The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 928: 3 years later...the storm is surging

And the You Xis really, as Gu Zheng had guessed, successfully escaped a war that had nothing to do with them.

Their main job at this stage is to recuperate, and any unnecessary fighting is meaningless.

I don't know what can be fought between those primitive tribes. If the gathering place is too narrow, we will move.

If it is because the people of the tribe are too poor, let's develop.

Looking at the craftsmen who had begun to cut down trees under his command and began to polish and manufacture the most primitive windsurfing boats, Gu Zheng fell into a vision for a bright future.


And this prospect is three full years.

In these three years, Gu Zheng had a very fulfilling life. Every day, he started to work from the beginning of opening his eyes, and he didn't have time to rest until he closed his eyes and went to bed.

And his endless inventions and creations made Yougui step into the ultra-high-speed development process.

Three years later, the Yu clan had already broken away from the earliest days of relying on hunting and gathering for a living, and gradually turned to a farming life relying on the production of the land.

Under Gu Zheng's leadership, the entire tribe's scope of investigation spread across all corners of the territory where they belonged to the Fei clan.

Not only that, when they discovered a borderless land with effective resources, they also classified these wastelands as their own territory very low-key, and proceeded silently and silently.

To the east of the map, Gu Zheng relied on the lighting of navigation techniques to successfully create a small sailing fishing boat capable of carrying more than three people.

In the windless area near the sea, tribes who have been trained to learn to swim are responsible for daily fishing here.

To the west of the map, the wild beasts and even strange beasts that could be domesticated in the mountains and forests were found by Gu Zheng.

If you go and look inside the city wall where there is a dying clan now, you will find that in the cage, there are rabbits, chickens, pigs, and sheep.

In addition to the domesticated horses, the most indispensable livestock now is the heavy labor used to cultivate the land and the diligent farming cattle.

It's just that the people of the Lieshan clan headed by the tauren regard the cattle of their tribe as more important than their eyes.

The merchants with the Xi family refused to exchange it at any price.

As a result, Gu Zheng's farm tools related to cattle could not be activated, and he could only sigh at the science and technology tree.

As for the north where there is the 狰 clan?

Haha, if you look at the very prosperous small market that just sprawled in the grassland, you would think you have gone to the wrong set.

Yes, after three years of probation, oh, that is, the mutual interference between you and me, most of the wars have been won by the Gui family.

Those small clans that were in the north and south along the line were about to be wiped out by the Youxi clan.

These small-scale battles not only provided a large population for the tribes with the Xi family, but also provided their tribes with horses, deer, and camels that could travel and transport for long distances.

This made the northern barbarian people talk about it when they heard the sorrowful character.

And just when they were about to unite and fight for their future life, the monster on the opposite side, while fighting, there was also the sacred beast Gu eagle they believed to help, but they sent a heavyweight. Messenger, talk to them about the next coordinated development.

This brave ambassador, of course, is Gu Zheng who is riding on Lu Shu, holding Gu carving, and holding Tortoise.

When he put the exchange market and the equivalent exchange of food and fur on the open side to discuss, suddenly, the northern barbarians seemed to be comfortable and hate this human who looks different from them. On the contrary, he looks everywhere. Pleasing to the eye.

The days since then have been spent in the common development of multi-ethnic and multi-tribes.

Don't tell me, the border of the originally deserted grassland, being manipulated by Gu Zheng in this way, really created a thriving scene.

If it weren't for these northern barbarians who weren't really farming materials, they might just go straight to the clan with the Fei clan and surrender.

Of course, the northern clans did not do this, but the southern clans did.

Because of the richness of the 狰 family, because of the resistance of the 狰 family to severe winter, and because of the happy and good life that the 狰 family has.

The reason why the small clans who lived around the north were assigned to this area was because they could not survive in the hinterland of the Central Plains.

They had a somewhat difficult survival at first, but it was even more miserable in comparison with the Xi's.

Those patriarchs who didn't have any big ambitions looked like this, slapped their thighs, and made the most wise decision of their lives.

Belonging to the subordinates of the Gui clan, he merged his own territory with that of their main clan.

Let yourself become a member of the asylum.

Therefore, in a short period of three years, the Yu clan secretly accepted eight small and medium-sized clan families and nearly 500 people in the wilderness refugee group.

The newly-increased population of the members of the pure feral beast clan has tripled, and the clansmen have soared from the original 2,000 people, smoothly surpassing the 5,000 people mark.

In addition to those belonging to the tribe, the rabbits who are already very capable of giving birth have joined.

