Forgive these barbarians with little knowledge, they were shocked by the huge city wall that suddenly appeared in front of them.

To be precise, it was frightened.

This is clearly the place where the gods live, and this should have been a godsend.

Because these northern barbarians who came to the south to graze pastures had come here as early as a month ago, and they had deliberately investigated.

At that time, this piece of land, which had never been set foot by the Xian clan, was still deserted and uninhabited.

If it is said that this magnificent building was only built by the people of the 狰 clan in just over ten days, then they would not dare to be presumptuous easily.

A tribe that can build such a majestic building in such a short period of time, can it not explain anything?

Seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages is even more obvious to the northern barbarians who are still beastly.

The bravest fighters of their tribes remained silent in front of this high wall for a long time, until one of them spoke a word, and the feeling of depression in their hearts disappeared instantly.

Because this rare wise man said so.

"Hey! Didn't we go south to rob?"

"Then why are we fighting this hard bone? You must know that the camel beast under us is a mythical beast that travels hundreds of miles a day."

"If the old priest's instructions are correct, go further south, and you will reach the site of the Yu family, right?"

"It's impossible for every clan to have miracles like this one, like a ferocious clan!"

This made sense, and echoing slogans immediately rang from the surrounding multi-tribal coalition forces.

"Go south, go south!"

"Yes, there are meat to eat from the robbing family!"

After shouting these slogans, this group of warriors from the Northern Barbarian were afraid to let those next to them see the timidity in their hearts. By the side of the city wall, he walked around.

As for the projections of the ferocious beasts that appeared in midair, and the ferocious tribes who had already held up their weapons and prepared to fight their backs...

They silently retracted the various weapons that were out of date, and neatly arranged the messy decorations on their bodies because of the panic just now. When they turned their heads, they put on a happy and content smile, facing the emptiness of the ferocious beast in the sky. Ying, bowed again.

"We know that the ferocious beast is the most sympathetic to its people."

"That is, the ferocious beast, which represents courage and strength, is really extraordinary, and it scared away the enemy with a trace of phantom."

As for this phantom of the ferocious beast in this space?

Its heart is really a bit imaginary, but its face that has been used indifferently, there is no expression on it, but it arrogantly shakes its five tails, and once again flies to the top of the altar. , Waiting anxiously for Gu Zheng's sacrifice again, enjoying this hard-won feast.

However, Gu Zheng, who had already climbed the high platform for the sacrifice, smiled as if he could understand his heart.

As if soothing the softest milk cat, softly comforted, "My greatest **** of ferocious beasts, don't be anxious."

"Your people will serve you with the most pious voice of praise"

After saying this, the unprovoked man among the ferocious tribes who was the most pleasing to the eye by ferocious beasts, once again swayed his gurgling blood into the sky, singing the oldest ballad. : "Ah Dada Matata..."

This is an unconscious whisper, this is the first kind of note that can be praised in the ancient population.

The contented ferocious beast received a lot of applause and flowers, and finally dissipated between the heaven and the earth after being satiated.

As for those Nanbarians who bypassed the gathering place of the Xi family and continued to go south?

Does it have anything to do with their clansmen who have the 狰 clan?

When dividing this piece of land to them, no one worried about what kind of danger they would face here, right?

The people of Quandang who didn't know, dispersed and returned to the half-built adobe houses, were still thinking that they would have to work harder tomorrow when the adobe was built.

When their houses are as strong as the outer walls, they will be truly fearless when they have the Xi family.

So, what happened to the Beiman tribesmen who had gone south when the people of the Gui clan entered their sweet dreamland?

They encountered a war.

Of course, it was not a very clichéd battle between the Weishui clan defending their hometown and the northern barbarian invaders.

It was the civil war between the two most powerful tribes in the Wei horizontal Plain.

On this day, it happened that Ji Huang, who had the Xiong clan, obeyed the persuasion of the attached treasure and chose the time to act on his brother.

Because Ji Huang was right about one thing, that is, recently there will be a regular southward invasion by a large force of the Northern Barbarian.

If he shrouded this battle for power and profit with an aura of righteousness against foreign enemies, it would be extremely soothing for the tribes who had not participated in this war.

And Ji Huang's original plan was also very good.

At first glance, there is a very powerful Clan.

