The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 927: Can you fight or not? (Forty-six/Fifty)

Between the houses, there is still a very flat loess land.

These dirt roads, which are used for walking, driving, and for young children to run on without stabbing their ankles, are called streets by people of the Xi family.

Not to mention, in the streets, the small carts pushed by the most ordinary people everywhere, even with towering gravel on top, can travel as fast as the wind.

Stacks of pottery were pushed out on this magical vehicle and transported to various houses.

The more exquisite ones were sent to the homes of fighters who were able to take out more food, while the products that were considered rough by the Yu Yu were sent to the homes of unsupported young and old for free.

This is the crudest pottery, in the eyes of these messengers from the bear country, they are all very valuable objects.

Whose big water bowl is made of earthenware, and whose home turns all the pots made of earthenware?

If you think about it, only those who know how to make pottery, or those who make pottery in batches, have the 狰 clan, can they be so extravagant.

The messenger who swallowed, didn't even have the courage to communicate with the opposing patriarch.

How did they go to hear the news, and from what standpoint did they stand to ask these strange clans who had just migrated?

They can ask brazenly: Why don't you take the initiative to attack the barbarians in the north?

No matter how big their faces are, they can't ask questions.

On the contrary, the patriarch of the other party expressed a warm welcome after seeing them coming.

Not only did they take them to the large fertile fields that the Tus had cultivated, but also let them take a look at...the fortifications built on the wasteland not far away from the fertile fields.

According to the patriarch of the Gui clan, this is called a bunker.

With the unique weapon in their tribe, the bow can give a fatal blow to the invading enemy.

They don't even need to show up, they can wipe out enemies who are more than three times more than their population of Gui from the outside of the bunker.

With this kind of introduction of Guishi, those messengers would believe it inexplicably without having to test them.

Because it was not far away, in order to frighten them, a strong and powerful warrior with the Xian clan bent his bow and set an arrow in full view, and shot a sharp bamboo arrow directly a hundred steps away. Above the trunk of the big tree.

The messengers who heard the ‘bang’ sound shuddered involuntarily.

He didn't dare to stay any longer, so he just got up and left.

When they came, how aggressive they were, and when they went, they were so ashamed.

Suddenly they felt that the happiest future planned for them by the leader they admired most seemed to have the current life of the Xi clan.

So, their multiple tribes are always fighting and killing, and so many people have died for the goal of great unification. What is it for?

The confused messengers moved quickly, and after they had said this about the situation of the Xiong clan and the new king of the Xiong clan, Ji Huang fell into contemplation.

"The other party's gathering place is really as good as what you portrayed?"

"It's true, I testified to the arm beast, what I said is true."

After hearing this reply, Ji Huang, who was sitting in the middle of the big tent, had no special reaction. Instead, he stood behind him. At this time, Yu Tang, who was already a descendant, became excited.

As soon as he heard of this, a militant like him stared at his younger brother with round eyes; "Since this is the case, of course I am going to fight."

"If you are going to win the Yu clan, don't we have slaves who can make pottery, build houses, and farm?"

It's a pity that the reason why Ji Huang was the last victor with a smile was not a brainless person like his brother.

Instead, he squeezed his hand, and after subduing his elder brother's words, after a moment of pondering, he said his temporary decision.

"It is not advisable to look for troubles with Xi's in a short period of time."

"A clan that the North Barbarian tribe dare not touch, we should not move lightly until we are not sure of winning."

"Brother, have you forgotten that behind you, there are more than a dozen clans who have rebelled with them."

Hearing what Ji Huang said, a bit of ashamed appeared on Yu Zheng's face.

This is his pot, he recognized it.

The more than a dozen clans mentioned by Ji Huang were once the most prosperous period of his Lieshan clan...showing that they had surrendered to the tribe.

But these cunning clans, after reaping enough benefits, they turned their heads and announced that they had left when the disaster was approaching.

Where did such a good thing come from?

After he led the army to defeat these clumsy tribes, he wanted to turn all these people into slaves who opened up wasteland.

Seeing his eldest brother's attention turned to those rebels, Ji Huang let out a sigh of relief in his heart.

Because just listening to the ferocious descriptions of the people he sent out, Ji Huang's heart was fluttering.

In this case, he had no confidence in conquering this tribe by force.

What's more, he still doesn't have the ability to convince You Xi to be convinced, he needs to wait.

If he could unite all these loose tribes of Wei horizontal plains together to form a real nation.

At that time, there will be the Xiong family who is lonely in the north, even if it is to comply with the tide, he will show the intent of surrendering to the Xiong country.

As for now, his domineering spirit has not yet formed, and a king who let others surrender with nothing but a smile will only increase his laughter.

Therefore, after Ji Huang briefly discussed with his most trusted tribe, he made a final conclusion on the matter of the Xi family.

"If there is something about the Xi family, let it go first, and send a team of people to pay attention to the movement over there for a long time."

"If they don't take the initiative to make trouble, we don't care about as if they belong to their own tribe. They can exchange, communicate, or send someone to contact and learn."

"Anyway, treat them as friendly clans and walk around."

Having received such an order from their lord, the tribal leaders present here are joyful and yearning.

If you can go to see the current Yushi, see those rare things, and learn a little bit of it, it seems pretty good.

The tribesmen who had settled down all at once were immediately attracted by Ji Huang's plan of reconciliation in the big tent.

Their main battlefield now is still to be placed on the Wei level.

If they can successfully take down the territories, property, cattle and sheep of these traitors, then among the tribes that they have overcome, they will have a very comfortable life again.

In the face of vested interests, things that are not related to them are always forgotten quickly.

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