At the end of the third year, the population finally touched the edge of the ten thousand mark and entered the ranks of the big clans in one fell swoop.

It is not difficult to see from the ranking of the Yougui clan to participate in the Union Festival for three consecutive years, that their status among the tribes of the Wei level is also rising.

From the last of the middle-class clans when they first came to the plains...and now they are now sitting at the top of the top after the three leaders of the Xiong clan, this change is very obvious.

To say that there is a king of the Xiong family, is there no fear of the rapid development of the Xiong family?

That is impossible.

However, no matter how jealous they have the Xiong Country, they dare not launch a war against the Yu Clan at this critical juncture, or even verbally coerced and submissive behavior... They dare not have it.

That's because the common enemy of all the clans of the Wei level had already fought over from the south.

If you want to talk about this pot, you still have to be carried on your head by the yum.

This matter is still caused by this inadequate elder brother.

When he crusades against those clans who betrayed him in the middle of the brothers reading the wall, it is the rise of killing.

It was the tribe who had been chasing the fleeing tribes in spite of it, and they passed the Weishui River and arrived at the mysterious southernmost bank of the Weishui River.

The southern bank of the Nawei horizontal plain has always been a restricted area for the clan on the north bank of Weishui.

Here, the jungle is dense, the mountains are continuous, and various beasts are looming and living in it.

And here is the predominant...the famous Jiuli Tribe.

They are no better than the bear country that has just stabilized, because the patriarchs of the 82 clans living here are all their biological brothers.

They are inherently different and very united.

Very cruel, but only advocating force.

In front of them, the clans on the other side of the weak river are like fat sheep to be slaughtered, very easy to bully.

Therefore, Chi You, the leader of the Jiuli Tribe with a broken force, saw that a clan on the other side of the river dared to bring weapons into his territory?

The brothers are getting excited.

These people from the North Bank who fled the first time brought huge benefits to their tribes from Jiuli and San Miao.

If they can keep more people from the North Shore in their territory, will their lives in the Jiuli tribe enter a happier stage?

Chi Yuga's eighty-one brothers, who were just doing it, directly waved their eight arms and three heads to face the army of Yu Zheng.

Yes, you are not mistaken.

Chi You’s brothers are like his elder brother, "bronze head and iron forehead", "eight arms and eight toes", "human body and hooves, four eyes and six hands."

There are flowers and branches trembling when running, and flying sand and rocks when attacking.

If they say that their brains are not good, it is not quite right.

Because the people of the Nine Li tribes are particularly brilliant in inventing and creating weapons.

People on the north bank were still using stone tools, even when Gu Zheng couldn't popularize bronze-style weapons because he didn't find a large area of ​​open-pit mines.

The Jiuli Ministry on the opposite side has already begun to make various representative weapons.

Knives, axes, ge, bows, swords, and five weapons have already been invented and created by the people of the Jiuli tribe.

And when they are fighting abroad, they will always hold the weapons they forged in their hands, and rush into the enemy circle is a one-stop slash.

That combat power is as terrifying as a human-shaped meat grinder.

After all, people have eight hands, don’t they?

As a result, the unsuspecting Yuzhen suffered a big loss.

The nearly 1,000 Jing Zhuang people he brought were also directly accounted for on the south side of the river bank.

As for Chi You's brothers, apart from some ordinary tribesmen, none of them suffered much damage.

After this battle, the minds of the Jiuli people here became active.

Whoops, this is the fighting power of the Lieshan clan, the most powerful in the legendary North Bank, who has ruled the other bank for nearly a hundred years?

Is it too weak?

The heartbeat of these brave militants began to act.

They took advantage of Yu Zheng's defeat by them and returned. In the time of unstable footing, they quickly assembled all the warriors in the clan and rushed directly to the north bank.

And they waded across the river along the shoal that Yu Tang was looking for in the When standing in the heart of this flat, vast and fertile plain, the people of Chiyou were stunned. .

It turns out that the legend of the ancestors is true...

If you can get through the river that lays in front of them and reach the north bank of the river, you will see a paradise on earth.

This kind of fertile land far away from the miasma and poisonous mist, away from the beasts and birds of prey, away from the barren mountains, away from the dangerous ditches, should be their homeland of the Jiuli tribe.

The red-eyed Jiuli merged with the San Miao ethnic group and started the killing mode.

Yu Zheng, their mad chaser, is a man who resists killing, and a **** resists killing God.

Because they firmly believe that as long as the leader of this land is killed, they will replace the old leader here and become the new owner of this land.

As a result, Yu Zheng had the attributes of a disaster star, and there were eighty-two small tails hanging behind him.

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