The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 865: The first smart Yasha in history

And this beauty pays attention to three-point painted skin and seven-point painted bones. Even if he has ever met a top painted skin woman, when he saw a female fairy with only three-point painted bones, Gu Zheng couldn’t help the man’s stinky problem. The waist and legs... followed by a little bit softer.

However, Gu Zheng, who still has the last line in his head, has explained the purpose of his trip.

"Actually...sell Shiji Empress, the younger one is Gu Zheng from the Yasha tribe. He was hunted down and walked through Baoshan to take a rest. Whoever dreamt of it was to see the child under Empress being a hidden weapon from a day away. Shoot it in front of Xiaocha."

"Therefore, when I was shocked and scared, I didn't dare to delay. He carried the boy straight to the empress' cave mansion. It was an explanation for the empress. Don't blame Xiaoyacha Gu Zheng for my help."

Having said this, Gu Zheng put the Biyun boy behind him backhanded, and with some caution, he handed the opponent's weakened body toward the white bone cave gate.

Who would have thought that Empress Shiji, who was sitting in the center, hadn't spoken yet, Caiyun, who was always inseparable from Biyun, saw this situation, wow, and rushed towards Biyun's side. .

When he saw Biyun's face down and an extremely sharp arrow sticking into his back, the look in Gu Zheng's eyes instantly turned bad.

"You lie! What kind of sharp weapon can fly from the sky? I think it was you, the yaksha ghost, who made the ghost, I am afraid that I know the power of my Shiji empress, in order to escape the blame, the thief shouted to catch the thief, right?"

But just when Caiyun was about to continue screaming, Empress Shiji behind him suddenly said: "Caiyun, you will pull Biyun in front of me. I think he still has some warmth, I'm afraid it will still survive. ."

And hearing Empress Shiji’s instructions, Caiyun on the side was happy, and she was busy picking up Biyun on the side, but was afraid that her actions would involve the other party’s wounds, and she was at a loss. This Caiyun thought of another one. The stupid man was standing outside the door, waiting for his mother Shiji's instructions.

Caiyun, who was not in use for nothing, directly ordered in the direction of Gu Zheng: "The Yasha outside the door, come in, let me take the lead, and help Biyun in front of the empress and listen to the words of the empress."

But Gu Zheng scratched his head with embarrassment, pointed at the gate that was only four or five meters wide, then pointed back at his huge body, and returned awkwardly: "This fairy boy, no Gu Zheng didn't want to help."

"It's just that Xiaoyasha, I have not yet mastered the method of transforming the body, and the treasure of the empress is too fine to accommodate a clumsy person like me."

This sentence directly held the two masters and servants in the cave of bones.

Cai Yun, who didn't have a good face to Gu Zheng, also laughed with Zhanyan.

As for the Empress Shiji behind him, she directly supported her forehead and squeezed her hand to send a voice transmission to Gu Zheng. The formula for transforming her body was spread out casually.

After hearing this recipe, Gu Zheng was overjoyed. After making a firm bow to the Empress Shiji in the cave, he recited the recipe in his heart several times outside the cave.

Immediately tried it.

I don't know if this body was changed to a soul.

Gu Zheng just read the decision three times with common sense, and he really let him master it directly.

After he pronounced the word "small" in his life, his huge body, which was close to ten meters, slowly shrank in circles until it became a normal human size, and then gradually stopped and continued to change. Small steps.

"Haha, thank you, Niang Niang!"

In response to this sudden decrease in size, Gu Zheng was ecstatic. Turning around, it was an somersault. With both hands and feet, he rolled into the bone hole and stretched out his blue paws in the direction of Caiyun.

At the moment when he saw his palm, Gu Zheng still felt a pity in his heart. He didn't ask for another formula to change the person's body with the imperceptibility of the Shiji Empress.

I can only lament the gap between the species, so that there is no love between the races.

This world especially favors the elves who are naturally raised, but it is much harsher for their self-cultivation beasts and ghosts.

Even some of the magical magic tricks that ordinary people can come into contact with, among the Yasha tribe, seem to have no knowledge of this aspect, and it is difficult to understand and master.

However, Gu Zheng's mentality adjusted when his hand touched Biyun's body.

Now is not the time to be greedy, in this world of crisis everywhere, it is better to find a way to reap some benefits from this bone hole.

Gu Zheng, who turned his thoughts, said that the smile was a joy, but the Shiji Empress, who was sitting on the futon at the top of the White Bone Cave, was tumbling in doubt like a stormy sea.

It's not the Yasha clan, because of its racial characteristics, most of them are reckless and brainless species. If there are one or two with brains, they are all guys who are close to the demon in wisdom.

And most of these yakshas with brains can break through the constraints of races and evolve into higher-level existences.

And the existence of this kind of high-ranking Yasha generals once caused a **** storm in Western religions, and even the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas were deeply jealous.

Now, the Xiaoyasha in front of me, depending on his level of cultivation, can only reach the level of an immortal. In a world where mortals are strong and weak, their overall strength can only overwhelm those ordinary people. If it is a star rating, it can be counted as two stars at most.

But when it comes to the comprehension of magic techniques, he is no one in a million, no one can match.

This body-changing spell is not difficult to say, but not easy to say. Even a cultivator with a very high understanding, if you want to master it to a proficient level, it takes a few days of hard work.

But this Yasha named Gu Zheng just took a moment to change his figure at will.

If you really think about it carefully, I'm afraid that the level of intelligence is a bit better than those of humans with a lot of mind.

Thinking of such a Shiji Empress, she felt inexplicable for the taste of Xiaoyasha in her heart.

To say that she is a very old qualification that has existed since Pangu opened the world.

The reason why she can be called a Shiji Empress by people and Nuwa Empress and Sanxiao Empress among so many female fairies is not because of how advanced her Taoism is, but because she lives. Old enough.

If one had counted from the day when the original body existed, it would be enough to live the same life as when Pangu opened the sky.

However, she has cultivated to the present, but Tao Xing has reached the level of a big Luo Jinxian.

It's just comparable to the level of the second generation of elites who cut off and teach.

But those human monsters with bright-minded minds, just after 1,500 years of cultivation, they can achieve the three-flowered gathering and the five-qi development. Just thinking of this, Shiji Empress is silent for a while.

But anyhow, she is also an old monster of tens of thousands of years. The geniuses who have seen her do not know where they are, and the younger generations who have been promoted are even more numerous.

Just like Gu Zheng's trails, she just turned around in her mind, and she was left behind.

What she is going to do now is to investigate the truth and futility of his words according to what this Yasha said, to see who bullied her and dared to kill her. Close-fitting children.

Empress Shiji, who had taken back her thoughts, raised her eyes and looked again, and saw that the Caiyun boy and Gu Zheng had already sent Biyun to her.

And this Empress Shiji is indeed a capable person who has cultivated for many years, but after pinching a secret in her hand again, she shook her head in the direction of the hopeful Caiyun.

"No, the general situation is over, the injuries are serious, and even the gods are hard to save."

"Biyun is just being dangled by a slight opportunity, but I am afraid that a moment's time is about to go."

"However, I will use a method to turn it around and ask if the Yasha that suddenly appeared in my Skull Mountain is true."

"If I know of any deception...huh..."

For the rest, Empress Shiji didn't say anything, but she used her fingers to make two beautiful pinches that looked like a flower, and pierced Biyun's dying body with a red light.

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