The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 926: The chaos after the seizure of power

That's all, that's all.

Ji Huang was more foresighted than him and had great ambitions. There was no pity for him in this shattered and chaotic Wei level.

For his own life, Yu Zheng at this time sincerely lowered his once proud head, bowed to the feet of his younger brother, and officially merged the Lieshan clan under the command of You Xiong Country.

From then on, Yan and Huang formally merged. From then on, the unification of Weishui will soon be put on the agenda.

Ji Huang, who was very satisfied with this, turned and left the big tent that belonged to his brother, and under the gaze of the clansmen who were overwhelmingly black outside the tent, raised his arms representing victory.

"To tell you the good news, the Lieshan clan has officially submitted to my bear tribe. From now on, we will be a complete family."

"There are Xiongs, there are Xiongs, and they are coming soon!"

The tribes who heard the news waved their weapons in excitement. These tools, which were originally intended to fight against rebellious enemies, have now become the best vessels for celebration.

They held their torches high, and after worshipping their most worshipped **** in the Lieshan clan's residence, under the command of their leader Ji Huang, they returned to the tribal camps of their respective tribes.

Whoever thinks, their return is extraordinary.

The brave warriors who hadn't even raised their eyebrows in the cruelest battle, when they saw their empty material tent, they broke down and screamed.

"Who is it, who took my pottery bowl!"

"Who is it, who gave me the broiler from my last hunt before leaving?"

"My rice, this is my betrothal gift when I plan to marry Yourong's most beautiful girl!!"

"Ahhhhh! Who is it?!"

The warriors of these tribes, of course, would not know who did such a bad thing. They just turned their suspicion on their respective clans... the enemies that had once had enmity with them.

And when they dragged their enemies out of the clans, they heard some unbelievable facts described by the clansmen who stayed behind in the clans.

"You mean? Patriarch Ji Huang asked his soldiers to take this?"

"How is this possible? Today I am the soldier who went to support the patriarch's order!"

In the clan gathering place with the Xiong clan, the situation is even more chaotic.

Those North Barbarians who didn't say a word, in order to prevent revealing their stuff, they robbed and ran away, as swift as a ghost.

Let those tribesmen who reacted after a long time to describe these people with a bit of speculation.

They described these northern barbarian soldiers as ghosts from the underworld.

For a time, above the bright sky above the Wei level, it did not return to peace because of the dazzling and fiery sun rising, but fell into a state of chaos with rumors, panic, and loss of finances.

Ji Huang, who had just returned to the big account and had not turned his head from the joy that the power was about to be held, received two or three urgent reports from his closest and loyal subordinates.

Ji Huang was puzzled by this multiple loss of property.

Even if he planned the incident and made his soldiers pretend to be barbarians to act cheaply, but he did not give the order to plunder?

Who can carry these things away unconsciously under their noses?

The puzzled Ji Huang finally got the answer he wanted in the early morning of the next day.

Relying on the investigation of the most experienced hunter in the clan, an amazing conclusion was reached.

Last night, a group of careful and cautious Northern Barbarians sneaked into their rear, disguised as fighters from other clans, and swaggered to **** the finances of the various clans belonging to the Wei level.

Then, under the cover of night, he swaggered away.

When hearing this incredible answer, the entire clans on the Wei level were shocked, but after everyone calmed down and thought about what happened last night, they all turned their attention to now. The leader of Ji Huang's direction.

What are you going to say about this?

Our lord?

The freshly baked king?

However, Ji Huang, who was unbelievable, his first reaction was to ask the wind around him: "How could the Northern Barbarian do it?"

"I don't believe how can the Northern Barbarians have such wisdom, able to evacuate after stealing the supplies without disturbing others? Don't they like the most popular offensive?"

"Besides, what about our newly born northern barrier, and the members of the Xi family?"

"They can't let Beiman come here without resisting at all?"


Speaking of this, Ji Huang looked towards the far north with some worry, could it be said that this tribe of thousands of people has been annihilated because of his negligence?

Otherwise, they won't receive any news?

After being asked about the wind, this Xiangguo, who was freshly released by Xiongguo, shook his head in confusion and gave the answer he thought was the most appropriate.

"Why don't the king send a team of good fighters to go to the tribe with the 狰 clan to investigate."

The rest of the words were not said by the Queen of the Wind. It would be regarded as fulfilling the obligation of a king to help collect the corpse.

Ji Huang, who couldn't think of any other ideas, nodded, and let the few tribesmen who had not suffered any loss of their property and set off in a hurry with enough dry food.

When these dispatched tribesmen, after a long journey, saw a scene of enthusiastic work in the resident's residence, they thought they had hallucinations.

Didn’t you say that the Yu clan had been destroyed by the North Barbarian’s long drive?

Are they **** now?

But when these messengers were introduced to the gathering place where the Gui clan was located ~, they suddenly realized and understood why the northern barbarians did not dare to attack the Gui clan.

A miracle stood on the border of the northern grassland that they had never looked at. The city walls made of bluestone and loess rushed straight into the sky, seeing them... their eyes pierced by the sun hurt. .

When they stepped into the city wall with the 狰 clan, they found that the people here had never slept in the old tents that would be blown away when the wind was strong, or collapsed when the rain was strong.

On the contrary, it is a household, living in a square of tall ocher grids.

According to the people of the Gui clan, this is called a house.

It doesn't rain, the wind is impervious, the sun keeps out the cold, and it is warm in winter and cool in summer.

Don't mention how strong and comfortable it is.

Seeing these messengers is a burst of enthusiasm.

Moreover, the layout of these houses is also patchy.

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