The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 889: The composition of the tribe (40/50)

Before he had time to say his next words, this sturdy bearlike man grabbed Gu Zheng's not very strong arm and shook anxiously.

"Fat, where is the food?"

And after the only feather used for decoration on Gu Zheng's head was shaken off by it, this high priest who was about to be shaken to pieces... but just patted the crazy patriarch and motioned to the other party to put it down. After that, he beckoned to the same rough woman outside the tent.

"There are a lot of grass on that rocking mountain, but this kind of grass does not need to be picked. Have you seen the flowers on that grass?"

"Well, yes, the smell is a bit unpleasant, but such a flower can satisfy a tribe's hunger and fullness."

"So, how many manpower do we have now? Because I'm not sure if the blue flowers in this mountain will be enough for all of us to eat."

"I don't know whether these flowers still have the original miraculous effect after they are dried into dried flowers."

Gu Zheng, who gave a clear explanation, after the voice fell, the woman named Feihua patted her fat breast and promised: "Don't worry, priest, you can rest assured when we do things, and the danger of waiting can be blocked for you. , So take us there."

And the patriarch who has been listening in the side has already put his spear in his hand. In this huge ethnic group, in addition to the team that protects the safety of the people, he is only idle. Yes, he should **** these women.

And Gu Zheng is not hypocritical, after all, the work of collecting and guarding is originally the responsibility of the patriarch.

He only needs to be a good priest and do his job well. Exceeding authority is the root cause of disaster for a race.

Afterwards, after everyone confirmed the team's ration, they followed Gu Zheng to the swagger mountain again.

I don't know how often the mountain moves. Until Gu Zheng led everyone to the Jingui Jungle, the mountain still stood tall and solid among the clouds and mist, without a slight twist.

Time does not wait for me. The crowd walked quickly. They followed the smell of leeks and found the blue flowers that Gu Zheng portrayed very easily.

Now, it seems like the flowering season of this plant, and the people in charge of picking only discovered after picking a green jade-like flower that this peculiar smell of leeks is actually emitted by this flower.

Gu Zheng, who was holding his nose, was even closer. He had to grab the patriarch’s fur and pointed towards the black Migu tree beside him: "That kind of tree is called the Migu tree, and its branches have auras that can guide you. In the direction of the people, you and I will take down some of them and take them back to the clan to share with the warriors who have returned late, lest they lose their way when they go hunting."

Hearing Gu Zheng’s explanation, Xiong’s eyes lit up instantly. He moved the spear in his hand to the back, and he was as sensitive as a monkey climbing along the nearest Migu Tree. Climbed up.

But who came up with it, when the heroic climbed onto the branches of the tree, and struggling to break one of the branches, which was not too thick, the problem came.

This looking sturdy man couldn't even break a small branch.


Gu Zheng subconsciously walked to the Migu Tree and clasped his fingers three times. During this period, his fingers were as if they had hit the metal, and there was a clear empty sound.

This tree is so strong, but the white-eared ape at the beginning, oh, that is, scrotum, why could it be so easy to fold down this fascinating branch?

Just as Gu Zheng used his brain to think hard with his primitive mind, the scream of ‘hou hou hou’ sounded once again on his head.

It was still the previous humanoid stubborn, still falling on the top of Gu Zheng's head, tilting his ears and watching Gu Zheng's actions at this time with curiosity.

When he saw the short and chubby patriarch on the side, his face showed a very disgusting look. Taking advantage of the other's dazed effort, he grabbed the beast tooth necklace hanging on the patriarch’s neck. Pull down like this without hesitation.

'boom! ’

The short and fat Patriarch Dun, who was visually weighing at least 150 jin, tore off the tree unexpectedly and fell to the ground.

In the end, it's still to the point. In the world of Shan Hai Jing, even if it is an inconspicuous beast, it is also the most special existence.

He started to look squarely at the cruel Gu Zheng in front of him, and just about to take a breath and step forward to help. The one who started to break the slender branch that he hadn't broken down to'Kacha'... Then he broke it off from Uncle Migu's branch.

Then, this little beast handed the branch in the direction of Gu Zheng like a treasure offering.

The patriarch lying on the ground:...

Gu Zheng who stood by... showed a fascinating smile.

I don't know if it is because of the status of the priest of the Xi family, this body has an indescribable affinity.

