It's not that Pippi Shrimp has no knowledge, but it crawled out of Xiaohegou by its own ability.

It's just that Gu Zheng's image at this time is too stalwart and tall, even if his face looks unsatisfactory, it can't stop the bonus of the halo called self-dedication that has already risen to the back of his head.

At this time, Gu Zheng smiled at Pippi Shrimp with a compassionate expression, and said the words that made Longgong Aquatic...Thank you for a lifetime.

"In such a dangerous situation, someone has to go to mediate with that Li Nezha."

"You aquatic elves, it's not easy to become enlightened, unlike me who are born and raised, and have some life-saving talents."

"And I was the patrol officer sent by the Emperor of Heaven to inspect the waterways to stop all criminals who disrupt stability and unity. It was within my scope of duty."

"So you don't need to talk about Pippi Shrimp, and report to Lord Dragon as soon as possible."

That's your duty, and I, Yasha Gu, don't let it go.

After saying this, Gu Zheng shook his head vigorously and carried the big axe behind his back. In a posture that often appears in the novel, he separated the water and rushed to the surface again.

Only one permanent fan is left...Pippi shrimp.

However, Pippi Shrimp, who was moved by tears, did not see it. Gu Zheng, who was swimming quickly, had a smirk on his face.

Because after explaining these trivial matters, his Yasha can finally let go of his actions unscrupulously.

However, after a while, Gu Zheng returned to the estuary once again. When his red hair just emerged from the sea, Nezha, impatiently, yelled towards him: "How?"

Naturally, Gu Zheng gave the other party a gesture of peace of mind, and then quickly protruded his entire body out of the water. Except for a pair of big feet with webbed feet that were not under the water, all the rest were actually tanned. Exposed in the air above the sea.

Afterwards, Gu Zheng began to retreat towards the deep sea. He took a deep breath and shouted in the direction of Nezha on the shore when he thought it was a safe distance. A cry: "Come on! Throw it out and try!!"

Hearing that distant call, Nezha, who could not wait for a long time, threw his universe circle towards the center of the sea with a flying throw.

And this cosmic circle seemed to feel Nezha’s mind. After breaking away from his hands, a golden halo came out, carrying the mystery of a fairy magic weapon, and went straight to the center of the sea. Away.

‘Puff! ’

A huge sound like a bomb entering the water only rang a long time later, followed by a huge wave of nearly ten meters high, suddenly rising from the cut-in point in the middle, engulfing the momentum like a broken bamboo, Rolling in all directions round and round.

Gu Zheng, who had been mentally prepared earlier, was shocked, and subconsciously moved a few meters against the deepest part of the sea.

Good deed, this power can catch up with the consequences of a deep-sea torpedo.

It's no wonder that in the book, this Yasha Li Gen only had a face-to-face, and his brain was cracked, and he couldn't die anymore.

This kind of powerful treasure simply ignored its sleek shape, relying on extraordinary impact, directly crushing the enemy to death.

It's really simple, rude and easy to use.

Thinking of this, Gu Zheng was just about to move, dive into the sea, and get the circle of the universe in his hands. Li Nezha, who had never thought about it, laughed proudly and waved to the next... In seconds, the circle of universe that had already been submerged in the deep sea immediately flew out of it, and went straight to Nezha's hand.

Is this with remote control?

This is a bit awkward!

However, Gu Zheng, who was not obvious on the face, used his swift talent to sprint directly to Haikou near the sea along with the universe circle, and then gave a sincere thumb to Nezha, who was delighted in color. .

"It's really amazing. The power of this universe is the real thing that can rank this number among the treasures I have seen."

"I just don't know if this universe is the farthest treasure among the treasures I know."

"I'm telling you, I have a brother, Feitian Yasha has a flying shuttle in his hand. As long as he raises his hand, he can fly thirty-six miles away, that far away, let us onlookers Yasha can't even see a shadow."

Gu Zheng is still bragging, and Nezha on the side is really not convinced.

"Joke, your flying yaksha, what good things can you have, my universe is nothing better than others, it can also do it."

"Don't believe me, let's try again."

Gu Zheng was overjoyed when he heard this, but he was hesitant on his face. Instead, he asked Nezha: "Then I will retreat inside? Run with your circle?"

"It's also easy to calculate how far it flew. If it's so far that you can't recall it by beckoning, I can pick it up for you, right?"

Hearing Gu Yecha's caring service, Nezha's face also showed a satisfied smile.

He pointed to the innermost part of the deep sea and said: "Then you have to run farther, I am born with supernatural power. After this circle is thrown out by me, until it hits the ground, I don't want to get close."

"As long as this thing is contaminated by a monster, it is either dead or injured."

And Gu Zheng was also very obedient, and yelled: "Go!" After a quick run, he ran to the center of the deep sea and stopped.

"Okay! Let's come!"

This time, when Gu Zheng roared again, Nezha spat twice at his hands, and exhausted all his strength to throw out the circle of universe in his hand.


It flew really fast, but in the blink of an eye, he passed by Gu Zheng's side.

Looking at this momentum, there is no slowing down, as if going straight to the sky.

At this time, Gu Zheng did not dare to be ambiguous. With a single thought, the water flow under his feet was kept up with the forward speed of the universe circle. The circle disappeared on the horizon.

At this time, Nezha, there is no worry at all, he is still happy by the river.

"This blue-skinned Yasha is really capable, he didn't brag with me."

"Now I don't have to worry about it, the Universe Circle that Master gave me can't be found."

Just when Nezha was laughing and laughing, Gu Zheng was on the sea a hundred miles away. However, he had already caught up with the forward speed of the universe circle, and while running, he was carefully observing the slower and slower universe circle flying with Nezha's power, and its next movements.

Seeing this circle swaying faintly in mid-air, and the moment the yellow halo shrouded him was just dispersed, Gu Zheng moved.

He clasped the huge sun-moon axe with both hands and tentatively took it towards the direction of the gradual fall of the universe circle.

The moment the opponent's fall hit his own axe, Gu Zheng's hand sank, and his heart was even more shocked!

Because according to the current the universe of universe has already flown out of unknown many nautical miles.

And the deity of this body is not a clay figure, his strength is better than that of Gu Zheng's client in the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

But even so, he couldn't hold his axe in both hands in front of the world circle that had slowed down his momentum.

After thinking about the consequences of being hit on his body by this circle, Gu Zheng just yelled and gathered all his strength on his arms, trying to keep his big axe. Keeping balance, and striving to support the circle smoothly in the moment of its end.

As a result, this circle of forks formed a tug-of-war, and the sparks that rubbed between the two smashed into each other... as if the substance was shot in all directions.

And that circle was finally blocked by Gu Zheng's big axe at the moment it was about to rush into the sea.


Gu Zheng wiped the cold sweat he had made at this moment, and carefully stretched out his trembling hands towards this quiet circle of the universe.

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