The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 916: You have to abide by the rules, don’t you?

After the members of the General Assembly voted on the division of the new tribe, the Gui clan, they can reach the end of this journey, where their new homeland is located.

Regarding this arrangement, You Xi did not have any objections.

After all, this is not an ice-covered plain with a single word. For the newcomers, it is the tiger who has to lie down, and the dragon who has to lie on it.

After their tribe has gained a firm foothold here, no matter how hideous they are, no one will say anything more.

It is a pity that some of the Fei tribes still overestimate the level of knowledge of other tribes on this plain.

When they saw the beautiful and unusual horses, the expressions on their faces were already extremely incredible.

As for Gu Zheng riding on Lu Shu, holding the rotating tortoise, and following the gu vultures walking like a mountain behind him, appeared at the station, the patriarchs of all tribes who looked around on the opposite side were long gone as a patriarch. There should be insight.

One or two came together, opened their mouths, and pointed to the patriarchs of the three tribes. Then they pointed to the temporary residence of the Xi family, and they began to talk in unbelievable chattering.

"Why is this clan that emerged from the mountain, even like a clan of the blood of the gods, capable of driving the beasts?"

And once it was driven... it was still a great multi-ethnic fusion.

You must know that the Lieshan clan and the patriarch with the Xiong clan are brothers in the same line.

Yu Zheng is the brother, Ji Huang is the younger brother, and their mother is a treasure of the Yu family. They are a female compatriot born to the most beautiful woman in the world.

Although the two brothers had different bloodlines of the **** race, the two people really...showed supernatural powers that were different from ordinary people since they were young.

But what's the matter with the 狰 family on the opposite side?

Could it be that they had other options besides the mountain range they followed and the big bear tribe?

It is because of the conditions of the Xi family that are different from ordinary tribes, they are remembered in their hearts by those who are interested, as if it is an undercurrent, gurgling surging.

One day, with various complicated conditions, it will finally burst out.

And this unique feature of the Gui family was naturally seen by the leaders of the three largest tribes among them.

Under the gaze of everyone, the You Xiong clan headed by Ji Huang has become more enthusiastic about You Xiong clan, and for the remaining two tribes, only the spirited Gu Zheng can see the expression in each other's eyes. Be vigilant.

If it weren't for the current population of the Xi clan, the population was not large, and in this Wei level, it was only at the lowest level of the middle clan.

I am afraid that they are now facing the coercion and coercion of the three largest clans.

It is impossible to say that a newcomer clan was pressured and attacked by many clans on the spot in this alliance. After the failure, the remaining clan members can only be split into two or three branch clans, so that the blood of the Xi clan can be obtained. Saved.

Gu Zheng found that in this place where the embryonic form of the country has been formed, and the development of the frozen plains is much faster than that of the once-dominant icy plain, the struggle is everywhere and more intense.

However, don't be afraid, as long as you have a piece of land for him, let them develop steadily and gain a firm foothold.

I am afraid that in less than three years, in the boundary of Wei level plain, the situation of the 狰 clan will not be like walking on thin ice like it is now.

Gu Zheng, who was consciously struggling, gave the Gu sculpture beside him a wink, and asked him to block the entrance of the temporary station... with his huge body, then he wore the best of his life. Gorgeous dress, grabbed the scepter and hat that symbolize the highest status of the priest, packed up his outfit, stepped out of the tent, and joined the mighty and extraordinary patriarch who was also dressed up, and went hand in hand to the alliance celebration. Broke.

I don't know if it is because of having a strange animal, the representative team sent by the Gui family did not receive much difficulty in the process of participating in this celebration.

On the contrary, the three tribes that held this celebration arranged it in a fairly reasonable position.

Even Gu Zheng, a shrewd person who wears colored glasses to examine each other, can't escape any faults.

Because the three tribes accurately assessed the comprehensive strength of the current Fei clan, and ranked it at the bottom of the middle clan.

This is also difficult enough for these three top tribes. In such a short period of time, the situation of the people of the Xi clan has been given a rough idea.

This made Gu Zheng, while admiring, secretly increased his vigilance in his heart.

Who said that there are no smart people in primitive people?

Inventions and technological innovations were all completed in a flash of inspiration.