For his own tribe, the performance is not so clear.

However, if you encounter some wild animals, insects, etc., the performance is more obvious.

Thinking of Gu Zheng here, he was not hypocritical. He naturally took the branch of Migu handed to him by Qi, and then pointed to the branch in his hand, and then pointed to a few branches on the tree that were similar to it. , I grabbed it in the leather pocket in the arms of the ferocious flower behind him, and picked up the grass seeds that the other party had collected after so many hardships, and picked it up from the bottom, and passed straight to the hair that has not been recovered Among the paws.

And this husky, who was caught off guard and stuffed with snacks, showed a bewildered expression after retracting his paws.

Happiness came too suddenly, my heart was beating too fast, Xiaoqi.

But the smell of the hairless monkey in front of him is really good, with the milky fragrance from his mother, and the smell of Zhu Yuhua, his favorite.

So, help this little monkey yourself, he has all hair removed, so pitiful.

Therefore, the chicken and the duck said that the wrong thoughts are one person and one person, and they are surprisingly harmonious and loving. This person is as if he understands what Gu Zheng thinks, whoosh...just in Migu. Picked from the branches of the tree.

However, after a short while, a small pile of tree branches was piled up under Gu Zheng's feet. After he roughly counted and left a part of the inventory, he signaled that Xiao Zhenzhi could stop.

At this time, standing behind Gu Zheng, the tribe who had been looking for Zhu Yuhua, also gathered in one place.

In each of their leather pockets and skirts, there was a half-pocket of Zhu Yuhua, with some crystal clear fog beads, and was collected tremblingly.

"It's almost time, let's hurry down the mountain."

"If you wait until dark, I'm afraid there will be mistakes!"

Seeing this increasingly gloomy weather, Gu Zheng made his judgment, and the people of the tribe standing behind him also wrapped up the harvest of this trip with ease and moved towards the bottom of the mountain without any delay. Go to the stationed area.

As for the reluctant scumbag, he just watched Gu Zheng and his party go away, as if he saw it for the first time in today, hidden in the sweet-scented osmanthus bushes and disappeared.

Following Gu Zheng and his party returning to the camp in a hurry, the picking team was immediately surrounded by curious tribesmen.

"Is this the edible food that Xi said?"

"I have lived for thirty-six years, and I have never seen such a peculiar flower."

"This smell is so good."

What kind of nose is this, what kind of world is this, Gu Zheng who just wants to hold his forehead...he needs to be quiet.

But just as these people were chattering very curiously about how to eat the flowers brought back by their priests, there was a loud noise outside the fence.

"It's Ah Da and they are back."

"Seven brothers of the hideous family!"

In this era of extremely high child mortality rates, there are cases where all seven children in a family have survived, and even Gu Zheng, who thinks he is like water, can’t help but curiously move in the direction of the group's return. Take a look.

They are still short stature heights, and still dressed in sour skirts. The only difference is that the seven brothers have different colored feathers on their heads to distinguish each other.

At first glance, it looks very mighty and extraordinary. When he walked in, Gu Zheng condescendingly looked at him. Isn't this a gourd baby in seven colors?

Not only that, if he takes a closer look, when the seven people are lined up in sequence, their stature is still decreasing in steps, not to mention it is too funny.

But as he took a closer look, Gu Zheng's heart... then sank.

These seven brothers seem to be somewhat different from the others in the group.

Where they are exposed to the public, the color of the hair produced is different from that of anyone in the Fei clan nowadays...

The hair on their bodies is red, transparent, and with a very moisturizing light, shining brightly in the afterglow of the rising sun that is about to fall.

However, this kind of appearance made Gu Zheng feel terrified for a while.

Just when he fell into self-doubt, the **** on the side assisted the patriarch Xiong Xiong... but he patted Gu Zheng on the shoulder with a'pop', and followed his line of sight to look at the seven of the Xiong family. brother.

Then he gave Gu Zheng the answer he wanted as if suddenly realized: "Hey! Hu, I thought you found something wrong, it turns out that you are like the old priest, and you are one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Interested."

"But I advise you not to get close to them. Have you forgotten what happened a few years ago?"

When reminded by the patriarch, Gu Zheng subconsciously flipped through the trivial records in the young man's memory, and turned out a slightly vague memory by the way.

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