The Seven Brothers didn't think much, shrugging their shoulders and rushing towards the river where the tribe temporarily stopped without looking back.

As for Gu Zheng, who was left with only one person living on Lu Shu's back, after the seven brothers had left, he turned over and got down to the deer, feeling a little doubtful about his chin.

Strange, it's so strange.

In such a fertile land, why does this strange tribe have only a few hundred people?

And such a good location is enough for a few tribes like this kind of clan to live together.

Even if the upper reaches of the terrain are a little steeper and more dangerous, why haven't other tribes found here and came to station?

Gu Zheng, who thought about it more and more strangely, turned over Lu Shu, and with a little caution, he began to explore the circle around this small tribe.

After he ran down around this gathering place for a while, Gu Zheng's inner doubts grew.

It's so quiet around here.

Even in the most sinister plains they have ever seen, there will be sporadic creatures, no matter whether they are weird, poisonous or stinging, they will never look like the strangers they are now. The tribe is generally around, and within a few hundred meters, there is no animal bigger than a slap.

If it weren't for the fragrance of birds and flowers, and the whispering of insects, I'm afraid that Gu Zheng would go back to pull the horse now, as far as he can get from here.

There is a problem, maybe it is still a big problem!

The members of the tribe who came to contact this tribe for a while have arrived. He must follow the other party into the interior of the tribe to see if he can find any clues about these strange phenomena, so that he can be better. Make a response.

Gu Zheng, who had made up his mind, stayed in place, looking forward to the direction of You Xi.

To say that the efficiency of these seven brothers is really not bad, but within a short time, a clansman with the 狰 clan appeared in the distance.

This time, the one who came by was the most eloquent fierce spirit in the clan. Behind him were a few members of the guards with big waists, and he walked in the direction of Gu Zheng with a feather cane that symbolized friendship and trade.

After confirming that Gu Zheng was just watching and not intending to reveal his identity, he cleverly gave the team the safest position in the team to the most valuable priest in the Youxian clan.

But when the group of them showed up at the door of this strange tribe, Qiqiao knew that they were worrying too much.

Because that strange tribe member, after seeing their appearance, was actually one or two screams and jumped again and again, and then they hugged together and shivered, looking terrified of outsiders.

Seeing this, Gu Zheng's eyes suddenly narrowed.

This reaction is a bit overwhelming.

When he carefully measured these tribesmen, he was even more strange.

People in this group are not all born to one mother, right?

How come one or two of them look the same?

They were actually like the seven brothers of the Gui family, they were all triplets or quadruplets.

However, even if the living environment here is relatively safe, the birth rate is extremely low, and the survival rate is even more pitiful in the primitive society. Why are people in this ethnic group able to give birth?

So, they are all so able to give birth, why the size of their tribe's population is not even comparable to that of the Yu clan, who has experienced a catastrophe and nearly a third of the population?

Suspicious, Gu Zheng looked at the faces of the people in this group again, and they turned out to be a little blush. This is a rare manifestation of health and no lack of nutrition.

So, why does this tribe, which has a large living space and abundant food reserves, and is very viable, can't thrive?

Just as Gu Zheng thought about it, the more horrified, a young and somewhat unreasonable patriarch of the opposite clan appeared at the right time.

After he had spoken out the name of his clan, part of the doubt in Gu Zheng's heart disappeared.

Because this patriarch said: "We are a clan with the rabbit clan, we believe in the submissive rabbit spirits, and are the most docile and peaceful clan."

Oh, that can be explained clearly.

Rabbits, can they give birth, can they live, but it doesn’t last long.

And they have the large green vegetable field outside the Tus tribe, as well as the environment full of small animals inhabit, which also shows the authenticity of this clan's beliefs.

However, I always feel that it is a bit contrary.

But when Gu Zheng hadn't figured out why, in this darkening night, their people did need a relatively safer environment to station in the camp and repair it.

Therefore, Gu Zheng, who didn’t say a word, watched Xi Qiao chatting with the other party’s patriarch very happily, but within a few moments he divided the large open space adjacent to the Rabbit clan to those with the Xi clan. The tribe is now where it is based.

Only this time, when the clansmen wanted to spread out his luggage for Gu Zheng and set up his camp as they did in the past, the priest, who was accustomed to hedonism, was strangely rejected.

In his words, he felt the aura of this land. He wanted to be closer to nature. Tonight he planned to sleep on the ground in the For Gu Zheng's this It is said that the clansmen whose brain capacity is not large did not feel anything wrong. On the contrary, they reserved all the open space around the place where the priest was with a little awe, so as to facilitate him and the world. For communication.

Even the well-informed patriarch did not have too many objections to Gu Zheng's performance. After this period of performance, Gu Zheng completely consolidated his status as a **** stick.

But among the group of people, it happened to be those seven brothers who were very uncomfortable with him. They looked at each other, and as Gu Zheng's voice fell, they stopped their work of setting up tents. Instead, they were all one by one. The bedding rolls packed their luggage, and placed them shamelessly on the edge of Gu Zheng's place. After they placed them in their respective positions, they packed Gu Zheng in the circle.

Just when Gu Zheng looked at what they were going to do with a very suspicious look, the eldest among the seven brothers instead clicked on his own brain with a finger, and then pointed to Gu Zheng's brain, and the other party understood. After the meaning of doing this by myself, I closed my eyes and followed the brothers sitting on the ground together, sitting leaning on their respective bedding rolls and taking a nap, until the smell of meat in the big pottery pot of the Xi family came over, they Then he jumped up with a scream, and went straight to the place where the people shared their food.

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