As for being surrounded and unable to operate anything, Gu Zheng, who could only look at the skill tree thinking about inventing some new manual work, took a sigh of relief.

The seven brothers really possessed the intuition of beasts. Although they hadn't noticed any wrong details, the bloodline that was almost primitive beasts integrated in their bones played a role all the time.

No, it seems that there is really a big trouble with the Tushi that he hasn't seen clearly.

Thinking of this, Gu Zheng accelerated the speed of polishing under his hands. He was tanning animal tendons with one hand and rubbing bamboo sticks with the other. But within a moment of effort, the prototype of a rough bow appeared on his. In his hands, along with the ribs from the old priest’s inheritance that I don’t know what beast’s body... After passing through the holes at the front and rear ends and tightening it, Gu Zheng didn’t come to this world. I stopped trying to make a curved bow, and I finished it again.

And after he carefully examined the bowstring of the bow into the shape of a full moon, the very familiar sound of the science and technology tree once again rang in Gu Zheng's mind. .

Is it finally lit?

After hearing this voice, Gu Zheng seemed to let go of his heart all at once.

Because since the technology tree was generated in his sea of ​​consciousness, the first thing he did was to start making more advanced weapons based on his past memories.

But now he has a few finished bows in his hands, but the technological points related to bows and arrows have never been illuminated.

When Gu Zheng was wondering whether it was because the cheat device he was wearing was too powerful, which was contrary to the level of technological development of this plane, so he was suppressed, but now he felt the pressure, and then secretly rubbed it. He rubbed a bow, and it really lit up the technological branches of this archery.

So, where is the previous problem?

After Gu Zheng saw where the technological fork that belonged to archery appeared, he understood.

Unexpectedly, the bow technique was extended from the fork of the animal husbandry, and it was not branched out of the masonry he had imagined.

If it hadn't been for the fact that he had conquered Lu Shu a while ago, and lit up the animal husbandry, I'm afraid that his archery wouldn't be lit up for a while.

Ugh! do not care!

I don’t know if it’s my own illusion. Since the small branch of the archery was created, when he draws the bow and shoots the arrow again, he has changed from the obscure and hardships of the past, on the contrary, it is like running clouds and flowing water. The level of archery in the Mongolian tribe.

Hai Gu Duzheng's gift, the glory of the **** archer, once again returned to Gu Zheng.

All of a sudden, Gu Zheng was at ease.

With a bow in hand, I have the world!

Even if there is any danger, if you want to come, with your own bow and arrow, you can stop it!

Excited, Gu Zheng didn't even eat any food, one after another, he began to polish the bamboo beside his hand, trying to make more arrows as a reserve of ammunition.

It is also thanks to him that he didn't go out. If he saw the so-called delicacies of the rabbits with his tribe, he would regret going to the friendly banquet between the two parties.

Because of the Tu family, a large pot of radish soup was prepared for the people of the Gui family, together with raw scallions, which is called a green onion, green oil, scraping the stomach, and bloating.

The people who ate the tribe of the Xi family who love meat, they grinned and made noises in their stomachs.

The big green haystacks like a mountain, they didn't move a bite.

Because the priest said that the grass is eaten by animals, and the vegetables that people eat must be cooked before they can be eaten.

While grabbing a handful of dried meat from their pockets of food, while drinking a bowl of clear soup and watery radish soup as a cover, the people of the 狰 clan settled the dinner as quickly as possible, and then hung up and twisted. The expression... hurriedly bid farewell to the group of rabbits.

When they followed the last rays of sunshine and returned to their temporary residences, everyone still had the lingering fear of looking back at the tribe that had been grazing all year round, and discussed that they must invite each other back in the future to let them know. The beauty of meat.

Then, this group of hungry people took advantage of the beginning of the moonlight, swept a circle of this quiet and peaceful plain, and returned some unknown small animals that were only a few palms from hunting, and threw them in together. After the fire was over, while the bonfire was not extinguished, the meat that was not enough to fill the teeth... was eaten up, and the right to be like a dessert after a meal.

He also asked Gu Zheng, who was working hard, to subconsciously look at the very crude ropes and stone hunting tools in the hands of the returning tribe.

