The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 857: Life depends on flickering

And that real Taiyi is not a good thing, he gave a few treasures with such a powerful lethality to the hands of a child who has no standards of good and evil.

Isn't this Qing waiting for Caosuga's life?

No, I have to find a way to cure him!

Thinking of Gu Zheng here, the gurgling eyeballs turned his eyes into a very enviable look again, and he continued to ask:

"Then, since your Hun Tian Ling is so powerful, why are you so nervously pointing at me with the gold collar on your neck?"

"Could it be that it is also a treasure?"

This sentence can be regarded as asking Nezha's heartache.

Since he was born and raised in the Li family until now, the role of these two treasures has not been given a chance. Until now, the power of these two treasures...has not been studied by him.

On weekdays, my father was busy training soldiers. It is said that he had turned against the princes of the four hundred roads outside Chaoge, and his cheap father, as the general soldier of Chentangguan, naturally had to step up his training to wait for the imperial court's orders.

As for his mother, she knew all day long that she was at home with her husband and her son. It was very boring to look at the flowers and plants.

In the boundary of Chentangguan, his cheap father, who is already strict with him, as long as he goes out, he will be instructed repeatedly: Prohibit causing trouble, prohibiting the people and mountains and waters of Chentangguan.

It makes him feel irritable, and it makes him feel itchy.

Now, I don't know what magical powers Master's treasure is.

Now I finally found a Yasha that I can show off, why don't you have to talk about it?

Therefore, Li Nezha shook the universe in his hand with a hula, but the boasting in his mouth couldn't stop.

"Of course, this circle is called Qiankun circle, and it is also the treasure that my master gave me."

"If the Hun Tian Ling is by my side to protect me, this universe is a great weapon to kill the enemy and win."

"If I took this ring and threw it on the enemy's head like this, hum, no matter what the monsters and monsters are, it would only be a ring to die."

"In other words, your cosmic circle master killed the enemy, and your Huntian Lingzhu defended the enemy?"

Gu Zheng was still amazed, making Nezha just on the river's edge a three-pointer triumphantly.

But Gu Zheng's following words made his face sink again.

This is because Gu Zheng said: "Oh, your Hun Tian Ling is really amazing. It's just such a stir, it has stirred me out of the deep sea."

"It's just that the circle around your neck looks like you don't have much capability."

"It's not my Yasha who said, the universe circle in your hand is like a golden collar for young children in a house with a little wealth on the riverside. It is not lethal at all."

Just when Nezha's face was getting darker and darker, Gu Yecha's words at this moment changed, and Li Nezha was talking with joy again.

Because at this time Gu Zheng said so.

"You always say how powerful your universe is, and you always have to give me one, two, three examples, what year, what month, where, and what kind of enemy you use this circle to destroy."

"You can't just say it like this, just blow it to the sky, right?"

"But I also know the difficulty of your baby. These years, in the boundary of Chentangguan, because of the garrison of a general soldier surnamed Li, it is still calm, and the idle monster dare not appear."

"Your universe must be useless."

"And on this land, wherever you go, there are people under the rule of General Li. If I guess it is right, you doll dare not use the lives of these ordinary people to experiment at will."

"But you ran into me today, that's different!"

Gu Zheng slapped his chest as he lobbied and lobbied, and a word from the bear kid Nezha broke his gong.

"Why? Are you willing to be my guinea pig? Let my universe shine on your head?"

Seeing the joy of Nezha's face on the opposite side, Gu Zheng was heartbroken for a while.

Okay, I'll make a note of it for you. If I don't lose all of your pants, I won't have the last name Gu!

Gu Zheng made a fierce smile, and smiled more enthusiastically.

He shook his head desperately, still maintaining an innocent appearance, and pointed his big paw to the wide East China Sea behind him, and he came up with a proposal to never pit himself.

"How is it possible? I am not a body of steel, how can I stand the power of your universe, my proposal is, you can use this vast and uninhabited sea as a trial ground for your universe! "

"When I disperse this piece of fish and shrimp creatures, the entire sea field will become your trial ground. Then you can throw it whatever you want, or throw it whatever you want!"

"How happy is that?"

But Nezha, this kid, is rare and shrewd with his head sideways: "This sea is owned by your family? Whatever you say?"

Hey, when you were here to stir the wind and the rain, why didn't you ask if there is a land of the owner? At this time, what good kids should you pretend to be!

Thinking of Gu Zheng here, he smiled even more kindly.

He pointed his paw at his stalwart body, learned Nezha's appearance and raised his chest high, boasting, "Do you think I am tall? Isn't it mighty?"

"Let's tell you the truth, I am the patrol yaksha of the heavenly court, but a famous general in the Dragon Palace."

"In the waters of the four seas, perform the duty of supervision."

"Don't say I've opened up a piece of sea for you to experiment. Even in the four seas of east, west, north and south, I can find a place for you to practice your hands."

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Nezha at the riverside was finally comforted by Gu Zheng. He eagerly stood on the big rock at the mouth of the Jiuwan River, watching Gu Zheng's whole body sink into the seabed, quietly. Waiting for this blue indigo skin's Yasha to appear again, and give him a ring test signal.

After Gu Zheng sank to the bottom of the sea, he immediately used his talent for swift movement. The sea area as wide as a thousand miles was completed by him in just a moment.

When he arrived at the door of the Dragon Palace, he guessed that he had no time to talk nonsense with the Dragon King of East China Sea. He simply grabbed the Pippi shrimp who had summoned him, and told him the most important things. It was quickly known to the Dragon King.

"This general doesn't have much time. After you listen carefully, you will quickly talk to the Dragon King."

"It's said that a kid with a big background appeared on the sea. His father is Chentangguan Li Zongbing. He calls himself the third son Nezha."

"This person is extremely dangerous, regardless of good and evil, and carrying a lot of treasures, which ordinary aquarists such as me can resist."

"The turbulence of the bottom of the sea is all due to the Huntian Ling in his playing hands. Now in the sea area that enters the sea, thousands of creatures have already died. It has become a sea area like the Dead Sea."

"If you want to protect the Dragon Palace, you must either let the Dragon Lord hide in the Dragon Palace behind closed doors, or you can go to the Heavenly Court quickly and ask Haotian God to be the master."

"Don't fight with Also, the most important thing is, don't let people do it."

"This news is very important, and you should share it with the Dragon King. As for how much your Dragon King can listen to, it depends on whether he believes me in his heart."

After saying this, Gu Zheng loosened Pippi Shrimp's bib without looking back... and ran off to the surface of the sea again.

I don't know if it's because this Pippi Shrimp used to be a special order shrimp for patrolling Yaksha Li Gen, but the Pippi Shrimp really cares about the current whereabouts of General Li.

"Then General Li, where are you going? Knowing that the killing **** is so powerful, you should also take a break with me back to the Dragon Palace for a while!"

At this time, Gu Zheng left Pipi Xia with an unforgettable heroic image.

Until many years later, Pippi shrimp had been repaired as a small **** in a small lake, and the smile of Gu Zheng who turned his head... also remained in the depths of his memory like a seal carving.

I can't forget it for a long time...

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