The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 868: Light pole commander Haotian Emperor (35/50)

He had no choice but to nodded his head, and shook his head behind him, indicating that Nezha’s purpose of this trip has been achieved. His Dragon King admits to him today and fears his lewdness, so he won’t go today. Filed a complaint.

It was very satisfying to see Nezha who had such a reaction from the Dragon King, but he, who had a sound mind, was not stupid enough to let the Dragon King out here.

On the contrary, he took the end of Hun Tian Ling with a little comfort, and explained to the East Sea Dragon King while smiling: "Patience for a while, Old Dragon King, after you and I have fallen into the mortal world, I Let you out again."

After finishing speaking, regardless of the struggle of the Dragon King, with a flick of his wrist, he shook the Hun Tian Ling into a technical movement of rhythmic gymnastics rope drifting, holding the flowers...just sliding straight down the ladder. Down.

It’s only a pity that this East China Sea Dragon King, who has a life span of 1,888 years, is so old, he still enjoys a monkey rubber band to strangle his crotch, and the torture that ranks 19th in the SM collection of repeated rubbing, with Nezha bounced, wailed, and went down to heaven.

Seeing that Gu Zheng felt quite empathetic, he supported his fifth limb, and after confirming that the two people were indeed walking far away, he slowly stood up from the grass where he was hiding.

When he returned to his original size, his eyes dropped, but he saw the small grass where he was hiding. Because this Nantian gate belongs to the Jinrui Qi, it has not been nourished by rain and dew for a long time. Some withered and wilted hair.

And it can survive a few pieces of dust that can be seen with the naked eye in the gap between this small fairy column, and it can be seen that it is also strong.

Seeing Gu Zheng here, he felt a little compassionate.

After careful consideration, he untied the cloth bag around his waist, and together with the small layer of adobe, he gathered the clump of weeds that concealed his figure in the bag. After being caught in his arms, he clapped his hands with satisfaction and strode towards the Nantian Gate.

Now, in the entire heavenly court, he is the only official who has something to report, and the official who retreats without problems is about to file a complaint.

He can steadily put on eye drops for Taiyi's good apprentice.

Gu Zheng was ready, and his feet descended very quickly. When he relied on this body’s memory of the only time he went to the hall to be an official and received an decree, he walked along Wentian Road to the main hall of the Lingxiao Palace. It was discovered that above this empty hall, there was only one Haotian Tiandi who was taller than his Yasha's prototype. He was sitting on his throne, supporting his head that was about to hang down with his hands. Dozing off suddenly.

To say that the Emperor Haotian was really pitiful. He asked the twelve heads of immortals to be his courtiers, but they were unwilling. On the contrary, they made a list of conferred gods. By trying his luck, he fooled some courtiers and formed his heavenly court. Team.

But now, the road to conferring the gods had just begun, and the Emperor Vast Sky couldn't even set up an empty shelf.

Pity him, a self-proclaimed emperor, can only talk to three or two kittens who have never even cultivated to a human or immortal, and chat with this huge empty palace.

But even if he didn't have much ability, he couldn't help the big Luo Jinxian who was talented and proud, but the Vast Sky Emperor was not interested in spending time with a group of temporary secondees who were inferior to him.

Ever since, the early morning dynasty once a week caused the Emperor Haotian to wave his hand, and it became a time for him to doze in a daze.

But Gu Zheng didn't know, he regretted it when he rushed into this high palace with a loud cry and crying.

And the Vast Sky Emperor who sat at the top heard a cry: "Your Majesty, the minister is so wronged!! Please Your Majesty be the master of the minister", he woke up from his seat after a while. , Very vaguely wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and after purging his clothes a little, he put on a very bluffing and majestic posture, and looked back in the direction of Gu Zheng.

"Who is playing in the hall? What is wrong? You speak quickly!"

Oh my god, but I found something and did it.

The Emperor Haotian was in spirit, but in the empty hall, Gu Zheng, who was still planning to sing and play, was about to cry.

