Not only can it be nourished by the mist of the Linghe River, but it can also be sheltered from wind and rain by this big stone, which must be much better than the environment between the pillars of the Nantian Gate.

And this spiritual grass seemed to be alive. When it first took root in the thick soil, it tremblingly unfolded its few remaining leaves, and trembled three times in the direction of Gu Zheng.

It's like saying thank you to the benefactor, not to mention it's funny.

At this time, Gu Zheng also showed a few separate arms. He straightened up, patted the floating soil in his hands, and strode towards the back of Lingxiao Hall and the direction of Emperor Haotiantian's bedroom.

Calculating the current time, I am afraid it is almost the same.

One day in the sky, three years in the world, the current real Taiyi is afraid that Nezha's abnormality has already been discovered, right?

When he and those Fei Tian Yacha were in a fight, but it became clear that he only maimed, not killed.

Because, if Nezha is really dead, I am afraid that it is the reluctant real Taiyi who will poke a hole in this world.

When the time comes, one is not good. If Taiyi discovers himself, then he will really have nowhere to go.

Thinking of Gu Zheng here, his feet moved, but after feeling a little trembling in his waist, he stopped leaving.

This is?

He touched his waist and found that the spiritual spring water in the previous worlds that was originally stored in the space of Laughing Forgotten Books was once again filled with one.

"Could it be that?"

Gu Zheng, who leaned down, looked left and right, and squatted down on the barren Linghe River, holding a mouthful of Lingquan water in his hand, and poured it into his mouth.


It was really cold water dripping into the hot oil pan. When the spiritual spring water entered, Gu Zheng's entire internal organs burned as if they were ignited.

And the huge energy contained in the spiritual spring water that scoured the stars in the sky, gathered from the various branches of the Milky Way, was also in the eight channels of Gu Yacha's odd meridians at this time...

Gu Zhengcha, who was already rough and thick and different from ordinary people, could not help screaming in pain.

However, the energy of the entrance was not under his control. Gu Zheng could only support the big rock by his body, and don't let his trembling body fall into the river of spirit.

And he was relying on it for only half an hour, and after the last bit of energy in that mouthful of spiritual spring water was exhausted by his body, Gu Zheng was already sweating profusely and trembling all over. The weak one can't stand up.

What is the situation now?

Yasha, who was born to like water, was almost turned over by a sip of water? ?

Astonished and suspicious, Gu Zheng first carefully checked the state of his fork.

Who knew he was stunned at the scene when he looked at it like this.

Now, who can give him an answer, why he used to be the Taoxing who could only be at the bottom of the immortal on the Conferred God ranking list, because of this spiritual spring, it turned out to be like sitting on a rocket. Are you at the top of the human fairy?

Because of this saliva, as long as he has another opportunity, he will be able to get out of reincarnation for the first time, extend his life for a thousand years, cross the biggest threshold in one fell swoop, and officially upgrade to the level of a god.

This is simply an unexpected surprise!

After checking this, Gu Zheng didn't do anything else. He stretched out his hand and fished out another handful of water in the Linghe River under the sweat of his whole body.

Who would have thought that this second bite had my stomach down, just like Gu Zheng's bizarre reaction to the first bite he had just drunk, it was an illusion he had imagined, it turned out to be useless at all.

Why is this?

Just when Gu Zheng was puzzled, a little fairy boy carrying a wooden barrel with a miserable face and a little gray-headed face was walking towards the Linghe River swayingly.

When he saw Gu Zheng's actions at this time, he couldn't care about anything. He just shouted loudly: "Don't drink water!" Then, he threw the wooden barrel in his hand and turned towards Gu. He flew over in the direction of Zheng.

Then, his galloping feet kicked straight towards the big blue paw that Gu Zheng stretched out to the river bank before he could retrieve it.

However, the reflex nerves are stronger than the average person, and the level of Gu Zheng has also changed a lot. Can he get his wish?

Of course not?

Gu Zheng subconsciously withdrew his hand, and with this hand, he shook the boy who couldn't stop the car into the Lingshui River.


An upside-down green onion fell into the river, not knowing whether it was alive or dead.

Gu Zheng sighed, shook his hands and feet that had just gained a bit of strength, and made a beautiful movement into the water, and then dived in with the little fairy boy's splash of water.

After he entered the water, he opened his eyes with a diaphragm and saw the scene under the river clearly. As expected, he saw a child whose cheeks were suffocated like a toad, pulling his hands and feet together and sinking.

The Linghe water on the Tianhe River is not as buoyant as the water in the world.

The water of the Tianhe River, contrary to ordinary water, has its own gravity.

If it were not for the aquatic race, once it entered the water, it would only sink, but not float.

Just now when Gu Zheng was drinking Jushui, he had already noticed the key. Seeing that the boy was trying to save him, he would do a good deed and bring him ashore.

The rare kind-hearted Gu Zheng dragged this hapless baby to the Linghe River. Once this person is upgraded, the attributes of Xunhai Yasha will also be stronger by three points.

However, two or three vertical leaps, this bottomless Ling River bank, was touched to the edge by him, and he used both hands and feet to pull people out.

"Cough cough cough!"

The boy was also considered clever, he didn't yell from the beginning to the end, he held his breath, and only learned to breathe after he landed ashore.

And after he calmed down his breath a little bit, he was embarrassed and annoyed to accuse him in the direction of Gu Zheng.

"You! Who are you and why you appear on the banks of the Linghe River?"

"Do you know the dangers of the Linghe River? Do you know the rules on the Linghe River?"

But Gu Zheng answered with confidence: "I don't know, I just transferred from the ground to the sky, and I don't know anything!"

Hearing the little fairy boy here, he sighed, and answered Gu Zheng with an old-fashioned tone of caring for the younger generation.

"This Linghe has been entrenched here since this Heavenly Court hasn't appeared, and I don't know how long it has been for thousands of years."

"It is said that it is a spiritual river that washes away the stars in the sky and has the power of stars."

"When the Heavenly Emperor first built the Heavenly Court, he wanted to appoint a Linghe official specially, but there were more than a hundred small immortals up and down in the Heavenly Court, and none of them could wander in the Spirit River."

"So, the Emperor of Heaven gave up this idea temporarily."

"And this spirit river water with huge star power is even more remarkable. Because of its violent ability, it cannot be easily absorbed and transformed by monks, and it has caused many little immortals who don't know the inside to eat a lot. Suffering."

"There are a few immortals who are not deep in Taoism, because they drank a sip of the spirit river water, did not carry it, their cultivation base was greatly damaged, and they were excited to show their prototypes, and they could only be sent back to the mortal world with tears and continued to practice. ."

"So, you said the reminder I just said, right? Should I kick my kick? Why did you get out of the way so ignorantly?"

Hearing Gu Zheng here, it suddenly became clear that I should get a hammer!

It's not that I didn't I not only drank it, but also got great benefits.

Therefore, now Gu Zheng, Gu Zuo began to talk about him.

"Then what if after taking a sip of Linghe water and carrying it over?"

Hearing Gu Zheng's question, the little fairy boy was happy again: "Then carry it over, absorb a sip of Linghe's feedback, and get enough spiritual energy, so naturally he should quickly take the opportunity to practice?"

"Doesn't the person who carried the past get a rapid upgrade, and an endless treasure house?"

Hearing Gu Zheng's question, the little fairy boy patted his **** and laughed when he stood up.

"You little Xian'er is interesting, how can the gifts of heaven and earth auras be endless?"

"This Linghe water is only effective for the first sip, and when you drink it later, it's just like ordinary water. It's tasteless and has no effect!"

Oh, this baby knows a lot.

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