The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 875: It's over, become a big idiot

The melancholy Nezha smiled bitterly, but in the next second, he swung his transparent fist towards the Yashas.

However, he had never become a hungry ghost, but he could only look at his fist feebly, passing through the bodies of the Feitian Yasha, even half of the hair could not hurt the other party.

"Haha, it turned out to be a weak and poor Chu Ling, but this taste..." The headed Six-winged Yasha, with the strongest strength and the largest body, took a sharp breath: "It's really fragrant. !"

"Want to come, it will taste very good too!"

After saying this, the saliva in the big mouths of the few Yasha's blood basins tickled down, and Nezha was greeted by the stench and the darkness of life and death.

From the most cruel Asura hell, it was officially staged, and the real Taiyi who was located in the Golden Light Cave of Qianyuan Mountain was sitting cross-legged in the cave at this time, thinking about his murderous robbery. Suddenly, there was a whim. His originally very calm heart throbbed a few times, instantly turning him out of the state of concentration.

Feeling this unusual thought, Madam Taiyi was surprised and suspicious, twisted his fingers, made a pinch and checked the calculations.

But who had come up with it, after he pulled a few fingers all over, his eyes were wide and round, and the futon that was still sitting next to each other also followed him suddenly... …And the grunt was lifted off and rolled far away.

At this time, the real Taiyi looked at the direction of the heaven in amazement, and only muttered one sentence: "How is this possible!"

"Such a big thing happened, why not come to look for a teacher!!"

Then this real Taiyi lifted his Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover, picked up his whisk, lit his crane, and was about to walk on this heavenly court.

But when he reached the gate of the cave mansion, his steps slowly stopped because of another thought in his mind.

"Well, although there are some twists and turns in this, it is good for this soul to get rid of the **** of the flesh."

"It's a pity that my killing and robbery didn't belong here, and that Empress Shiji is really persuasive. A Taoist power, even let a place like Heavenly Court decide on her behalf."

"If she kills and kills more decisively, I will be able to do just that, and she will also be able to respond to my killing and use her life to prevent me from this disaster."

"Hey, that's it. There are too many ghosts on the road to the Fengshen, but there are too many immortals in various ways. Then I will see which one can stop the catastrophe for me."

After muttering these, Madam Taiyi also pressed his heart, but instead stepped into the inner hall of the Golden Light Cave again and dug out a few white and tender lotus roots in the middle of his spiritual pond.

A few pieces that were flawless and transparent and gleaming like fine white jade were selected, and after gently washing them, they were placed on the top of the solid spirit platform.

This is the new body prepared by True Man Taiyi for his apprentice Nezha.

And when Nezha's soul merged into this new body, he could truly achieve the pure life that was born and cultivated that day as explained in the teachings.

After discarding the human flesh and blood with a smell of smell, Lingzhu can kill and decisively unscrupulously, and become a big killer before they explain and confine the gods. There is no defect in which they can fight.

It's a pity, everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.

The living soul belonging to the spirit bead finally found the correct drifting route under the inspiration of the real person of Jinguangdong Taiyi, and appeared at the door of the cave, but Nezha at this time was already long ago. There is no longer the appearance of a primordial spirit.

When he saw this situation, Taiyi, who had lived for thousands of years and claimed to be well-informed, was shocked when he saw this situation, and was at a loss for the spirit pearl's current state of spirit.

Because of the current Nezha, not only is there a lingering filth and evil spirit lingering in his soul body, his entire spiritual shell seems to have been eaten by people, and there is a scarce one.

The most frightening thing is that there is a huge gap between his forehead and chin. If you look closely, it seems that the whole human brain has been sucked up from this gap.

And now Nezha's mentality is still in a dazed chaotic period.

Even if the real person Taiyi kept asking him questions, he was foolishly stupid, just relied on instinct to move towards the solid spirit platform.

Because this soul body that is about to dissipate, I feel the breath that can nurture the soul from it, and the spiritual lotus roots in that section have the effect of nourishing and subsidizing the soul body.

So Nezha, who is a little stupid, can only act anxiously by instinct. As for the strange little old man in front of him, wait until he saves his life before admitting someone.

When I saw the real Taiyi here, I sighed with distress. He could only be a living horse doctor, and he made a decision to help the Nezha who had been gnawed by zombies. The soul body immediately pushed it into the body of the spirit lotus root body.

And the spiritual lotus root conceived in this 10,000-year spiritual pond is indeed a treasure of spiritual treasures. When the soul of Nezha just sank into it, the entire spiritual platform began to spread out in waves. Red halo.