This organization is a bit unreliable. If there is something to find out about the organization, does it still apply here?

Forget it, it's already the case, let's move on.

The wailing Gu Zheng, in order to prevent the disgusting and distorted expression on his face from being seen by the Haotian God above him, he threw a sigh of sorrow and half-kneeled in the middle of the high palace. , Snot and tears told of his grievances these days.

By the way, the dissatisfaction of the Old Dragon King and Empress Shiji were told to the Emperor Haotiantian.

It's just that when Gu Zheng was talking about the culprit, he kept a little hand, only that he was the son of a frontier general under King Zhou. Relying on his own abilities, he was domineering, bullying, and fisting. Fight the Dragon King of the East China Sea, and deceive Empress Shiji.

The Haotiantian emperor, who could hear it, followed Gu Zheng's description, gritted his teeth for a while, and felt very empathetic.

After Gu Zheng finished the narrative, he handed the Vast Sky Emperor the evidence left by the criminal to the Vast Sky Emperor, the Vast Sky Emperor who was sitting on top of it, slapped his thigh, and said what he said. go out.

"These strangers, ascetics, really have no fear at all."

"These nine layers of heaven, and the nine layers of heaven, should belong to my heavenly court."

"And these so-called strangers and immortals? How many of them will truly obey orders, and how many will act in accordance with the rules of this world?"

"It's done, Xunhai Yasha Li Gen, right?"

Hearing the question from the Emperor of Heaven, Gu Zheng immediately gave his personal testimony: "No, in order to avoid the murder of that vicious alien, he has changed his name to Gu Zheng."

And the Emperor of Heaven didn’t care what the Yasha underneath was called, but he said to himself: “Okay, Xunhai Yacha Gu Zheng, right, the Emperor of Heaven will be the master for you!”

"Nowadays, anyone really dares to slap my nose on the people of my heavenly court. If I don't promote my heavenly power, then even if the righteous **** returns to his position, then they will all be thorns, and they will not accept it. ."

"Gu Zheng takes the lead!"

"The end will be!"

"Let's order five hundred heavenly soldiers, five hundred heavenly generals, five hundred yellow-turbaned men, and bring the seal of my heavenly court to represent the lower realm of the imperial court."

"Also let that overweight kid know, the reputation of my heavenly court!"

"Yes! In the end, the general will live up to the heavenly emperor's entrustment, and bring that Li Nezha to justice and hand him over to the heavenly emperor for severe punishment!"

At this time, the Haotian God, after hearing Li Nezha, was taken aback and asked subconsciously.

"Who are you talking about? The son of the general soldier under King Zhou who doesn't know good or bad, is called Li Nezha?"

"Yes? Your Majesty the Emperor."

Talking about Gu Zheng here, the corner of his mouth was slightly raised, but the token in his hand was tightened a little bit tighter.

And he was pretending to be at a loss, but he was not idle under his feet, swishing towards the exit of the Lingxiao Palace.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, even if the other party's background is very big, the person behind it is even more capable, but in the end he will definitely not fall into the power of my heavenly court, and vowed to give Li Nezha a good look."

"And that Li Jing who committed the is not a good thing, and it deserves the guilt that your Majesty said."

"Weichen will definitely educate them, father and son, and bind them to heaven together so that your majesty can convict!"

After saying this, Gu Zheng had already turned into a black spot.

Only Haotian was left alone, sitting in the Palace of the High Heavens, which suddenly became colder, holding the arms that could not be prevented, and tremblingly said to the air: "If it's that Li Nezha... Just forget it."

I couldn't beat the real Taiyi, maybe even Li Nezha was choking, so Vast Sky Emperor didn't have the embarrassment to say this.

But after he reacted, he felt deeply ashamed for being so inexplicable.

"If you really provoke the unreasonable killing **** and the even more unreasonable master, they will go to heaven and overthrow our High Heaven Palace?"

"No, I'm going to find foreign aid, and at least I have to ventilate with the Yaochi Golden Mother. At the very least, I can't lose the battle when I'm backstage!"

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