The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 861: Newly developed second talent supernatural power

God knows how much he was grateful for the eighth general and Banzhaluo who was able to respond in a timely manner.

If it were to be late for a little while, it is estimated that his two big paws... then they will be scrapped.

Looking at the corroded pitted palms where the black bones can now be seen indistinctly, Gu Zheng took a sigh of relief for the rest of his life.

In the next second, the circle of universe that was originally golden and flourishing in front of him was instantly wrapped tightly by a devilish energy gushing from the Buddhist altar.

Suddenly, this circle of universe that felt the crisis jumped into the air with a swish, trying to use its original spirituality, trying to break free from the black mist.

It's a pity that this black fog is really not a simple thing. One end of it is tightly connected to the Buddha's niche, as if it is constantly being pulled, and the desperate pull of the world's circle of trying to escape.

And this gold and black are consumed by each other in this tug-of-war.

In the end, the black magical energy seemed to be endless and exhausting, and finally consumed the last point of the spiritual energy in the universe.

"Clang Cang Cang Cang Cang Cang Cang Cang Cang Cang Cang Cang Cang Cang Cang"

This circle consumed its last bit of energy, and the moment the black mist let go, it clanged and crashed onto the floor, and there was no longer a half-minute reaction as if it were a thing.

"It's done!"

It was still the cold, unsentimental voice, once again rang from the Buddhist altar.

"The imprint of the immortal family on this immortal treasure has been erased by me, but its original spirituality has also been greatly damaged as a result."

"However, it is always a blessing to be able to lose one of these highly targeted treasures from this world."

"Xiaoyasha, you are meritorious in offering treasures this time, but do you have any requirements?"

Does killing Nezha count?

But Gu Zheng didn’t dare to say this, because these imported products can be said to be sneaky here. If Nezha is really provoked by a knife and a spear, it must be a hornet’s nest. Here comes a bunch of old people.

At that time, let alone the eight generals of Yasha, even if the eight players are together, there may be no chance of winning.

Think about it again, the Yasha and Rakshasa among the eight congregations are still hostile, and the two are both in a competitive relationship between feet and corns, so that they have never been in peace since they landed.

Thinking of this, Gu Zheng sighed, and steadily replied, "Xiao Yasha hopes to learn a Yasha's magical powers from the general."

"No matter what magical powers, I can do it."

Well, this request is quite clever, but after a moment of indifference, he responded and gave Gu Zheng an agreeable answer.


"You stand in front of the altar and wait for me to enlighten you once."

"As for what kind of magical powers you can comprehend, it depends on your good fortune."

Hearing Gu Zheng's heart overjoyed here, his face showed an equivalent smirk, and he rushed to the Buddha's altar in a hurry, lowering his head very well-behaved.

At this time, a cloud of black energy gushed out from the Buddhist altar again, and came straight to Gu Zheng’s heavenly spirit cover, and when this cloud of black energy first touched Gu Zheng’s forehead, it seemed to have come alive. With a leap directly, he rushed into Gu Zheng's Tianling Gai, but the moment's effort disappeared.

At this time, Gu Zheng's gaze, as if he didn't notice it, began to loosen, allowing this black energy to swim around his body, and after it had circulated for a big week, it would be like blood in his veins. Dissipated in his entire body.

It was as if black energy had never existed from beginning to end.

When the black air that followed disappeared, Gu Zheng's sanity gradually changed from chaos to Qingming.

After he woke up, he was in a cold sweat.

In this unpredictable world, he was still careless after all.

Just now, his Yasha's body was not under his control, and he stiffened on the spot.

And his overly active soul seemed to be looking at someone else's body, watching the black mist protruding from the left and right in his body, the feeling of powerlessness was really not wonderful.

And he was a visitor from the outside world. Under this kind of investigation, he was not noticed by the other party. After Gu Zheng felt sincerely grateful, he fell into deep jealousy.

Although the evolved version of his body, Yasha, would not be able to see the strangeness of his soul, but this does not mean that those more advanced abilities cannot see the clues of his body.

Therefore, in the next Conferring Spirit Tour, he must be more low-key and cautious, secretly destroying various plots that he can touch, and strive to be the shrimp behind.

Once again, Gu Zheng, who set himself up to watch, returned to his original light, he heard the Buddha's niche opposite, and gave himself a small good luck Banzhaluo to speak.

"It's done, it's bestowed by supernatural powers. After that, you can slowly discover it."

"If you have something to do, you can withdraw if there is nothing to do."

Hearing this, what else does Gu Zheng don't understand?

This is a closed-door thank you.

When he was about to turn around, he found the black lacquered Qiankun bracelet from the corner of his eye, which had long been like a dead fish eye, and was thrown on the ground at will, no one picked it up.

Subconsciously, Gu Zheng asked again: "General, you don't need this bracelet?"

"Well, the magic energy has been lost, and it has long since become a waste product. Most of the materials used to make bracelets are made of materials that are as strong as the sun. Now it is eroded by my boundless demon energy, and the energy is also consumed."

"There is only some heavy weight left, which is used to fool a three-year-old child."

Hearing this, Gu Zheng's mind flashed, and when he turned his head, he showed a look of dismay: "Then I don't know if the general can give me this bracelet?"

"After all, this is also the offering that I have tried so hard to find."

"Yes! You waited for the lower-class Yasha to use this bracelet, but you took advantage of it. No matter how badly this bracelet is damaged, there is always a mountain of power left."

"You and I have the same origin, the brand of the bracelet itself has been broken, you attach your own thoughts to it, this universe magic bracelet will only be commanded by you, and it will become your branding magic weapon. "

As soon as Banzhaluo's words fell, Gu Zheng rushed to the front of Qiankun Circle, picked it up, and squeezed it back into the seaweed skirt.

Then he took a look of making a lot of money, smiled flatteringly at the Buddha's niche, signed a very funny package ticket, and disappeared into the void without looking back.

"Eighth General, wait for me, I will get some treasures to dedicate to the Yasha clan."

"When the time comes, you will be like today, and give me some dew from the gap between your fingers!"

The roar was over, and the fork disappeared.

Only an inexplicable smile was left, echoing in the empty meeting place.

Then Gu Yecha, who has returned with a full load, what will he do in the third step?

The current Gu Zheng, while playing with his first magic weapon in this world, silently tuned a trace of aura in this body, and began to probe carefully, passing through the body and What's the difference just now ~ I've been looking at it all the way, and Gu Zheng has really researched a bit of a doorway.

I saw Gu Zheng yelled: "Hey!"

After that, his huge body turned around a few times in the air... it was completely invisible.

And this phenomenon lasted for a quarter of an hour, and there was another call: "Hey!", where Gu Zheng had originally disappeared, his body was revealed without any difference.

At this time, Gu Zheng's face was surprised and happy.

What was shocking was that he had automatically converted to a small space just now, and what was happy was that this small space, after it gradually matured in its later stage, had a very resounding name among the common people, that is, Yan Luodian.

It's just that the current Yan Luo Temple is still a sea of ​​corpses and blood, a mess.

Lonely spirits and wild ghosts wandered at will, and Yasha ghosts and charms swallowed each other, and even the little gods sent by the heavens did not dare to stay in them.

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