The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 886: Chaotic Entry in the 20th World (Thirty-Nine/Fifty)

However, I am not afraid. There is hope for someone, and at the very least I told him that he did not come to outer space.

But Gu Zheng, whose heart was at ease, did not dare to receive the memory of this body in such a weird environment. Instead, he carefully observed the surrounding environment, trying to find out from the little clues. Some connections with the real world.

Just as Gu Zheng sank and looked at his surroundings more closely, he discovered an even more unbelievable, weird non-earth creature species.

Because among these dense sweet-scented osmanthus trees, there are unexpectedly unknown black trees.

These dark trees, like fireflies, exude dim brilliance, reflecting the slightly mysterious texture of the trees themselves, and they are also mysterious.

Gu Zheng believed that this was because during the day, if it were at night, if the large number of black trees glowed collectively, it would be possible to make the top of the mountain like an incandescent light bulb...translucent.

"No, mother!"

Since Gu Zheng was pitted by Gui Guzi, this sentence seemed to have become his mantra, and the frequency of appearance was a little too high.

But even if Gu Zheng didn't like reading free books during the day, he still had a vague suspicion in his heart, who at any rate could be regarded as an expert.

Just when Gu Zheng was startled by his own suspicion and began to think about who I am and where I am going, he screamed...the short and sharp ape croaked, and it rang in Gu Zheng's ears. stand up.

Sitting under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, Gu Zheng, with golden flowers scattered, the scene is not to mention beautiful.

But his pale face has betrayed his horrified heart and the current state of anxiety.

This man, who had never been afraid before, was shaking his lips at this time, slowly raising his head, and looking at the place where the sound of the sound of the ape's voice was heard close at hand on his head.

At this glance, the result was immediately clear.

A beast with a body like an ape without distinction, but with a pair of plush and pure white ears, is standing on the largest branch of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree above him, with a bit of curiosity, just looking down in the same way. With Gu Zheng.

And just when the two eyes met, the ape on his head snarled at him extremely spiritually, as if learning from the depressed expression on his face now. He drooped the corners of his mouth, and covered his eyes with the fluffy yellow paws, as if tears would burst into his eyes with Gu Zheng in the next second... funny.

Yes, because of the ape above his head, Gu Zheng's depressed feelings that were full of hesitation were washed away in an instant.

Forget it, if you come, you will be at ease. Isn't it one of his virtues not to admit one's fate?

Gu Zheng, who was in the right position, immediately found his position. After letting go, he was rather playful. As if to comfort the ape above his head, he pulled the corners of his mouth and erased him. The melancholy in the corner of his eyes showed a big smile towards the top, and by the way... he also handed the handful of golden osmanthus that he had just grabbed in the direction of the ape on the tree.

And the ape on his head was also very cooperative. After a moment of stunned, he hung himself upside down on the branches of the tree carefully, and carefully probed its paws into the sweet-scented osmanthus in Gu Zheng's hands. At the top, after a swish grasp, it bounced back onto the branch that it thought was safe extremely quickly.

Then, under Gu Zheng’s unexplained gaze, he sniffed this fairly clean and plump golden osmanthus, and then let out a short and pleasant tweet. The sweet-scented osmanthus was stuffed into the mouth and chewed.

Uh... is this edible food?

Gu Zheng, a foodie who reacted faster than his brain, had already forgotten the gap between the species. He subconsciously gave the few golden osmanthus flowers left in his hand to his mouth, while staring at the monkey. In response, he took one of them into his mouth.

Well, it's still that taste, Kang Shuaifu beef noodles.

Bah, baah, how is it possible!

Except for some soil on the top, these golden osmanthus flowers are like immature persimmons, bitter and astringent.

However, after Gu Zheng vomited cleanly, he knew that this was because fresh osmanthus flowers contained more tannins, which would feel bitter and lack fragrance in the mouth. But for the animals that live in the wild, this is a little bit Jerky is inferior to the aroma of sweet-scented osmanthus itself, as well as the taste of honey in the drops of flower dew that occasionally carries in the stamens.

Enough to enter.

Therefore, at this time, not only did he not worry, but he was delighted.

This means that there is really food he can ingest in this world, and this forest is really the sweet-scented osmanthus tree species he is familiar with. He will never face starvation due to the different composition of animal and plant recipes. NS.

