Gu Zheng, who was raised at the corner of his mouth, also moved.

He didn't intend to keep his hands anymore, but directly kicked his right foot out and withdrew it at the speed of a shadowless foot. He didn't intend to let it step on the ground, but instead moved towards Cotrutte. Direction, kicked it again.

This foot was finally not in vain, and Gu Zheng's foot wind was finally firmly wiped on Cotrutte's tumbling back.

And it was just such a wipe that allowed the audience outside the stadium to feel the true power of this kick.

Because this seemed to be an understatement, but it was Cotrute who was about to roll over to the back of Gu Zheng, and wiped it out against the ground in the opposite direction.


This rubbing took two meters away, and Cotrutte stopped with a dreadful stop after being blocked by a cage on the sidelines.

The audience outside the venue, after a moment of silence, burst into louder cheers than before.


"Awesome! Chinese Wonder Boy! You are the fiercest warrior!"

"I love you, please associate!"

Hey, it seems that something strange has been mixed in. Forget it, let's turn our eyes to the court to see how the current situation in the court has changed after this kick.

Now Gu Zheng, naturally, it is impossible to give up the advantage of the hand. He quickly retracted the right foot that he had just kicked, took a staggered step, and ran towards the stagnation point after Cotrut slipped.

Even with these two steps, Gu Zheng's brain is not idle, he is running fast, doing an efficient analysis of Cotrutte's technical movements.

The kick just now was carefully calculated by Gu Zheng.

Originally taking care of the quasi-head of the leg, that foot should be firmly kicked on Cotrute’s back and let it fly on the opposite iron cage. In the end, the opponent lost the ability to continue the game. And he won the game simply and neatly.

However, after Gu Zheng's leg kicked out, the opponent on the opposite side seemed to feel the movement of his leg. When he was about to hit the kick, he made a sudden drop, which immediately smashed him. Most of the fierce offensive escaped.

This is really a player with extremely rich combat experience, but why does he always play against these old players who are about to retire?

Could it be said that Gu Zheng looks like a bully?

If I heard this from Cotrutte, he would have been wronged.

This is the first time that he has encountered such a fierce opponent who cannot be judged by his usual experience. Now he regrets that his intestines are green, so he wants to pick the one for him after this wave of competition. The opponent's agent, let it go.

It’s just that the veteran is a veteran. When Gu Zheng rushed towards him, he once again made the correct response. Before Gu Zheng was about to step down again, he planned to hug the opponent again without retreating. At the waist, when an evil reversal comes up and falls down.

Cotrute, who had to face all of this, was breaking the boat. He accumulated all the strength of breastfeeding when he was a child. Those who were unsuccessful and became benevolent rushed towards Gu Zheng's middle road.

However, his intentions were too obvious. After seeing Cotrute's move, Gu Zheng, who had not yet taken his leg, threw his right arm out rather calmly.


Many things can happen within 0.3 seconds.

For example, enough people to blink one eye, another example, a complete mouse click.

In this short period of 0.3 seconds, Gu Zheng completed the first close contact between his fist and Cotrutte's cheeks.

And it was this one that laid the foundation for his victory and his prestige in the world of free fighting.

When Gu Zheng’s hammer was real, the opponent he faced was worthy of the name of a rookie killer. After that Kurt held it for ten seconds and shouted out his unwilling words. , Fainted extremely unwillingly, and left the rest of the matter to the referee in the court to deal with.

However, what Cotrute did not expect before he fainted was that his sentence: "Why do you use a fist!!" coupled with an incredible expression, has become the most impressive in the UFC collection. A snippet of jokes.

Many people came to know who Gu Zheng is through this video editing comparable to a comedy.

And this collection of videos that recorded the bloodiest and most violent game in 2017, but it will always occupy the top three places in the popular social network... hilarious videos.

Oh, I forgot to mention that in this small video of the first three positions, only Gu Zheng appeared on the scene to occupy two of them.

His skateboarding video followed closely. Taking advantage of this wave of video craze, Chinese netizens who had been overturned over the wall found it out, and pointed out the correct way to identify Gu Zheng to blind Europeans and Americans. Way.

That was Gu Zheng's smiling face that seemed pure but dangerous.

And this smile also appeared after Cotrutte had finished asking this sentence.

Taking advantage of the time when the other party hadn't completely lost consciousness, Gu Zheng gave his own answer at a super high speed of speech.

"I can attack with all parts of the body indiscriminately in all directions. I don't have to punch you. Do you want me to sit on you with a clam?"

"You are such a weird person."


He vomited blood for three liters, suffocated and died.

Cotrut was completely stunned.

The referee on the side seemed to have just awakened from his sleep. When passing by Gu Zheng, he made a natural circle and then squatted down and observed carefully. The state of the Cotrute player at this time, finally shook his head in the direction of the referee group under the stage.

"The Cotrute player has lost the ability to continue the game. This time the player from China, Gu Zheng, will win!"

After the referee had said all these words, Gu Zheng made his iconic closing action, holding his fists high, and demonstrating his strong and capable body towards the audience outside the court.

By the way, he moved in the direction behind Jiang Yue, and put on a pose he thought was the most handsome, giving Bei Jun, who was piercing the needle, and then collecting materials for use.

As for the Cotrute who has fainted on stage?

Except for the assistant agent beside him, who has time to pay attention to his stay?

Gu Zheng who won vigorously, no matter how radiant, he must make room for the rest of the game according to the UFC tournament system.

When this brief hustle and bustle passed, there was only a knowing smile between a few familiar friends in the rest room in the background.

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