He took advantage of the brief panic that the tribes within Wei level received this news, suddenly attacked behind the Lieshan clan, took the rule of Yu Tang at a very fast speed, and brought together the tribes of the Lieshan clan. .

Formally formed into a bear country.

Coupled with the gratuitous incorporation of Youxian, from then on, there will be no joint rule of the three major ministries above the Wei level, and it will only become a confession of Xiong Guota Jihuang.

Originally, this plan could be said to be seamless.

However, Ji Huang glanced away from the link where there was a 狰 clan.

Because the clans of the two parties are too far away, when Ji Huang was heading towards the gathering place in the north, the spy sent by Ji Huang hurriedly returned after the other party’s pottery kiln was produced. The news was passed to their patriarch.

The spy naturally missed the subsequent construction of the city walls and adobe houses by the Gui clan.

As a result, the patriarch of the Xiong clan underestimated the magic of the Xiong clan.

If Ji Huang once commented that You Xi is just a clan known for its craftsmanship, and if you are not afraid of words, if Gu Zheng hears it, he will surely laugh up to the sky three times, thanking Ji Huang for being too bad about them. Knowing, let them escape the calculations hidden in the dark very smoothly.

What's more, those who count others now will soon have to taste the evil results they have caused.

Sure enough, these barbarians in the north had their brains sobered up after seeing the horrific and chaotic battles in the south.

These multi-tribe team united together, after looking at each other a few times and exchanging opinions, they instantly dispersed and merged into these fights in the dark, unable to distinguish between the enemy and the chaos. Among the clan of Dou, each tribe is used as the organization, and it goes straight to the direction of the back of the most prosperous tribes among the southern clans.

They are not stupid. Since they can plunder the supplies to feed and wear the people without losing their combat power, why should they stupidly identify themselves and show their Kong Yong?

Of course it is to move things in disorder and leave after moving.

As a result, these northern barbarians, who are best at robbery, began to hang things on their mounts under the cover of darkness.

Dingling Danglang's pottery, this is a rare and precious item that cannot be produced by the northern clans at all, and a string must be brought.

From then on, my mother-in-law does not have to worry about cooking.

The cooing chicken beast, this is a good thing. After cutting off the wings, it can produce renewable resources for eggs.

Also, the sweet-sweet wheat millet that makes them unforgettable, take as much as there is.

This is the most desired delicacy on grasslands that are not suitable for planting.

But now, this delicious food is in front of you, and there are as many as you can get.

The red-eyed northern barbarian held it with all his might, while the red-eyed Yu Yan... looked at his direct brother in disbelief, the brother he once trusted the most, was holding it from their Lieshan clan’s mine. The point of the sword forged from the copper ore produced in the middle of the world, pointed at his throat, and said to him word by word: "Brother, abdicate and give up power, I will carry forward our country Xiong."

Unwilling to fail, Yu Zheng asked with a wry smile: "Why!?"

I asked myself if I was not insignificant to you, and divided the richest gathering place to your tribe, and those so-called tribes under your hand were also people who split from the tribe of my Lieshan clan.

Once, he thought that the Xiong clan behind him was his strongest backing.

But starting tonight, his Lieshan clan was destroyed in the hands of You Xiong clan.

Because what he thought was the closest brother, the strongest arm of the country he dreamed of, betrayed the friendship and family affection between them and met him directly.

Could it be said that rights are really so attractive, so that they make people ignore even the most important feelings?

After saying this, UU read the book and laughed bitterly.

What else does he ask?

Isn't the fact that all of this has been laid out very clearly?

In this patriarch’s big tent that lit the torch, Ji Huang’s face was hidden in the dark, and he seemed to have made a great determination, and he seemed to be moved by the expression on Yu's face. But the kind of compassionate heart that moved a bit, but after an extremely long silence, they said the final outcome of the two people.

"Brother, if you can let the tribesmen lay down their weapons and surrender to me sincerely, I would like to share this wealthy world and this vast land with you."

"After all, you also said that I am your most beloved brother!"

After seeing the fire, Ji Huang’s eyes of compassion, caring, and ambition were the only one lacking abundant emotions. Yu Zheng knew that his younger brother was already under the influence of his mother, and was in a high position accumulated over time. In the temptation, he put aside the last trace of scruples and became a truly qualified leader.

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