The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 890: The grievances of the original owner

It was still Gu Zheng’s adolescence. Because his old priest was studying some potions, he hit his mind on the seven brothers of the 狰 family. He also fooled Gu Zheng’s trust and took advantage of his weakness and harmlessness. Natural attributes, go close to the one to seven, intending to steal some of the opponent's blood to fuse into the potion.

Who would have thought that Gu Zheng back then was too innocent, but these seven seemingly stupid children have the instincts like beasts.

When Gu Zheng had just cheated a little blood from the youngest No.7, he was lifted up by No.1 to No.6.

That day was simply Gu Zheng's Good Friday.

When he was young, he would always remember the ferocious gaze that was about to become an adult, and the gaze that came out of his eyes was that cruel and ferocious, as if it was like the totem worshipped by their tribe, exuding a huge and ancient aura.

If the old priest hadn't come in time and rescued himself from the seven brothers of the 狰 family, I am afraid that Gu Zheng would not see the sun the next morning.

After all, this incident has become a nightmare in Gu Zheng's heart. Since the incident, his weak temperament has become even more timid. Since then, after seeing a few people from the Gui family, That is no longer dare to go forward to make do.

But what did the old priest do after seeing this situation?

This is definitely a cheating father, but he doesn't know what method was used to make the Seventh Brothers actively dedicate their blood.

In the end, when the medicine was actually made, Gu Zheng knew that it was actually the stimulating medicine of the blood of returning to the ancestors that these people said. It was unexpected for the people of the Gui family with strong blood in ancient times. Good effect.

If the old priest had told Gu Zheng exactly what he was going to do from the beginning, how about it became like this later?

But when Gu Zheng timidly asked the old priest, he got a very different answer.

The priest at the time said something like this: Son, you haven't adapted to your identity yet.

Because the priest is one of the most lofty people in this ethnic group.

If you have any needs, just explain it frankly with your people.

No one would refuse the request of a priest, even if it is to dedicate their body and soul to the supreme ferocious beast.

Hearing the young Gu Zheng here, he was stunned. He seemed to have grasped some important points indistinctly, but it seemed that he didn't.

But while he was pondering, the seven brothers who had just been bleeding out of the old priest's tent walked in front of Gu Zheng in a line and gave him an unforgettable ridicule.

Wei Da: "You"

狰二: "True"

Fei San: "Yes"

Fei Four: "One"

狰五: "a"

Fei six: "weak"

Qi Qi: "Chicken feathers!"

"You do not"


"Ethnic group"




"Wow, capable!"

Then the seven people all summed up together: "Is there a Fei family, priest? You can't!"

After finishing talking, he didn't even leave an extra look for Gu Zheng, turned around and bowed in the direction of the old priest, and went to each mother with the freshly baked potion.

Since this incident, Gu Zheng has been depressed.

Now, things are so simple. When I was young, I was always a leader who was always energetic and eye-catching. Naturally, there is also that kind of obscure background wall that is physically and mentally weak.

It has nothing to do with right or wrong, just because of character.

Therefore, after the hunting team led by the seven brothers returned to the ethnic group, I heard the girls who were chatting around them and welcoming their return, describing that when their young priests took them through the mountains today, the seven brothers His face was extremely surprised.

They turned their heads to look at the scorpion who was silently holding the scepter and looked at them deeply, then looked at the flowers at the foot of the tent that had been flattened and washed by the women of the picking team and began to dry, and then pointed at them. This time I laughed loudly.




"That's it"



"Can you eat it? Hahaha!"

Not only that, the seven brothers proudly picked up the three or two rabbits and chickens hanging from their waists, and waved them twice among the young girls who had just grown into a slightly immature tribe.







"Don't eat grass!"

After finishing speaking, he seemed to look down on Gu Zheng and looked back provocatively again.

Look at Gu Zheng, this is the fire.

He Aristotle, Hai Gu Duzheng, Gu Nazha Duzheng, when did he experience this kind of idleness!

Didn’t you say you don’t eat grass?

become! Then you will not eat the ones that are seeded tonight!

Gu Zheng, who had a bad idea in mind, didn't change his face in an instant. Under the gaze of the seven brothers' contemptuous eyes, a kind and noble smile appeared on his face.

He turned his head to look at the leader of the gathering team, Feihua, and asked in a low and gentle voice: "Today I have been given an oracle to learn a recipe for steaming."

"For dinner tonight, just follow my instructions."

After hearing these words, the 狰花 on the side just froze, and immediately nodded in agreement.

This young priest is really good at doing things, no one in the whole tribe can cook the food that was just picked today.

And the priest who took them to find food would do it, so that would be easy.

The very capable Feihua will not be affected by the words of the seven Feijia brothers.

Yes, rabbits and gray chickens are really good, but only if the quantity you catch can fill the stomachs of hundreds of people.

Two or three per, the hunting team only brought dozens of catties of meat, enough for what it was.

She might as well follow the priests who seem to be very reliable now, at least on the way of migration, she won't die because of eating madly.

Therefore, the current tiger's hands and feet are called swift. Following Gu Zheng's arrangement, they set up a very flat stone slab they found from the bottom of Zhang Yao Mountain. Underneath is the stove pit dug out after loosening the soil. When the bonfire was burning, but within a moment of effort, a white mist rose from the thin stone slab that was not so thick.

In order to try the temperature on the board, Gu Zheng, who had passed his hand, gently pressed it on it. After feeling the heat on it, he passed his hand in the direction of the scary flower on the side.


The scarlet flower who was ordered was blank: "Priest...what is that?"

Well, with a sigh, Gu Zheng turned his face to the buttocks of the fat rabbit that the seven brothers had just cleaned up, where they could barely pick out one or two fats.

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