The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 869: Begin the battle at Chentangguan

At this time, the Emperor Haotian didn't feel that there was something wrong with looking for his nominal partner wife when something happened.

He also ignored the snooze. After smoothing the sleeping creases on his clothes, he went straight to the direction of West Kunlun.

To say that the emperor of the heavens is awkward enough, there are still not as many people under the hands of the Jade Lake Golden Mother.

And the magic weapon in your own hands?

Ha ha, not even one.

Thinking of the Haotiantian emperor here, he coveted the Juxian Banner in the hands of the Yaochi Golden Mother in his mind, and then thought of the body of the Yaochi Golden Mother, and shuddered again, which was actually half part. The thought of dared not arise.

When the Emperor Haotiantian was eager to find foreign aid, what was Gu Zheng doing?

He was talking to the 1,500 soldiers under his...

To say something that is unacceptable, it is quite bluff at first to hear that there are thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals.

But after waiting for the excitement, Gu Zheng thought about it again, and he was overwhelmed.

The Emperor Haotian asked him to order one thousand and five soldiers. There are enough people, but even if he was given one thousand and five, he still couldn't beat Nezha if he could not beat Gu Zheng.

These celestial soldiers and generals with quite resounding names are nothing more than frightening ordinary people.

But if you really met Li Jing from Chentangguan with a real sword and a real gun, it would not be enough to give others a head.

Guess why?

Gu Zheng only really understood the doorway here after he was in this heavenly environment.

These heavenly soldiers who looked through the golden silk and golden scales were actually enchanted by the obsessive soldiers of the lower realm who could not reenter the cycle of reincarnation after death.

They were summoned by the Heavenly Court Conscription Office and were born from it with the convenience of the Spirit Gathering Pool.

As long as there are still wars and deaths in these three realms, the number of these heavenly soldiers and generals will be inexhaustible.

Therefore, even if these heavenly soldiers were folded into the hands of conquering opponents, the side of the heavenly court sent troops would not feel distressed.

Strictly speaking, they all belong to the unconscious soul body, and they only know how to follow orders, so how can their personal will and emotions come from?

Therefore, after learning about the true combat effectiveness of these heavenly soldiers and generals, Gu Zheng assessed the perilousness of the trip, and if he succeeded, the option of conquering by force was drawn down from his mandatory items.

So now, there is only one way to go on a roundabout offensive of public opinion.

Although to Nezha, the officials of the Heavenly Court are as insignificant as a fart.

But in the eyes of the rule-heavy and orderly Li Jing, reputation has a lot of weight.

Therefore, he still has to follow the old path of his father's persecution, so that Nezha can successfully transform into a soul body.

And when it came to that state, I was afraid that Madam Taiyi wouldn't be able to protect the bear boy Nezha.

Thinking of Gu Zheng here, his expression became even more agitated, and the scene of "the second generation of officials smashing into the office of the Ocean Bureau, and making ruthless words to kill them without leaving them" made the arrangement even more exciting. a bit.

Among them, the humiliation of the Dragon King, the arrogance of Nezha, the seriousness of the aquatic withdrawal caused by the incident, and the uncontrolled situation of wind, frost, snow, and rain were deliberately repeated three times in order to let the audience watch. , Know the seriousness of it.

In addition, he also made a supplementary small theater, and used a two-person dialogue to express the matters concerning Empress Shiji’s boyhood. This is used to show everyone when Nezha denies denial. Used for display.

Don't tell me, although these heavenly soldiers and geniuses say that they are almost in combat effectiveness, they are first-class powerful in terms of execution.

After Gu Zheng watched the series three times before and after, and felt that there was no major mistake, he used a hundred heavenly soldiers to hit the flag and a hundred heavenly soldiers to beat the gong, and drove in the direction of Chentangguan. went.

And within this not-so-short journey, Gu Zheng naturally didn't have any legal decisions to speed up the clouds and fog.

On the contrary, it is floating leisurely and low in the sky, and while walking, it is playing a small theater.

Good guys, since they showed up, that's amazing.

That is when passing through remote mountains and forests, there are birds, beasts, flowers, and trees, and new spiritual creatures are following.

And along the way, with Gu Zheng's preaching, under the feet of his 1,500 soldiers... more and more people followed.

And the story he was performing was naturally understood by these few capable elves and monsters, ghosts, gods and outstanding people.

If there are ordinary people who see the mighty power of the heavenly soldiers, they will worship them.

But after the worship, they are more concerned about the reasons why these heavenly soldiers descended.

After they learned the whole story from the strange characters passing by, it really only left panic and resentment.

They are frightened that if the Four Seas Dragon King is annoyed by this mortal, and will no longer practice the rainy clouds and rain, and only let these people eat by nature, they are afraid that the lives of many fishermen who rely on rivers, seas and lakes will be even more difficult. Come on.

What they panicked is that they moved their whole body by pulling them, and they could endure it if the wind disappeared. If the rain disappeared, then now they have eaten the food in their mouths and drink the imported tea. The price of each is going up.

And it was hard to live a better life, I am afraid that I will be plunged into the deep waters of the war.

Naturally, it was Nezha who was angry with them.

It's just that the son of the general soldier in a small area can do things that the emperor has never dared to do. It is really daunting.

And behind this son, the real Taiyi who has never appeared before, is afraid that it is also a vicious and vicious demon way that does not put the people's suffering in his heart.

The people thinking about this are all running and telling each other, but after a while, all the cities and villages on the way from Heaven to Chentangguan, the humans, beasts and ghosts in the mountains and swamps all know about Li Nezha's evil deeds.

Those with some energy are gearing up, picking up weapons, lighting up the little demon's follower, and following Gu Zheng's team behind and sweeping the formation.

The ordinary civilians gathered together and went to the yamen run by the imperial government to ask for an explanation for their future lives.

visible. The scene that Gu Zheng rehearsed was completely on fire.

In the cities and towns he passed through, there were many such clever actors and actresses. In order to take advantage of his enthusiasm and reap the benefits, he added his own understanding to his drama and expressed it in various forms of folk art.

For a time, there is no need for Gu Zheng to be busy, and the drama of the second generation of officials angering the Dragon Lord is so popular.

When Gu Zheng really arrived at the pass of Chentang Pass, Li Jing standing on the city wall... saw this situation.

That is a sea of ​​people, crowded with people.

Underneath, there was the ghost with the blue face and fangs flying stiff, and there were the birds and beasts that had just transformed.

There are people with lofty faces that are different from ordinary people, and there are thousands of the most common brave people,

And these people came for his third son, Nezha, Li Jing.

And these people have an expression on their faces: glaring.

Under the city wall, there are knives, guns, swords, halberds, axes, and hooks. On the city wall, there are flying birds and birds.

They screamed and screamed, and Gu both expressed the same meaning: "Hand over Nezha the culprit!"

"Be fair to the people of the world!"

As for Li Jing standing on the city wall, even if he was a registered disciple of Real Du'e, even if he was a general with a heavy hand on one side, he was shocked by the sight outside the city wall, dripping with cold sweat and trembling.

"Quickly, fast, fast, fasten that evil son Nezha, bind me to the city wall, in front of everyone, tell them clearly what they inquired, if there is such a thing, it should be handled by the general sent by the heavens. ."

"I owed him in my last life. He came to me to beg for my life."

The lieutenant standing next to Li Jing, after hearing this, responded with an embarrassing expression.

"General Li, I'm afraid this will not happen."

"You know the abilities of the third son of your family, you know better than anyone else. The younger ones, let alone tie him up, just want to touch the corners of the third son's clothes. I'm afraid it is rare. ."

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