The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 891: The shock of magical food

Then, in the unbelievable gaze of the other party, he was very calm and took the white meat reserved for the elderly and young children from the clan population, and used a bone knife to cut it into thin slices in full view. It was laid openly on the hot stone slab, and as the meat and the stone slab collided, a very pleasing sound of piercing was heard.

This is a symphony of food and the first step in refining oil flowers.

When everyone was bathed in the fragrant aroma of meat oil, when they only put the white meat cooked in clean water in their mouths, they turned golden. In everyone's eyes...the hot oil bubbles, When the most essence of the hot grease was forced out like gold, when they looked back at Gu Zheng, their eyes changed a little.

Then, Gu Zheng calmly used two small bamboo branches to put the burnt-flavored small pieces of meat on the side of the cleaned ceramic plate, turning his head to the scarlet flower. Instructed: "Giving points to the young children who have their teeth in the clan's head is also a snack anyway."

As for this kind of thing is unhealthy?

Don't make trouble, in primitive society where basic meat cannot be guaranteed, this is a great tonic.

The ferocious flower who took the plate sniffed the pottery plate with the burnt meat that still had a lingering fragrance, and responded with a little excitement: "Yes!" After that, he went straight to the childcare center of the clan. Away from the direction.

Gu Zheng remained alone, beside the large stone slabs surrounded by more and more tribesmen, still calmly ordering another capable woman who would take the place of the wild flower to lay hands on him.

"Take out the bird eggs we saved a few days ago."


The woman next to her did not hesitate, and opened the grain reserves usually collected and managed by the picking team. Among the small, sturdy vine frames, she took out the only a dozen left on their journey. Bird eggs.

To say that these eggs, any group of people from the Academy of Sciences who got them in modern times will have studied them for a lifetime, but in the eyes of the current people, their existence has only one function, and that is eating.

The larger the amount is naturally more, and the small ones who are usually harvested casually slam it in their mouths and use it as their energy supplement.

Therefore, the eggs placed in front of Gu Zheng are not small.

One by one is bigger than the face.

And this kind of eggs that are bigger than a face, their way of opening the shell is also very interesting. After getting Gu Zheng's order, the woman was very sturdy and picked up a large bone for chopping wood. The knife slashed at the smallest egg among them.

"Crack! Crack!"

The fragments of the egg shell splashed around in the vigorous slashing again and again, causing Gu Zheng, who was sitting behind the stone slab, to start to wonder if he could beat an egg body... "click," this one. The very difficult egg finally cracked.

The seemingly fierce, but measured woman, carefully took the eggshell that had never been injured at the bottom, and presented the treasure in front of Gu Zheng.

"Fall, here comes the egg."

"Yeah..." Seeing everyone's eyes turned to him once again, the expression on Gu Zheng's face immediately turned to a calm state again.

He held this huge colorful egg body, and in the curious eyes of everyone, he stabbed it towards the stone slab and dumped it on top.

These bluish-white viscous egg liquids, after touching the thick layer of grease, quickly solidified into snow-white egg flowers.

A mellow, warm taste, slowly spreading along the egg liquid, and then spreading in all directions, so that the tribesmen who first saw fried eggs could not help but smoke their noses, lest they would slow down. , I'm afraid that the fragrance will be sucked away by the people next to me.

And just when the people of the tribe thought that this was the magical food cooking technique, the more and more mysterious ferocious in front of them moved again.

He took the wooden spoon that was used to boil the soup in the cauldron during the day, and fry it in the direction of the flow of the egg liquid, preventing the egg liquid from spreading to a larger area.

And these egg liquids gathered together, because Gu Zheng worked hard and chicly stir fry, the egg flowers rolled up one after another because of the heat, like the most fluffy snow in the ice-covered snowfield they just left. In general, like the clearest frost...beautiful.

When all these liquid eggs were finally fried by Gu Zheng into a tender and jelly-like shape, everyone thought that they could be out of the pot, but Gu Zheng did not hesitate to collect them. Yu Hua was thrown onto the stone slab, and with the half-absorbed oil temperature, the egg blossoms that would disperse at the touch of the touch, used greater strength and faster speed, to stir-fry again.

But this time, the taste of the slate was changed again because of the collision of these ingredients.

A faint scent of leeks, with the sweetness of spring dew, mixed with the most mellow egg scent, accompanied by the flourish of meat, just got into the noses of the ferocious clan unpreparedly, let them Indulge in it, can't extricate itself for a long time.

