Hearing Gu Zheng's words, the sturdy man stopped his hands, but he asked with a little worry and excitement: "Really! Has the ferocious hurt? And, this mountain can be eaten. , What is it?"

Seeing the man’s excitement, Gu Zheng was afraid that he would lose his memory and miss his mouth. He could only make a weak appearance, beckoned to the other party, and signaled the other party to come and help him, let him take him. I'll talk about it after taking it back to the camp of my tribe.

Sure enough, this simple guy didn't doubt that he was there. He strode to his side and quickly carried Gu Zheng on his back, as if he had done it thousands of times, and then headed towards the **** of Zhang Yao Mountain. Ran underneath.

Gu Zheng, who was carried behind his back, waved his hand at the white-eared ape secretly, let him retreat into the forest, and then turned his head again, looking ahead is not good. As I walked on the mountain road, I imagined the appearance of the tribe where my body was, thinking about where I should be in the tribe.

But before Gu Zheng was fully prepared, the man under him slowed down after running to a relatively gentle slope.

"Here, 狰."


Where is this?

How could a tribe choose to reside in this mountainous area.

Is this impossible to develop at all!

But Gu Zheng didn't dare to say much, but with the support of this man, he walked deep and shallowly through the small bushes in front of them, and came to the next empty field where the terrain suddenly opened up. Here, Gu Zheng saw a picture of the daily life of a primitive tribe, slowly stretching out in front of him.

This small empty field is made up of animal skin tents squeezed together one after another.

Most of them are triangular pillar frames, and a strong bamboo frame is covered with an animal skin enclosure that has already been sewn according to specifications and dimensions.

Not only is it convenient to set up tents, it is also very convenient to pack them up even when the entire tribe moves out of camp.

And this kind of animal skin should be the skin of the same beast. The gray bumps are very inconspicuous, but according to Gu Zheng's rough calculation of the thickness with his eyes, it shows that this kind of leather is very strong, and its surface is still slightly glowing. A layer of grease film, or high-quality leather with its own waterproof.

Outside these dense tents, there are some temporary fences built with branches, thorns, and spears.

After leaving enough living space, I made a circle around it. Although it was a bit hasty, I took care of every corner and was very careful.

The large-scale architectural structure is very organized, and the breath of life inside this makes Gu Zheng feel the popularity of the primitive tribe.

That's because these tents that are squeezed together are all four doors wide open, wrapped around the outside, and the animal skins used as the entrance and exit doors are now rolled up, tied with fine rattans, and hung on two. side.

The arrangement in it, through such a curtain, naturally became clear at a glance.

But after Gu Zheng's eyes swept over or two, he was no longer interested in the arrangement.

Because in this tribe, the layout of each household is similar.

It is nothing more than a bed made of hay, and nothing else. When it comes to the difference, it is nothing more than the thickness and size of the hay.

Gu Zheng knew that he could not take a fluke in his heart. It seemed that this society was really as he thought it was, and it was really ‘primitive’.

The more this happens, the more eagerly Gu Zheng wants to receive his current memory of the shell, living in this extremely risky world, he urgently needs all kinds of knowledge supplements.

Gu Zheng, who had made up his mind, hurriedly walked behind the big man without saying a word and stepped inside the fence. Outside the half-height gate that was only entwined with rattan, he helped this man. After unlocking the built-in slipknot together, they stepped into the deeper part of the tribe's station.

Who would have thought, his intention to return to his own tent in a low-key manner, but it was broken at the moment his feet had just stepped into this central stationing area.

Because in this area full of screams of wild children, the fishy smell of animal skins, and the odor of **** garbage, everyone Gu Zheng met, whether it was an adult or a child, saw his figure appear. They will put down their work or play in a proper manner, and greet him in a low voice with a little awkwardness.

"Fun, you are back."

"Chan, welcome back!"

Although there is no real respect in their eyes.

This made Gu Zheng, who was always a low-level player at the beginning, didn't even switch over for a while, and made this body return to instinct with a little dazedness.

He nodded instinctively, with the demeanor of a superior, skillfully surrounded by the crowd, under the guidance of the big man, came to the second eye-catching tent in this tribal stationed area, and everyone rushed. After saying hello again and retiring, he sat on the distinctive haystack in this tent with the help of the big man.

Then Gu Zheng made a very exhausted look and waved to the man. He lifted the leather curtain of his tent very coldly, and sealed himself in this black leather tent. In it.

And the man, after seeing Gu Zheng's action, he was shocked for a moment, and then as if remembering something, he moved to the side of a few and a half-sized ones on the empty field closest to Gu Zheng's tent. The kid beckoned, summoned him, and after whispering a few words in his ear, he took his weapon and turned and walked out of the fence.

As for Gu Zheng, who seems to have rested to outsiders, he has already closed his eyes and carefully received the memory of this body.

When Gu Zheng opened his eyes again, he smiled bitterly on his back.

Aside ~www.readwn.com~ A scepter quietly placed beside his haystack, perfectly shows his identity in this world.

A young tribal priest who has just inherited the position of the dead old priest. He is an all-rounder who specializes in blessings, sacrifices and health checks of the tribe.

The status is extremely high, and the responsibilities and obligations are extremely heavy.

It is no wonder that this young priest, knowing that the road ahead is a strange and dangerous unknown, has to try his best to make a breakthrough alone.

Because, there is the Xi family, oh, this is the name of this tribe. All the people of the Xi family, the totem they enshrine is an ancient beast with five tails and one horn, like a red leopard...

In order to express piety, all the newborns in their tribe will have a suffocation prefix in their names since they landed.

Of course, as the most transcendent sacrificial position among the Yu clan, they can enjoy the name of the most noble and closest deity in the entire tribe: Xi.

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