The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 877: Yaochi Golden Mother vs Taiyi Real Man

To blame Gu Zheng's current Yasha-like appearance, the facial features are too three-dimensional, but any expression on his face can be noticed by outsiders.

No, he was just a little puzzled, and the little fairy boy could see it.

On the contrary, he pointed to his nose proudly, and then said, "You want to ask how I know?"

"That's because, I grew up here when I was young."

"The flow of the spirit river can be traced back to the blood flow of Pangu Kaitiandi."

"At that time, this Heavenly Court had not yet been selected for a site. Except for the Linghe River, this area was empty and there were no other creatures."

"And me, it's a companion spiritual stone buried deep on the bank of the river. As for what was accompanied by me?"

"It's a flawless beautiful jade that has been washed by the Linghe water."

"Later, the Emperor of Heaven chose a site to build the Lingxiao Palace, and the craftsmen dug out me and the piece of beautiful jade, allowing me to unlock the piece of wise jade. Naturally, it was very popular with the Emperor of Heaven, and it was directly carved into it. The jade seal of the heavenly court is placed in front of the emperor's case for him to play with."

"As for me, because I thought about the difficulty of enlightening my spirit and wisdom from the stone, and the companion of the jade seal, the emperor showed great mercy and turned me into a human form. Work."

"Here, I just brought a bucket to fetch water, isn't it because the emperor has just used the jade seal?"

Hearing Gu Zheng here, it became clear.

He naturally understood the boy's kindness.

Just when he was about to say thank you, he was interrupted by a huge explosion that suddenly came from the back of the High Heaven Palace.


"What happened!!"

The little fairy boy was really not frightened, and was shocked by the sudden loud noise and squatted back.

And Gu Zheng was driving up the clouds, erecting the pergola, and looking in the direction of the accident, but only saw the billowing black smoke rising from the area, the thick fire, the smoky smoky part was never seen. Got to be clear.

Seeing this, Gu Zheng thought to himself, fearing that the real killer Taiyi was coming.

He didn't care about the boy in front of him, so he had to hurriedly said: "Take care, don't move forward over there, stay by the river first to ensure your own safety."

After finishing speaking, he made a cloud decision without looking back, and hurried towards Taiwei Yuqing Palace behind the Lingxiao Palace in a low-altitude and slow flight.

Who would have imagined that Gu Zheng had only moved a few meters away. The fairy boy behind him, who was bigger than his heart, ran away to the river after he picked up the bucket.

Here he is much more familiar than Gu Zheng, and naturally, at a glance, he can see that there is an extra crimson grass behind the stone where he often fetches water.

It's a bit withered, but surrounded by aura, the mental head is pretty good.

All of a sudden, the pity of the stone boy who cherishes flowers and grass was aroused.

Then the little fairy boy hit a shallow bottom of the bucket, walked straight to the side of the crimson grass, and started watering it with a wooden spoon.

While watering the water, I still said to myself: "Little grass, when did you grow up here?"

"Give you more water and you won't wither!"

Well, at this time, he had forgotten again, this Linghe River is the most violent, but it can't easily be poured directly on people.

And this action, this behavior, made Gu Zheng, who had been walking for a while, felt a little familiar.

He turned around subconsciously, and asked more deliberately on the cloud: "I haven't asked about the name of Fairy Boy. This time Gu has important matters and can't stay for long. If I can meet again next time, I would also like to thank you specifically."

And that fairy boy is really the lord who climbed along the way. After hearing Gu Zheng's question, he smiled brilliantly at him, shook the spoon in his hand, and replied loudly: "I am a subordinate of the Emperor of Heaven. God's waiter."

"If you want to find me, you can find it in Chixia Palace."

After speaking, he waved his hands very enthusiastically, and Quan was his goodbye.

But Gu Zheng floating in the air, after hearing the name of this fairy boy, fell from the clouds with a somersault.

Now he has only one thought. Did he have time to relocate the crimson grass in the past?

After Gu Zheng tremblingly climbed up the cloud head he fell, he saw that the somewhat withered crimson grass was washed by the violent spiritual energy of the Linghe water and trembled and shivered without wind. stand up.

It's a pity that Gu Zheng is not an expert in the plant class, nor a wood-based Lingzhi. He can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor and hurriedly took out the bottle of the first few world collections he had stored in his pocket. The stock of the immortal spring that came was scattered towards the crimson grass, which was in a very dangerous state at this time.

Suddenly, the nectar rushed, and a little bit of the fairy spring wrapped the crimson grass, and then the Shenying waiter, who realized afterwards, suddenly reacted, opening his demented mouth, holding a wooden spoon, In this way, watching Crimson Grass with its tenacious vitality, resisted the Linghe water that penetrated into the land under her feet.

When Shenying waiter reacted later, he even threw the spoon into the barrel, and Sa Yazi ran away...

This, what version of the script did he take?

Gu Zheng fell into deep self-doubt, but when a more violent explosion sounded in his ears, he didn't have the time to think again. Instead, he lifted the clouds and mist again. He galloped in the direction of Taiwei Yuqing Palace, and could only leave the blessing to the crimson grass with extremely tenacious vitality.

So, what is the situation of Taiwei Yuqing Palace at this time?

It can only be described in one word, and that is chaos.

This Haotiantian Emperor really deserves to be the most careful man among the gods.

When he sensed that things were out of his control, he immediately talked to the Yaochi Golden Mother through the piercing mirror.

And after saying what he did, and the situation he was about to face, the Jade Lake Golden Mother on the opposite side wanted to unilaterally terminate the communication, but after hearing the next threat from Emperor Vast Sky, he took a long time. With a calming breath, with her thirty-six female immortals, they slew towards the direction of the Lingxiao Palace.

No way, who asked the Emperor Haotiantian to sacrifice his biggest killer, crying for Dafa?

He also said that if he doesn’t help, he will run to the bottom of the mountain in West Kunlun, crying day and night. Not only that, he will call teacher Hongjun to accuse Yaochi Golden Mother of his treatment. He was indifferent and would not cry Kunlun Mountain, he vowed not to give up.

To say that this Jade Lake Golden Mother is really a personal thing.

She can be called a role model among female fairies. When she was under Hongjun's seat, she really put her practice in her heart. This deed was more than a star and a half deeper than the Emperor Haotian.

When two people work together, it is usually Haotian hiding behind the bad idea, and Yaochi Jinmu is the one who acts as the thug in the front.

Nowadays, even if two people have been placed in a fairly high position, their approach to getting along is still followed by the old example.

No, when Yaochi Golden Mother came to Haotian God's palace with her celestial gathering flag, she happened to meet the Taiyi real person who had been killed.

So the next dialogue is like this.




"That's still fake?"

"Can't be accommodating?"

"Let Haotian die for me?"

"Then just hit it!"

After this series of quick conversations these two people really got angry.

All of a sudden, it was magic weapons and weapons flying together, flames and whirlwinds.

If the two people still had their hands at the beginning, when there were more collisions, it would really arouse real fire.

When Madam Taiyi unlocked his leopard skin bag, and the Golden Mother of Jade Lake waved her flag of gathering immortals, this battle reached the top of the heat.

One is relying solely on personal Kong Wu, sharp the night, while the other is faintly scented and full of flowers... relying on a large number of people.

The little fairy from all directions, all female genders were summoned by the flag of the Yaochi Golden Mother.

It was fragrance of apricot blossoms, sweet peach blossoms, and trembling little flowers that welcome the spring.

The blue grass is fragrant, the sweet grass is fragrant, and the tall thatch is thick and strong.

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