After letting go of his heart, Gu Zheng, after such a dazed effort, suddenly an unknown object fell on top of his head. The weight was not light, and it bounced along the top of his head for a few times and rolled to his feet.

Looking at the direction in which the object fell, Gu Zheng found that it turned out to be a branch on a dark tree.

After being folded off by the ape above his head, it could automatically emit a faint light twinkling, setting off the lines surrounding his body to make it so beautiful.

Subconsciously, Gu Zheng held the branch in his hand, raised his head to look at the ape who threw the branch towards him, and asked casually, "Is this for me?"

When these words came out bald, Gu Zheng suddenly realized that this was not the way he used to pronounce in his native language.

Although in the long river of history, the sound of characters has been constantly evolving with the development of society, but their language family can still find the basis for the inheritance.

But now, Gu Zheng suddenly discovered that the meaning of this obscure, boring, and scarce language is extremely simple.

And when he wanted to say some fancy words, it was not included in the current language vocabulary.

So, this proved once again from the side that he really entered the small world described by Shan Hai Jing.

I don't know if it was a small world constructed by a person's whimsical thoughts, or an old space that originally existed but eventually collapsed in the long river of history.

However, there is no doubt that in the Book of Mountains and Seas, it portrays the structure of a completed world to future generations.

Maybe its record is absurd, maybe its background is magical, but it has to be admitted that its content is so wonderful that it fills the world with dangers and opportunities, full of excitement and freshness, and makes people yearn for.

But this matter, when it came to Gu Zheng's body, he really didn't like it.

Why, because it's too dangerous.

A mortal, in the classics of mountains and seas, is the representative of the food chain at the bottom.

You let Gu Zheng, who is accustomed to being the master, how can he bear it?

Therefore, Gu Zheng, who had recovered, quickly hung the black branch that the white-eared ape had given him to his waist.

Then, after he touched it so, he discovered that the jade bottle of the spirit spring that he had mistakenly brought in the last world was now lying quietly on his waist wrapped in animal skins, and he had just gotten it. The magic circle and the sky-shaking arrow, which had never been warmed, were also quietly wrapped in the little bottle.

This is suddenly at ease.

It may not be activated, but it will always be useful.

Gu Zheng, who was at ease, somehow began to look at the leopard-print skirt he was wearing. Yes, he was wearing a very shameful buttocks-covering short skirt, stitched with animal fur. Cheng, the pattern on the top is also a pattern that Gu Zheng has never seen before, and his body seems to be aside from this skirt.

Hey, Gu Zheng, who was a little disappointed, just sighed, when he heard the sound of calling from the distance under this golden jade mountain.

"Fall, fright..."

This seems to be calling him?

With his ears ridged, Gu Zheng subconsciously turned his head to the direction where the sound was coming from, and in a daze, he saw several indistinct figures appearing in the dense forest.


After this sound fell, a stocky, hairy, square-faced man, poked his head out of the layers of trees, and looked vigilantly towards the top of the cliff.

After swiping this glance, he showed a honest smile on his face, and the corners of his mouth became more and more twitched. In the end, he laughed with joy and rushed in the direction of Gu Zheng.

"Sorry! It's okay, great! Great!"

And this comrade Gu Zheng, who is called 狰, has not grasped his personal settings at this time. He can only vaguely say with a guilty conscience: "It's okay, because I met an interesting beast, so I was too late. "

After speaking, Gu Zheng pointed towards the ape above his head.

And the big man whose eyes were diverted by his finger, but after seeing the main body of the monkey in the direction that Gu Zheng was pointing at, he burst out with a wolf-like green gaze.

"Zheng, in the tribe, sacrifices are suitable for you! You come out to find herbs, and you can also find food for the tribe! Meat! Meat! Monkeys!"

After saying this, the big man dragged out a thick bamboo spear from behind him, making gestures to pierce in the direction of the white-eared ape on the tree.


Gu Zheng didn't know why, but he subconsciously prevented this behavior from the big man. Under the gaze of the other party's very puzzled eyes, he told a little lie without changing his face and heartbeat.

"Just now when the mountain moved, I felt dizzy. At that time, I was studying herbal medicine on this mountain."

"When I was unprepared, I almost fell to the cliff. Thanks to this white-eared beast, it grabbed me and saved my life."

"Not only that, he also gifted this black tree branch to our tribe, and I found that this golden osmanthus in the mountains can also be our tribe's food."

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