The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 864: Empress Shiji, open the door for me!

The boy is full of firepower, and with such a fright, the water column is like a fire gun, and it goes up to the sky.

Had it not been for Gu Zheng's instinct for night vision, he would have been **** a long time ago, and he would have been bravely hit.

Seeing Gu Zheng suddenly yelling like this, the child with the pants still hanging on the crook of his legs subconsciously glanced down at his crotch, sniffed his nose, and stopped his ghost crying wolf howling. Instead, he used extremely fast speed. Pulling his cyan satin pants to the top like this, he turned his head and yelled at Gu Zheng again.

"What a courage, dare to be presumptuous in this uninhabited Skeleton Mountain!"

"Do you know where this is? What kind of wild ghosts and lonely spirits, dare to talk nonsense here!"

"What did you just say? Isn't there a hidden weapon? Tell me, where is the hidden weapon? Where do you want me to hide?"

"Say, if you can't tell me a thing or two at this time, I will take you down and hand it over to my Shiji Empress!"

Speaking of the boy in Tsing Yi, he thrust his waist, not to mention being too aggressive.

However, Gu Zheng, who was questioned, had doubts on his face, and asked quite puzzled: "Dare to ask the boy's name?"

"This is really the boundary of the Skull Mountain? I heard that Empress Shiji has a supernatural power that can be compared to the sky, and her best friends are all over the five mountains and three mountains."

"But if you are the boy she sat down, how come your Taoism and deeds are so low that you haven't even practiced the stage of bigu, but there are still mortals' reincarnation and five constants?"

"Also, the last question, you just squatted in the grass and made shit, did you wipe it?"

This initial question only made the boy in Tsing Yi show embarrassed face, and when he asked the last question, he was left with a shy and angrily shout.

"Then who is going to rely on! Isn't it because your Yasha ghost suddenly appeared and scared me into a panic?"

"I'm telling you, you are dead, you have offended my boy Biyun, Empress Shiji will definitely not spare you!"

"Go, let me go to the White Bone Cave and share with Empress Shiji!"

After saying this, the boy in Tsing Yi kept a diligent buttocks ditch, trying not to let the scum on his pants, and moved two steps before coming to Gu Zheng’s face, paddling his feet. So he grabbed the hair of Gu Zheng's legs and planned to use his own strength to pull this uninvited guest into the cave of Baigudong, and let her omnipotent mother clean it up to relieve her own visceral hatred. .

But can Gu Zheng let this Biyun boy succeed?

He hasn't seen the Sky Shocking Arrow flying over yet, what would he say if he went to the Bone Cave at this time?

Say... I think you were wiped out by the Taiyi master and apprentice group in one hole and three mouths?

Can't speak.

These days, don't look at the fairy tales, there are many monsters like dogs, but no one has been able to see Gu Zheng as a prophet.

To cut life to death and intervene in luck, even with such a great power as Master Tongtian, he would not dare to pat his chest and say that he would definitely be able to do it.

If Empress Shiji was born with suspicion, Gu Zheng was afraid that he hadn't done anything yet, he would get rid of someone else's first.

Therefore, the current Gu Zheng is purely using his own body shape to play rogues. He didn't care about the child on his legs. On the contrary, he looked strangely in the direction of Chen Tangguan, covering the pergola with his hands.

"It makes no sense, why haven't you come yet?"

But Biyun, who tried a few times to discover the gap between himself and Gu Zheng, jumped out of Gu Zheng’s legs out of breath, pointed to Gu Zheng and threatened: "You wait for me, I'm not as good as my skills. People, I can’t clean up you, but there is always someone who can clean up you in Skull Mountain!"

After saying this, he started running to the top of the mountain as soon as he pulled up his robe. Who would have thought, but his back collar was grabbed by Gu Zheng again, and this blue-faced fangs Yasha asked him for the last one. problem.

"Are you planning to run up the mountain? To find Empress Shiji to file a complaint?"

How fresh, isn't this something obvious?

Biyun glared at him, and after hearing Gu Zheng's next sentence, he burst into beans.