It's also time to eliminate stone throwing and popularize archery.

Gu Zheng, whose thoughts were taken away, subconsciously accelerated the speed of polishing. When he raised his head again, his hands and feet were full of arrows.

He also discovered that among the ethnic group with the 狰 family, the seven brothers of the 狰 family, who should have liked to sleep the most, were carrying them with him and not sleeping, and now they were strolling around the place where they were stationed.

Seeing the clansmen so vigilant, Gu Zheng nodded with relief, thinking that this night should be passed safely.

But Gu Zheng didn’t know that it was only a few hundred meters away from where the Xi clan’s tribe was stationed... There was the rabbit clan’s patriarch’s tent, but at this time even the bonfire was never lit. In the darkness, there were rabbits. Most of the clan members gathered here.

They stared at the patriarch sitting among them with very eager eyes, and asked with a little nervousness: "Patriarch, when shall we act?"

"Yes! Patriarch, when the moon rises to the highest point, they, they... are coming!"

"And we have the Tu family just experienced a disaster year this year. People who have not eaten enough can not give birth to so many children!"

Speaking of this, some weak people cried softly.

There are also some bitter voices mixed in.

"Perhaps, we should also migrate like the Yu clan! I don't want to live this kind of life anymore!"

"Yes! Dedicating the lives of your own people, this kind of fearful life...whoever loves it, and whoever has it!"

"As long as we can leave here, we will recognize it even if it is a little bitter!"

However, no matter how excited the clan people are, the expression of the patriarch sitting among them has not changed. With only one sentence, he stopped the crying around him.

"But the three tribes have already left the Xianyi River, and none of the three tribes can successfully pass through the Mino Mountain. Haven't you ever thought about this?"

"That's because outside the plains where we live, there are more dangerous beasts than ours."

"They are not just like the enemies we are facing right now. They can be sent away only by regular supply of blood. They can break mountains, divert the sea, and destroy a tribe as a whole...the most powerful. The presence."

"So, knowing how the road ahead is, do you still want to leave this land where we have lived for many years, and move towards a future that doesn't know how...maybe even worse than the current situation?"

It was these few words that made the timid people of the Rabbit clan completely silent.

I don't know who wants to change the depressive and dull atmosphere in the court, and when the quiet time is long enough, he asked weakly.

"So, will those people with the Xi family be recruited?"

And the young overbearing patriarch sitting in the middle, after hearing these words, nodded very surely: "Yes!"

"The strongest men in their clan were all invited by us and attended the banquet."

"And all of them ate our special radish soup made by the rabbit."

"They will definitely get a good night's sleep tonight."

"When it comes, no one will resist."

"As you know, it likes to eat tender humans the most, and it will definitely take the lead in swallowing the strongest people...because it will be many days since the last offering. Well, it’s been hungry for a long time."

"Until the next morning, after the Yu clan loses the strongest clan, those old and weak people who are unable to resist will have to stay in this area forever with our clan with the rabbit clan. It’s above the vast Tu’s Plain."

"But..." At this time, an unbearable voice sounded weakly: "The Yu clan doesn't look like we have the Rabbit clan and can give birth to many children."

"Couldn't it be the same as the other tribes who stayed here and took root in the last but all annihilated tribes that have been circulated among the previous tribes, can they not withstand the devastation of the evil gods?"

After hearing this question from the tribe, the patriarch among them looked up to the sky at the bright starry sky exposed from his uncapped sighed faintly, and returned to: "Yue's family is different from us. They will always resist for a while and win us more time."

"At that time, after our tribe of the Rabbit clan survived this famine, more children will be born, and by that time, those of us who are early will be old and weak."


What greeted this sentence was the collective silence. Although everyone's eyes were red, all of them knew... what the patriarch hadn't spoken behind.

Yes, old people can use their flesh and blood to fill that evil god... with a bottomless appetite like a ditch, and they can also buy more development time for their young people.

No matter what, anyway, they have a rabbit's life span and never grow anywhere. What is the difference between dying sooner or later for the reproduction of their next generation?

After the initial consensus of opinions was finally reached, no one of the people in the tent talked anymore. Instead, they put multiple children in their arms on their legs, so that the babies could sleep more comfortably. .

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