The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 862: A Preliminary Study of Chentangguan

I'm afraid that a big ghost that has already become a Guixian'er suddenly pops out of this one, grabs it and turns it into a jelly bean, quack...chew it.

Therefore, when Gu Zheng just arrived at the Yan Luo Temple, he didn't recognize where it was.

If he hadn't seen the ghost river full of ghosts and the tattered Naihe Bridge, Gu Zheng would really think he had gone to the abyssal realm of Western Fantasy World.

When he saw a few dark little ghosts who couldn't help themselves, wanted to bite his flesh and blood, and then took a bite into his stomach, he really turned his back and was overjoyed...again Read the mantra to return to reality.

Yasha feeds on the ghosts of the underworld and can strengthen its own power.

The stronger the yin ghost ability, the more pure the energy replenishment.

The skill points of this supernatural power are absolutely irrelevant.

He is not the evil spirit Yasha who specializes in the underworld. He is a marine creature that only eats the sporadic water ghosts and replenishes protein and electrolytes during the day.

Nowadays, a space full of food is placed in front of my eyes. This is simply the golden finger that has the most appetite for gluttons in history.

Gu Zheng was in a good mood, and the speed of his feet was getting a little faster.

As soon as his fins touched a mountain stream, he shuttled into the waters of the East China Sea in just a few moments.

This is where he must go to explore before going on to the third step of the plan.

Naturally, Gu Zheng would not be foolishly thrown into the trap. On the contrary, he concealed his whereabouts, took out a large pile of sea cabbage that had been hidden in the sea before, and entangled him so quietly. The wilting one leaned in the direction of the entrance to the sea.

Who would have thought, it turned out to be a peaceful place here, as if Nezha had never appeared here before, quiet and scary.

Just when Gu Zheng was puzzled by this scene, his big copper bell-like eyes shrank, and he cast his gaze to the bank of the river not far away.

The place has now become a shoal swamp.

The original rugged rocks and tall trees are now twisted and twisted... fell into that muddy ground unattended.

Looking at the bottomless scratches and scratches on the shore, Gu Zheng could deduce that a very fierce battle took place here not long ago.

Could it be said that the powerfulness of the plot made the Third Prince of the Dragon King of the East Sea still unable to hold back the trouble of Nezha in Shanghai?

But are you dragons stupid? If you want to fight, you have to go to your home court before you do it.

You swim into the shoal alone, isn't this waiting to be beaten to death?

To say that the evangelical despise the monsters and elves with scales and claws, just this IQ, or the darling of the heavens, the dragon, the phoenix, and the beast, are stupid like this. If it is an ordinary monster, wouldn't it be maddening people?

Gu Zheng, full of eyes full of disapproval, shook his head.

Now that he knew that this possibility had happened, he would naturally not go back to the Dragon Palace stupidly to inquire about the news.

When the time comes, he, a person who has disappeared for no reason, will really have a black pot of inducement for the fight between the Dragon King and Nezha.

Therefore, if Gu Zheng wants to continue to hide, then the Dragon Palace is very difficult, and he can always sneak into the mortal boundary of Chentangguan to investigate.

But now the problem is coming again.

The original owner of Yasha, he didn't know any secrets of change.

For instance, the 36 Tiangang Transformations and the Seventy-two Transformations of Disha, which Gu Zheng once coveted, were not at all the most common things like him, and could not be exposed to secret techniques.

Therefore, with this image, he can only rely on the disguise of external forces to achieve his goal.

First, he has to wait until dark.

Only when it is dark enough can he let his body of nearly seven or eight meters out of the sea.

Then, he has to find a substitute for the past for his own image.

Thinking of Gu Zheng here, his eyes rolled, his face showed a smile on his chest, he shrank his neck, and buried himself in the East China Sea again, heading straight towards Chentangguan. And gone.

When Gu Zheng traveled to Chentangguan, after observing the surrounding terrain, his face was even more delighted.

Unexpectedly, this Li Jing was so cherish his life that he built a small and old mansion on a high cliff protruding from the edge of the East China Sea.

This place is easy to defend and hard to attack.

On the other three sides, it is the highest and the lowest, and the downward slopes are all gentle slopes.

Not only did the soldiers stationed at the entire Chentang Pass under the gentle slope, they also set up layers of checkpoints as they progressed up the **** step by step.

If the enemy doesn't notice and wants to attack here, he will definitely break his blood. There will be no return.

However, Gu Zheng's goal tonight is not the Li Jing family who lives on the top of the cliff.

According to his current weak power value, he has no confidence that he can go through three rounds under Nezha's hands.

Gu Zheng's goal in this trip was the pudgy adjutant Pian general who followed Nezha.

Since Li Jing can be entrusted to take care of his children, it shows that he can barely be regarded as the kind of person who is his confidant.

It's always right to find him for information.

Gu Zheng, who was very patient, closed his eyes just below the cliff and regained consciousness.

During the period from dawn to dark, he was not idle either.

Although he didn't dare to easily reveal his traces among the aquariums, he could always move freely a few times before there were no creatures in the waters that produced sages.

Therefore, in this process, he swallowed a total of ten kilograms of kelp, ate five top wild sea cucumbers and a nest of double-headed abalone, totaling ten kilograms, and finally ate a lobster that was nearly a hundred years old. After the meat stew, he stopped his seafood feast, and Shi Shiran went to the Yan Luo Temple to continue to fill his bottomless appetite.

Sure enough, as Gu Zheng expected.

Yasha's recipe is non-human, and his way of eating just now is just about eating up to 10% of his appetite.

And in the Yan Luo Temple, he only cautiously looked for ten primary obsessive ghosts that had swallowed them, and he felt full.

He was full of warmth and laughed at himself. No wonder he would be selected by the system.

Even if it is already such a non-human, the first thought is still to live well?

My nerves are really tough.

Gu Zheng, who had finished mocking himself, had no time to blame himself. He glanced at the sinking sun and started to exercise his plan A.

That is to find the garrison camp where the fat adjutant is located, take advantage of it, take it away without knowing it, and then follow the events that he saw behind Nezha today and follow him carefully. Tell me something.

Let him know what to do next.

Gu Zheng, who did what he said, was very decisive when he started. He dressed himself as an ancient tree in the sky, with the smell of dried shrimps, and walked ashore in the dark.

When there was a distance of more than a hundred meters from the officer’s quartering area, he wisely stopped the pace of moving forward, and stayed in the woods on the only way from the main courtyard of Li Jing’s house to the barracks, motionless. Waiting for the fish to pass by.

Don't say Gu Zheng's timing is quite accurate.

Nezha, a small ancestor who caused trouble, usually refused to go home when his father got off work.

Therefore, as a full-time babysitter, the duty of the fat adjutant must be to send him back to their military chief before he can have time to rest.

At this point, according to Jiao Zheng's speculation, Li Jing did not have the kindness to keep him eating together.

As a fat man, he must have hurried towards his own territory within the first time after the handover.

Therefore, Gu Zheng, who made a very accurate judgment, pinched the other's neck on this empty road where people were all going to eat.

Before it started to struggle, it was just a slight exertion, which caused it to fall into a dizzy state.

Afterwards, Gu Zheng calmly lifted his big fins, dragged his trophies, and dived into the East China Sea with plenty of surplus.

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