"No, you have to run in the opposite direction of the position you thought in your heart, otherwise, you will have a **** disaster, or you will die on the spot."

The angry Biyun's head was full of anger, but this Gu Zheng's strength was too strong. He was like a milk dog being lifted up in the opponent's hand, and he was sent directly down the mountain by the other party.

This neurotic Yaksha, after he landed, he did not forget to remind him again: "I want all kinds of irregular streams of consciousness to run around, and I can't save you a little life!"

Is this a bag in your head?

People always say that the Western gods are stupid, and the Yasha tribe is a big nest of stupid donkeys. How strong is it compared to this kind of brain which is only the size of a walnut.

When I thought of this, Biyun rolled his eyes, and he really drew a circle for a while and then down the mountain according to the requirements of taking care of Zheng... Overall, he ran into the cave irregularly.

But whoever came to think, he just moved a step down, only one meter away, there was a sharp sound of breaking through the void in this void.

‘Wow! ’

The Shaking Arrow was like a ignited firework in the darkness, drawing bright traces and flying towards Gu Zheng and Biyun.

Coincidentally, it hit Biyun's heart again.

Biyun, who had listened to Gu Zheng's words and ran a step down, stared at his unwilling big eyes and hung the cool-shaking arrows, slowly turning his body in Gu Zheng's direction.

" are here to cheat me!"

This is the last sentence Biyun said to Gu Zheng. After he finished saying this sentence, he glared at him with his never-seeing white eyes, and threw himself straight in front of Gu Zheng, which was extremely ironic. The sky-shaking arrow, as Biyun fell,'hum...'...mechanically vibrated in front of Gu Zheng, as if mocking Gu Zheng's powerlessness.

"Is this... Anyway, something has changed? The arrow pierced the throat at the beginning."

"Wait, this Biyun seems to be a little warm, I hurried to move to the White Bone Cave, maybe this Shiji Empress will have a way?"

After thinking about it, Gu Zheng hesitated for a while and pushed Biyun on his shoulders, striding towards the bone cave on the top of the mountain.

At this time, even if the distance was farther away, the Empress Shiji in the White Bone Cave was awakened by the sound of the humming footsteps that were getting closer and closer.

She leaned on her jade bed, frowned and summoned another child, Caiyun, who was beside her. She just wanted to tell her to go out and investigate, but she was knocked on the outside of the gate made of her jasper jade. Rang.

"Will Empress Shiji be here?"

"The big thing is not good, someone killed your boy in the mountains!"

Upon hearing this Hongzhong-like volume, Empress Shiji propped up her body, grabbed the gauze hanging on the crystal glass shelf, and made a graceful turn, she dressed the fairy robe properly, frowning and floating there. In the lobby where she usually sits, she pinched a mouthful of the stone wall at the entrance of the cave, and opened the restriction outside her sapphire gate, rumbling... it made the one who was still yelling outside her door in the middle of the night. The man showed his true face.

The door suddenly opened, and the people inside and outside the door were stunned for a There was no way, even the Empress Shiji, who had been in this world since the beginning of time, has experienced long years of cultivation, After seeing Gu Zheng's honor, he couldn't help being shocked at this moment.

It is true that this Yasha Gu Zheng looks too ugly, and the night is the home of this species. If you make an ugly ranking in this world, the absolute ability of the Yasha tribe will be among the best.

And Empress Shiji is still a woman after all, is this woman, no matter how fierce the fighting is, in some aspects, such as the concern about beauty and ugliness, she is still many times more sensitive than men.

Therefore, the Shiji Empress, who has traveled for thousands of years, was shocked by Gu Zheng for an unprecedented time.

And just after this shivering, Empress Shiji, who reacted, grabbed Tai Ajian very vigilantly, and asked outside the door: "Who is it? What's the matter with the door? Why did you come?"

But Gu Zheng, who was standing at the door, was dazzled by the face of Empress Shiji, and almost broke her work.

This Gu Zheng has always been rolling in the dust, and has never seen a true monastic female fairy?

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