The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 878: Eat me 1 brick! (Thirty-seven/Fifty)

It doesn't matter how deep the pipeline is, but all the little fairies who have transformed into the Tao, all obeyed the orders of the Yaochi Golden Mother, and Wuyang Wuyang rushed to the Taiqing Palace.

For a time, it was like a gathering of heroes of plants and animals, and they attacked the only male real person in the field.

The words that beat the master to death by fist are not in vain.

While scratching, the original neatly combed bun of Madam Taiyi was opened by a few unknown bush fairies with barbs...

And the few blood marks on his face were even taken by Thorn Xian'er. The Jade Salt Xian'er on the side also sprinkled a handful of white salt that could drive away evil spirits.

For a time, the person who ravaged the real Taiyi, the treasure that was not invaded by water and fire could be preserved.

Ever since, after the real Taiyi repelled the 132nd painless attack, he finally couldn't hold back the more and more evil fire, so he put the gold bricks and his Nine Dragons Divine Fire together. He threw it towards Yaochi Golden Mother eating melon and watching.

To say that the Jade Lake Golden Mother's popularity is good, in such a critical moment, the little fairies around her did not evade, but instead stepped forward one after another to replace her.

"Be careful, mother!"


This block didn't matter. Seven or eight wood elves were wiped out under the hood of the Nine Dragons Divine Fire. Only the spirit platform was left, and they went straight to the Conferred God platform.

At this time, Jiang Ziya, who is still in the mortal world, is ‘ah cut! 'He sneezed heavily and watched the colors become more and more weird. It should be evening, but the burning clouds are all over the sky that illuminates it like daylight. Suspiciously, he muttered to himself: "Why is it so?" "

Because at this time, the Conferred God List held in his hands had inexplicably more than a dozen unknown spiritual platforms, and the titles of these three hundred and sixty-five righteous priests were instantly filled up in reverse order.

However, on his side, he hasn't killed any famous person Xian'er Shenxian'er recently, so where did these people come from?

And when Jiang Ziya was puzzled, Lao Tzu, Tong Tian, ​​and Yuan Shi Tian Zun all felt together... They all looked in the direction of Tian Ting, and after pinching their fingers, the three of them were Three very different responses were made.

Among them, Lao Tzu showed the most composure. When he put his finger down, he only did one thing.

That is to let him serve his big apprentice who is refining a furnace of pill, and the only disciple, the Great Master Xuandu, completely closing his door from the inside to the outside.

Not only that, but he closed his eyes to rest his mind, and directly entered the state of entering concentration. Before the retreat, he had specially asked his eldest disciple to find him even if there was a big thing, someone who knew him would come and look for him. Don't go up and answer the door.

Putting on a momentum of killing and not participating, the mountain was closed directly.

However, Yuanshi Tianzun, who was most closely related to him, changed his face after pinching a deduction decision.

He didn't seem to believe the results he had calculated now. He shook the tortoise shell back and forth and made troubles. He changed the calculations in several ways. In the end, it was a violent one and a big change. He couldn't deceive himself, so he had to hammer the case in front of him, clapping his hands and calling the boy in his cave to come.

"You go to the Antarctic Immortal Weng in Kunlun Mountain. He has always had a good relationship with my apprentices. I think if he had his advice, this Taiyi real person could still hear a few words."

"Tell him, it was the Lord I ordered, let him stop quickly, and immediately return to his cave. If Jiang Ziya and others are looking for it, he will not be able to take a step in his golden cave."

"And the loss he has caused is not too big, and he doesn't need to worry about the aftermath."

"Presumably that Haotian God and Yaochi Golden Mother will look at his master Yuanshi Tianzun, and don't care about it anymore."

As for the following sentence, Yuanshi Tianzun did not say, because he still had a certain degree of confidence in his disciple, even if he wanted to come to this one, even if he was more murderous, he would not provoke the Louzi that he couldn't hold back.

It's a pity that Yuanshi Tianzun still has no way to check the details of his affairs clearly. Otherwise, if he knew the reason why the real Taiyi was so mad, he would not be so sure, his apprentice was irritable. Isn't that temperamental?

Isn't that true, isn't the current Taiyi real person hitting a real fire?

He saw that he was always squeezing a group of flowers and plants to die in front of him, so that he could not spare his hand to deal with the emperor who always hides behind the women, or fighting with these delicate fairies, too awkward and unable to do so. Shi opened his real hands and feet, he had been fighting for a long time, the evil fire in his heart, not only was not suppressed, but it was burning more and more vigorously.

What's more, even if the Vast Sky Emperor hides behind the woman, his mouth is not idle, but instead is constantly inciting discord in the fire, commanding the backcourt.

Let the self-proclaimed killer and decisive, true temperament True Person Taiyi couldn't understand the performance of this son, and thinking about the origin of this list of gods, his heart felt even more uncomfortable.

"shut up!!"

When the Vast Sky Emperor once again issued a command to a cactus ball to spray spikes at the Taiyi real person, the angry big Luo Jinxian could no longer control his temper, and touched his waist. .

And the Antarctic Celestial Weng who hurried over... only saw such a general scene.

A huge golden brick leaped into the air from the leopard skin bag of the real Taiyi, and it grew wildly after hearing the wind. In this chaotic battlefield, it instantly changed from the size of a palm to a washbasin and then into a square blanket. The volume of it, and then it shrouded all the people below it regardless, and smashed it against the top of a group of people.

And these immortals are naturally not blind. After seeing the new magic weapon offered by the real Taiyi, they shouted in shock and wanted to stay away from the area covered by the golden bricks.

But whoever thinks, in this situation, is the success and the gathering of the immortal flag, and the failure also the gathering of the immortal flag.

Because the Golden Mother of Jade Lake has a lot of abilities for the immortals that her flag can summon, so when she uses this magic weapon, she deliberately shakes it for a while, and strives to summon more people.

Originally, she was very wise to do this, but above this heavenly court she made a fatal mistake.

That is the assessment of the fighting space.

Because she rushed to save the field in a hurry, this real Taiyi had already entered this Taiqing Palace, and she cut her head in a hurry. Naturally, the first battlefield of hands-on exercises was chosen as the emperor who is not too big in this space. In the main hall of the sleeping hall.

Even when the Heavenly Court was built, every palace was built to be extremely vast for the sake of style, but it couldn't stand up. This palace is always a palace. No matter how big it is, it also has a range.

If seven or eight people are fighting inside, it can be said to be spacious, if more than ten or twenty people are fighting inside, they can barely be able to show off.

But if there are hundreds of Xiaoxian'er, thousands of Xiaoling...all go forward and flow in one after another? When you ran away and moved, it was a disaster in the fairy world.

No, when everyone reacted and screamed that they wanted to evade, there was a stepping phenomenon of you squeezing me and pushing.

Those little fairies who usually like to be the most compassionate and compassionate, are now all incarnate as stubborn aunts squeezing the bus, and they rolled into a ball when they were pushing.

This crowding of them is incredible, because the natural reverence for the Yaochi Golden Mother, even in their most panic and helpless stage, carefully took into account the feelings of their empresses in their hearts.

Therefore, these crowded fairies subconsciously avoided the surroundings of the Jade Mother Golden Mother.

An invisible vacuum zone was formed beside the gold mother of Jade Lake, who had let this fight and retreat.

But this other direction is not so lucky, especially when the Jade Lake Golden Mother jumped out of the melee circle in order to avoid the big gold brick of the Taiyi real person, the Haotian God who suddenly appeared in front of everyone, became The most natural shield...

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