As for the cook, classmate Gu Zheng, when he saw that Zhu Yuhua had changed color slightly, from the original green to soft yellow, he stopped the action in his hand, instead he picked up a piece from the side. On weekdays, when everyone eats millet, the leaves are cushioned, and while it’s hot, they put a plate of freshly baked Zhuyuhua fried unknown eggs... to serve.

According to the rules of the clan, the first food should be given to the patriarch, and then the priests and hunting team's strong labor, and so on, the elderly and young children who are the least old are often the last to eat food.

However, the old priests of the Xi family have laid down a rule among the tribes, that is, these weakest tribes, although they can't eat the most food, can enjoy the most refined portion.

Let those with bad teeth avoid the fate of being starved to death.

Regarding this rule, no one in the Yu clan had any disagreements. From this Gu Zheng, we can also know that although this group believes in the fierce beast totem, it is in essence very kind and united.

Therefore, now that he has become a priest of the 狰 clan, he will play a role more so that the entire people of the 狰 clan can better survive this crisis, just like the original owner’s wish, let him The Gui family survived and developed in this dangerous world.

After separating his first food, Gu Zheng calmly stood up from the edge of the stone slab, pointed his finger at the very pitiful little pile of'leek scrambled eggs' in the hand of the patriarch, and exhorted again. How to eat this food.

"I wish Yuhua can be full with just one flower. As for the remaining protein, it is better to share with the young and old to replenish their physical fitness."

After saying this, Gu Zheng was too lazy to say that in order to show his refinement and mystery, he just used the most elegant gesture to fish out a very clear and beautiful blue flower from the Zhuyu flower basket that had not been stir-fried on the side. Under the gaze of everyone, they gently dangled in their mouths and gestured to the people of the tribe to go away, and then went straight to the location of their own tent.

Only a clear and juan back was left... it was an aftertaste for the tribesmen who had never seen such a scene before.

However, some people have never bought it because of Gu Zheng's pressure this time.

Needless to think about it, the people who don't buy it must be the seven brothers of the 狰 family.

No, Nao Da looked at the back of Gu Zheng who hadn't gone away before, holding a Zhu Yuhua in the basket, and questioning it in front of the tribe.







"Who believes?"

After saying this, he laughed fiercely, and of course the six people who followed the Solitaire also laughed together very much.

The effect of six plus one is to form the effect of roaring laughter.

Then, under the gaze of the attracted clansmen, Hui Da swallowed Zhu Yuhua in his mouth in one bite.

Then again?

The man who faced the liger and did not change his face and fought with the dragon and crocodile, covered his throat, screamed with a sigh of sorrow, and fell down.

The two to seven standing behind him were shocked, and they didn't care about the regularity of their speech, one by one shouting at ‘big brother’ and ‘big brother’... they rushed towards the ugly direction.

Then, they saw that his elder brother swallowed some peerless poison. With a move of his throat, they swallowed Zhu Yuhua who was choking in his throat.

Then, his eldest brother said the longest sentence in his life: "Bah! It's terrible!"

And if you look at the face of Gu Zheng who is facing away from everyone at this time, you will find that although his back is still straight and walking like a breeze at this time, his face is green.

There is a good saying, I have to finish the cannon appointment with tears, oh, no, it’s the meal I cooked, and I have to stuff it with Gu Zheng never thought of it, fried wish Yuhua is fragrant and fragrant, and the mouth is sweet, but the raw Zhu Yuhua is so spicy and smelly, like tire rubber wrapped in smelly socks, it is difficult to swallow.

But at this time, it was too late to regret, and there was an unbelief in evil spirits who were unlucky with him. Suddenly, my heart felt much better.

Gu Zheng, who had comforted himself for a while, accelerated his pace a little bit. When the ugly one turned over and got up from the ground, his figure was already submerged in the priest’s tent, making the brawny men behind him , Even if you want to find someone to settle accounts, there is no chance.

This also made the 狰大, who was still sitting on the ground, angry and annoyed, unable to get up and down... just suffocated on the spot.

Just when Wei Da plans to ignore it and start to freak out, he seems to feel a normal belly, and said blankly to the brothers beside him: "Full!"

The six brothers around him, after hearing what the eldest brother said, all showed surprise expressions, and then together with the other clansmen, they once again turned their heads to the big basket of Zhu Yu. Flower direction.

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