Gu Zheng, who planned to understand the situation well, really settled down to understand the situation of this celebration.

After the meeting was held, he learned this way and discovered the beauty of this celebration.

This celebration has three most important functions.

The first is to determine the ownership of the leader in the Wei level. This requires a tribe to reach the top clan as the basic condition, and multiple tribes jointly vote for more than 60% of the election.

The second is to confirm the hierarchy of each tribe.

Based on the individual development of the tribe in the past year, it is divided into various evaluations based on the population, agricultural ability, and the wealth level of the tribe.

In the current Wei level, people can be roughly divided into five categories.

The most top-notch ones are naturally the current leaders have the Yu family, the Lieshan family and the Xiong family.

They are the top clan, this is beyond doubt.

And the second category is the big clans, this one is above the Wei level, there are as many as six.

The most basic of these six tribes is that the tribe has close to 10,000 people and they live very richly.

As for the third category, Gu Zheng and the others have just reached the standard of the Fei clan.

The number of clans is more than 1,000, and only those clans that are self-sufficient and able to survive natural and man-made disasters with little loss can meet the standards of medium clans.

It stands to reason that You Xi's are a little reluctant at this point.

We must know that above the Wei level, because of its relatively comfortable living environment, in the worst family among the middle clan, the number of people in the family is close to four to five thousand.

As for the Xi family, even with the blessings of alien beasts, now all the tribes together will be enough to reach two thousand people.

Looking at it this way, it's a bit pitiful.

As for the fourth category, it is naturally the small clans with densely distributed stars.

The vassal members of these big clans have many reasons and insist on their own habit of living in a group.

They either have unique beliefs or unspeakable living habits. In short, it is unlikely that they will be integrated with the blood of the big clan, and their respective population bases are too low, which has caused their The ethnic group has been maintained at the level of a few hundred people.

Once there is any trouble, they will spontaneously seek the blessing of their main clan, and wait until they get through this crisis, they will be like the most free wind, to pursue the most primitive tradition of the tribe... ...And let me go.

As for the fifth type of people, they are free people.

Commonly known as black households.

They live in the corners of this plain, neither do they want to integrate into a large tribe with many rules to accept exploitation, and they do not have enough ability to expand their ethnic group.

Either because of the failure of the war, or because of the exile on the other side of the Weishui River, they treated the people around them carefully and with great vigilance.

For such people, there is a unified way of dealing with the Wei level.

Once discovered, it was a ruthless arrest.

Oh, don't get me wrong, they are not caught for food, but to supplement the supply of the slave market that belongs to multiple clans.

Yes, once these people find out, there is only one way to become slaves to one clan or multiple clans.

In this stage of gradual transition from primitive society to slave society, too much fertile land awaits the reclamation of human beings.

And those tribe members who have owned a large amount of private property naturally have the ability to support one or more slaves.

This is a process in which the wheels of history keep moving forward, and no one person or a clan can resist.

Naturally, there will be no objection to the classification of this race, the newcomers of the Gui family.

They only memorized the names of the main clans during the selection process of the celebration, and by the way they also received the badges representing the ranks of the Fei clan.

As for the third role of this celebration?

That is the division of land, the delivery of property, and the exchange of interests between tribes.

No, after the ranks of the tribes were initially determined, the patriarchs of the tribes gathered together began to discuss the ownership of their new brother, the clan that has the 狰 clan.

In this very serious discussion Gu Zheng also saw the first real map of the world.

Although it was only a small area of ​​Wei level, it was enough to make Gu Zheng very surprised.

Because he finally confirmed one thing through this map, this time the twentieth world is probably a fusion of the world he once knew and an independent small world.

Maybe this small world really existed before, and then in the long history of the long river, I don't know what inexplicable factors...and then disappeared.

But this cognition was enough to cheer up the calm Gu Zheng.

Because, as long as he is within the scope of the first master world that can be controlled by Laughing and Forgetting Books, then as long as he fulfills the wishes of the client of this world, the main system that does not seem to be reliable will be able to restore energy and bring As he returned to the real world he had longed for.

Gu Zheng, who was relieved, looked at the stationed area on this map where the Xi family could choose.

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