In fact, neither he nor Xiong had much hope, and they could find a very suitable place for the development of the Xiong family from these choices.

Because the other clans who have lived in the Wei horizontal plains are not big fools, if there is really a rich and peaceful land, the local snakes here would have been divided up long ago.

As for foreigners like them, it would be nice to have a place to stay

Sure enough, Gu Zheng and Xiong Xiong looked at the leftovers that the three leaders gave them on this map... and they slapped their mouths.

These uninhabited areas are either vast and deserted, and the land is barren, which is not conducive to life, or they are narrow and crowded, living at the junction of various clans, in which there are constant troubles and many resources have to be shared.

Huh, wait?

Why is there such a large piece of land in the northernmost part of the Wei horizontal Plain that is still unowned?

It faces the sea to the east, mountains to the west, grassland to the north, and plains to the south. The place is not only large, but also has a lot of optional geomorphology.

Apart from the distance from the ethnic groups on the Weishui River, there is nothing wrong with it.

But the more this happened, the less Gu Zheng dared to start.

Because of this rich land, how can it be a land of no owner?

Therefore, after he gave Xiong a wink, he coughed lightly, and straightforwardly put their question on the bright side.

"So, after choosing this land, what are we going to face?"

"The enemy or the beast?"

Seeing Gu Zheng asked so frankly, there was a moment of silence in the tent of the entire conference hall.

However, it was only a moment, that Ji Huang, who looked like a majestic leader, laughed.

He seemed to be saying that the weather is really good today, and he undertook to return: "It's a person."

"Nomads who can only hunt and gather. Northern barbarians."

But Xiong, who was standing directly opposite Ji Huang, was taken aback. What's so scary about this?

But his next words made Huixiong's face look ugly instantly.

"They eat anything when they are hungry, and people are part of their recipes. Moreover, they also have similar mounts among your 狰 clan."

"Coming and going like wind."

This is no wonder.

In such a large area, even a decent clan residence did not exist.

According to Ji Huang, there was once a medium-sized clan of nearly 5,000 people who did not believe in evil, so they chose that area as their base.

Everything was fine at the beginning, but once the winter and spring seasons entered, the northern grassland barbarians that appeared continuously, like locusts, harass the location of their tribes.

They all grab materials and people, and they don't pick and choose.

When the opponent fought to resist, he suffered a big loss because of the unequal combat power, and directly beat a group of people who had a good chance of becoming a big clan, and gave birth to a mess.

Up to now, they are still lingering in the small clan group, and they have not been relieved.

Because all the strong labor in an ethnic group has been wiped out by these barbaric ethnic groups, and the women in the ethnic group are even more robbed, or eaten, or become female slaves, contributing to the proliferation of the barbarians. .

There are only a few old and weak who were lucky enough to escape. It would be good if they could barely fill their stomachs. What about development?

Moreover, this area is too far away from the central area of ​​their Wei horizontal plains. Even if the tribe closest to that area receives a call for help, by the time they rushed to help, those northern barbarians had already completed the catastrophe. Skip, run without a trace.

Once and twice, I couldn't see the figure of the Northern Barbarian. Who would want to continue to help without restriction?

At the end of the trouble, this area became a buffer between the Central Plains clan and the Northern Barbarians, and no one dared to live here.

Hearing that this was the reason, Gu Zheng and Xiong looked at each other, suppressing the faint joy in their hearts, and replied in unison: "Then we choose here!"

On the other side, Ji Huang seemed to have a hunch that the Gui family would choose this way. He just glanced at these two men who were in step with complicated eyes, and then no longer talked about the map in this area. Pushing in front of Xiong, even if it is by default, this area will be divided into the newly-joined Youxi tribe as their gathering place.

For this bold choice of the Xiong clan, even if Gu Zheng could see the expressions of pity, disapproval, and contempt in the eyes of these clan patriarchs, but everyone has the Xiong clan patriarch Ji Huang speaking After that, they all remained silent very tacitly.

This is a respect for the decisions made by the three clans, and once again reflects the influence of these three clans on this plain from the side.

Of course, these are things that only need to worry about in the future of the Xi family.

Now Gu Zheng and Xiong Xiong are back home. They just want to hurry back to the tribe after the celebration ends, pass the good news to everyone, and quickly lead the tribe to a new life.

Thanks to the patience of Gu Zheng and Xiong Xiong, they persisted to the end.

Otherwise, they will perfectly miss the last link of this celebration, which is also the most lively closing rally in the Huimeng celebration.

On this day, the most eloquent people of each tribe will take out the most representative products produced in their tribes to exchange with other clans or buy some useful things for the development of their own clans. .

And this kind of large gathering is the largest gathering on the Wei level.

Here, Gu Zheng and the others can not only learn about the special products of each clan, but also find urgently needed materials and more advanced technology for the people of the Xi clan.

Of course, in this kind of gathering, the hero, who is the leader of a clan, was bluffed and screamed by the things placed by the nearly one hundred clans, and he was so excited that he couldn't hold on himself.

In the end, he actually grabbed Gu Zheng by the arm, and screamed twice every time he passed a stall: "This tribe is useful!"

" this is also good!"

The leader of a clan is the same as a mentally retarded person. Gu Zheng only took one sentence to bring the other party's mentality back to the level of a normal person.

"Do you have money?"

Yes, there are no coins in circulation on the level of Wei.

And there are the Gui clan who traveled long distances, and there are not even many materials for bartering.

They were able to get here, it was already at the end of the battle, and they had run out of ammunition and food.

When strolling around this market, Gu Zheng and Xiong had only one feeling, pain.

The cause of suffering is poverty.

They have neither food or materials that can be exchanged in this market, nor a kind of shell that can replace currency in circulation in this horizontal plain.

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