When the fat adjutant woke up slowly, he saw this scene.

He saw a blue Yasha standing upside down, smiling grimly at him.

Oh, no, it was actually himself who was hung upside down.

The fat lieutenant who clearly understood the situation wailed in an instant.

It's a pity that the current Gu Zheng is not in the mood to play with him... You scream, no matter how loudly you scream, no one will come to save your trick. He just drew out his ears impatiently, and drank short and resolutely. A cry: "Shut up!"

"For every additional sentence, I will cut off a part of your body."

"I ask you to answer, there is a nonsense...huh!"

After Gu Zheng finished speaking, the fat adjutant was as quiet as a pig in an instant, and he pressed his mouth tightly, but nodded vigorously.

"Very witty, I like smart people."

"Then let's start with the first question."

"Nezha hasn't met someone from the Dragon King Palace, is the person leading the team to go to sea the third prince of the Dragon King?"

The little fat man didn't say anything, but nodded very quickly.

"Understood, then for the second question, after they fight, how will they win or lose? Please describe it carefully."

After speaking, Gu Zheng quietly looked at the fat man hanging on the cliff and listened to his very clear and slightly trembling description.

After a short while, Gu Zheng figured out the whole story.

This Nezha really successfully merged with the Dragon King Third Prince.

Because of the absence of his patrol Yaksha as a catalyst, although the first meeting between the two was not pleasant, it was not as full of gunpowder as in the original world.

The blame is on this Nezha's mouth.

The young master looked at all the unfriendly non-human beings, he didn't look like a good person.

He didn't care what the prince of the Dragon Palace was, he came up and ordered the sea clan with the head of the body to find him the lost circle of heaven and earth.

As for the Yasha who had been chasing him before, Nezha was selectively ignored.

In his opinion, the Yaksha did not obey his instructions at all. He must have picked up his universe without believing in evil, but in the end he was turned into the sea by his treasure.

Therefore, when the Dragon King Third Prince shouldn't accept his rude request at all, but instead asked him how he gave Xunhai Yasha.

The unreasonable temper of this bear kid... just followed.

"You bastard, can't you listen to people?"

After beating you down, let you do things.

Puff la la, the equivalent of a low-profile version of Xian Suo Hun Tian Ling, wrapped around the body of the third prince of the Dragon King Ao Bing.

And this third prince really forgot the old Dragon King's instructions under the seabed. As soon as that reckless energy came up, he took his trident and greeted him, and the dragons fought together one by one.

The situation in the early stage of the battle was not much different from what Gu Zheng had in mind.

But in the final crucial stage of hammering death, Li Nezha, who had lost the world circle, was not as easy as before.

His pair of flesh fists, even if they were many times stronger than ordinary people, were still not enough when faced with dragons that were covered in dragon scales, revealed their prototypes, and were known for their powerful flesh.

At the end of the fight, Nezha was panting out of breath, and Ao Bing gave the hammer a bulging head, but the two people just froze together with big eyes and small eyes.

At this time, Nezha was really a fierce man. He didn't stop doing two things. He shook Hun Tian Ling, restrained the third prince of the Dragon King, and pulled it in the direction of Chen Tangguan.

And the fat lieutenant who followed him, on the way there was no lack of tongue, desperately admonishing, did he not stop Nezha from moving forward, and asked him to drag the third prince of the Dragon King... to his home. NS.

Here, just now, the reason why he escaped from wasteland was easily captured by Gu Zheng, and why he ran away after sending the three young masters and the dragon home.

If he ran a little slower, it would be Nezha's father Li Jing, his immediate superior, that would make him suffocate.

The fat lieutenant is more aggrieved as he speaks.

The child of the leader this year is a bear child, and he has no laws to persuade him at all.

If you are wronged, why are you bothering me?

But at this time, Gu Zheng smiled twice, slapped the fat adjutant’s face and slapped him again. After knocking him out, three or two of them... they were thrown back to the small forest. Went inside.

The third prince of the Dragon King is not dead, but this evening, Li Jing still can't be kind to Nezha.

This circle of universe is indeed a weapon for fighting. A battle that could be done in two or three blows has been delayed until now, and I don't know how Li Jing, who had been waiting at home early, would handle it.

Who would have thought, Gu Zheng was pondering under the deep cliff in the backyard, and heard a weak and feeble roar from the top of his head: "Chen Tangguan Li Jing, you have committed a murder, and caused the imperial pen of the Lingxiao Palace." General Li Gen, who was on the point of difference, disappeared, humiliating my dragon clan, and beating my Prince of the East Sea with bruises all over his body."

"Wait, I must ask my father to report to the heavenly court. When the time comes, the High Heaven Palace will be in front of the Great Emperor Vast Sky, you can tell yourselves separately!"

After saying this, Aobing let out a very miserable dragon chant, and floated tremblingly towards the surface of the East China Sea.

Scared Gu Zheng squatted down, hiding all his obvious characteristics of Yaksha in the shallow reef at the bottom of the cliff.

When the third prince of the Dragon King was submerged in the water, and disappeared after a while, he looked at the direction where the other party disappeared with lingering fear, then turned his head and looked back in the direction of Chen Tangguan.

Now that Gu Zheng has finished watching all his tricks, what is he waiting for here?

Waiting for Nezha, the bear kid to quarrel with his father, look at the direction of whether the kid is going to the gate of the city.

This time, Gu Zheng really waited for some results.

The quarrel between the father and son of the Li family spread farther in the silent night. When the angry rants stopped abruptly, the bear boy Nezha, really ran from his house. Out, ignoring his mother's call, ran towards the gate of the city without looking back.

After seeing Nezha's behavioral trend, Gu Zheng turned his head, plunged into the dark water, and headed straight for the opposite direction to the city gate tower, the direction of the Skull Mountain Baigu Cave.

Gu Zheng was going to check it out. The time of the archery had already been out of line with the original time, so Nezha would still pull away the Qiankun bow and shoot the Sky Shocking Arrow.

And at this time, under the half-mountain cliff of Skull Mountain, there is still a little Tong Bixiao who has not come out in the middle of the night to collect medicine.

Gu Zheng, who was just leaving, took advantage of the convenience of the waterway to be in the stream under the Gulu Mountain, twisting a diversion to reveal his true face.

And with his big eyes with good night vision, he saw a boy in Qingyi in the grass not far away. He was squatting there and wondering what to do.

Seeing Gu Zheng here was a pang of anxiety. Is this plot so powerful?

At this point, where has all this deviated?

The shaking arrow that should have been shot again tomorrow~www.readwn.com~ I am afraid that this boy will be solved here, right?

Gu Zheng felt anxious when he thought of this place, and Gao jumped out of the mountain stream where he had finally climbed out, and went straight to the grass where the boy in Tsing Yi was squatting, and moved towards the one who was immovable and imminent in disaster. The direction of the boy in Tsing Yi...with a low voice: "Get out of the way, there is a hidden weapon!"

And it was this roar that awakened the boy who was still squatting, causing him to thump and fall to the ground.

And after seeing the two big copper bell eyes in the grass, he kept his face up to the sky in horror. In the direction of Zheng, howling loudly: "Ghost! There are hungry ghosts!"

At this time, Gu Zheng was very annoyed at the state of the boy in Tsing Yi, and he didn't care that this was Empress Shiji's site. He raised the volume three times and yelled at the boy.

"Cao Nima, can you continue to panic after you put your pants up, you almost sprayed my face with your unfinished urine!"

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