This is the lotus flower blessing the spirit beads, and with the end of this visual vision, the whole cave began to exude a more and more dense lotus fragrance.

The red lotus that represents Nezha’s hands and feet at the link between the lotus roots in that section also slowly opened up with the disappearance of these visions. When they were in full bloom, these lotus flowers suddenly changed. They became chubby fingers and toes, and then began a slow transition from the tips of the hands to the body.

In the end, the lotus root turned into a white and fat doll, lying flat on the solid platform, with red lips and pink teeth, which was really cute.

Seeing the real Taiyi here, he took a sigh of relief and scared him to death. He thought that Nezha's spirit body was all the same. The body was transformed to the end, maybe it was also a man with a broken arm and a broken leg. The appearance of the sweet potato that has been gnawed, whoever thinks, is the treasure manifested, or let Nezha turn into his original appearance of Zhong Xiu Linghui.

What a blessing.

It's a pity that this kind of fortune from the real Taiyi didn't last long.

However, within a few seconds of effort, this real person who has always been an immortal spirit, and a murderous spirit, squatted under the solid spirit platform with his head in his arms without an image.

Why are you asking?

Because of Nezha who was alive, he looked good.

His brain was gnawed... and finally became a big fool.

And this idiot, who can't understand anything, can only drool with his fingers...severe dementia.

This time can be regarded as finished.

In those days, he spent thousands of years searching for this heaven and earth spirit stone, instead of involving a trace of the cause and effect of mentoring and apprenticeship, he spent another hundred years under the rockery and running water in the back garden of the Nuwa Empress for thousands of years. The nourishment of the spiritual milk has allowed this natural spiritual creature to breed spiritual wisdom.

And this stone is difficult to be refined, easy to transform, look at the example of Empress Shiji placed in the front, this real Taiyi extinguished the mind of letting it become natural, but instead, by the opportunity of conferring the gods, he invested into the mortal body of the flesh. Among them, take the circuitous road of transformation.

Who would have imagined that after a trip in this world, the murderousness of the Lingzhu was raised, and the flesh and blood were abandoned without attachment. On the contrary, it was the last step, but there was a big problem, so let him directly. The most original soul was damaged.

Now, the vanguard officers on their way to Fengshen are gone, what can we do!

The real Taiyi who thought about it more and more, rubbed his hair vigorously with both hands, so that he was about to burst his head, staying awake as much as possible, and then shouted towards the door of the inner hall: "Jinxia Boy!"

When the clever boy outside the door heard the call, he hurriedly responded, "Hey! What's the master's order?"

After Madam Taiyi turned and looked at the boy who was a little smaller than Nezha, he followed with a sigh and pointed at the solid spirit platform. Now he is still counting his fingers, drooling Nezha, specially Entrusted: "If you have something important to go out for your teacher, your brother will take care of you."

Putting a seven or eight-year-old in the care of a five- or six-year-old is also a last resort.

And this Jinxia boy was really well-behaved. He nodded vigorously without feeling that there was anything wrong, and he entrusted the master's instructions to him.

Just kidding, this boy has been practicing with Taiyi for nearly five hundred years. Although he is ignorant and like a child, no one in this cave is more familiar than him.

It was because this Jinxia Tonger was originally the spirit of this Jinguangdong cave house.

And when the real Taiyi looked for the fairy mountain treasure cave, the reason why he saw it at a glance was also because of the existence of Jinxia.

This is the place where Chijin was originally located. The Lijin Spirit Jinxia was first conceived, and then it was discovered and recovered, and then there was the Golden Light Cave of Qianyuan Mountain.

The plants and trees in this mountain forest were originally born and saved for Jinxia.

As long as he stays here and other idlers can't break this cave, which doesn't seem to have any powerful restrictions.

Because the existence of Jinxia is the most powerful restriction. If the enemy finds Taiyi's troubles, he must first become the enemy of this side of the landscape.

After explaining the family's affairs, Taiyi turned and returned to the hall where he was practicing.

He picked up his whisk, hung up his wine gourd, and went straight to the Lingxiao Hall.

I can't just leave it alone, I must ask him for an explanation.

Just when Taiyi real person Ding Ling was hanging a bunch of treasures that should have been given to Nezha to seek revenge, what was Gu Zheng doing?

He was carefully planting the crimson grass that he had hidden in the Nantian Gate on the west side of the Linghe River, near the bottom of a big rock.

This position is just right for the spiritual grass that is about to wither due to lack of water.

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