The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 934: The smooth return of the 20th world

And the fate of his eighty-one eager brothers was not much better. Those brothers who were desperately trying to avenge their eldest brothers were among the alien beasts and the generals who came out from the city wall. Under the siege of the soldiers, they were wiped out by a...

A earth-shattering battle ended in such a hasty.

The reason is that Ji Huang's friendly army was too foul.

When there was no suspense in the battle, and only cleaning the battlefield, the problem that Gu Zheng was about to face finally came.

At this time, he was surrounded by Queen Mother West and the female ghost, shivering like a suckling pig waiting to be slaughtered.

But his cheap mother treats something fragile like a fragile object, and she is kind and annoying to his son who was killed halfway.

"My son, my mother can't stay here for long. When the sacrifices on your side are exhausted, it will be the time for my mother to return to another world."

"Therefore, it is not easy for the two of us to meet each other. If you have any requirements, please hurry up, otherwise, when you meet A-niang again, I am afraid that you will have to wait a long time."

Hearing this, Gu Zheng not only did not show the joy of being so free, but on the contrary, he asked a very serious question that no one had thought of.

"The Queen Mother of the West, you said that I am your son, then, who is my father? Why did you leave me in a tribe with the Xi family to grow up alone?"

After he asked this question, the surroundings fell into a weird and quiet state, and Queen Mother Xi, who had a slight guilty conscience, subconsciously looked in the direction of the ferocious beast.

This domineering lord of the beasts in the mountain range of alien beasts, but he shrank his neck, carried his **** back and plunged into the channel of alien beasts, disappearing. Without a trace.

Well, just from the look in your old man's room just now, I understand everything.

In order to break this awkward and strange state of tranquility, Gu Zheng immediately turned the topic abruptly.

Proceed directly to the next topic.

"Okay, I see, so A-niang? Can I have the power to tear time and space and space?"

Queen Mother Xi was embarrassed when she heard this request. She turned her head and placed her gaze on the opposite phoenix who was still dancing the dance of righteousness, benevolence, etiquette, and faith, pointing to this useless beast and said: " If you want to borrow the power of space, I'm afraid you will find this bird to help."

"Don't think she is of much use, but it is easy to tear a gap in time and space."

"So, son, you should mention something that A Niang can do!"

Under repeated blows, Gu Zheng had no hope of the cheap old lady's ability. He sighed and said his last request.

"Then where can I find the energy that activates an artifact?"

Hearing that Gu Zheng had actually made such a request, Queen Mother Xi was greatly relieved. She slapped her chest, and accepted this simple request.

"This is easy to handle. A-niang gathers an energy group for you at will, and any weapon spirit can be activated."

Hearing what Queen Mother Xi said, Gu Zheng's heart burned like a fire.

He suppressed his eagerness, and put his hand in front of Queen Mother West, but the non-human mother smiled kindly at him, and after showing four tiger teeth, he sent a ball of warm light. Melted into his fingertips.

By the way, he also taught Gu Zheng how to use this group of energy.

"Don't worry, I store this mass of energy at your fingertips. Whenever you need it, you only need to tap the spirit that needs to be activated."

"My son, A-niang can only help you in this way. The rest of the way is up to you to go down."

When saying this, Gu Zheng could feel that Queen Mother Xi was really reluctant to leave.

Maybe his cheap son is just a product of whatever he wants.

But when she saw the offspring who were connected with her, the mother still showed the maternal love that a woman should have.

Thanks to the guilt of the other party towards him, Gu Zheng can successfully obtain the energy he has been pursuing and unfathomable since the nineteenth world.

Thanks to the client of this world, it seems that these two people are drawn to each other and need each other.

For the first time, Gu Zheng felt that he had taken advantage of the transaction with the client.

At this time, Gu Zheng, even if he wanted to find some welfare for himself, he was afraid it would be too late.

Because the food reserves that the Xi family prepared for the sacrifice are rapidly decreasing, and as the energy of the channel barriers gets weaker and weaker, except for the Queen Mother Xi who is still saying goodbye to Gu Zheng, other alien beasts summoned across the latitude ...Has already disappeared between the heavens and the earth on this side.


"Goodbye, A-niang, we will see each other if we are destined."

And your son, now has a pretty good life.

After seeing the Leopard Tail that belonged to Queen Mother West disappeared in front of him, Gu Zheng walked lonely in front of Xiong, patted him on the shoulder, and pointed to the largest house in the gathering place. She left the noisy scene waiting for the aftermath without looking back.

Now he has some personal matters to deal with.

Because of this smooth return day, Gu Zheng finally waited for it!

And the task he needed to complete in this world had already been completed after he led the people of the Xi family to settle on this land.

This may be the most fearsome task he has ever done. Gu Zheng is really afraid that he will die in this world.

Gu Zheng, who was relieved of his heart, moved quickly, but within a few moments, he sat in the center of the huge priest's hall specially built by this tribe.

Convinced that the doors and windows were closed tightly and there was no one else in the house, Gu Zheng injected this energy group into the body of Xiao Wangshu who had been sleeping in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The energy that Queen Mother West gave him was really not covered. The moment it was injected into Xiao Wang Shu's body, it emitted a warm and golden light.

It is intertwined with the golden light emitted by Xiaowangshu when he woke up, and the golden light shines on the slightly white face that Gu Zheng had originally raised.

After waking up, Xiao Wangshu said the first sentence: "Gu Zheng, run!"

But when it saw that the owner on the opposite side hadn't responded for a long time, and after seeing the world clearly, it finally howled with joy.

"Are we safe?"

"Yes, so, you check the current state, if it doesn't matter, let's pack up and go home!"

After Gu Zheng patted the cover and gave him the greatest encouragement, he began to look back at the residence where he had struggled so hard for so many years.

Goodbye, my original life, never again, I want to smoke and drink coke.

The Xiao Wangshu on the other side also reported the same thoughts as Gu Zheng. After checking its energy reserve and found that the charging area was actually full, it was very excited to open the way to return.

The golden light in the priest's hall was prosperous, and Gu Zheng, who had recovered into a soul body, finally joined hands with the golden ball, and once again disappeared into the passage that made him very familiar.

When Gu Zheng opened his eyes to see the world again, his first reaction was the time of the wall clock hanging on the wall in the reading room.

When he took a closer look, he let out a sigh of relief.

Haha, I thought I would be treated as a missing person in reality, but I didn't expect it. Only three minutes passed before he was forced to leave.

It's really dangerous.

In order to make sure that the time he saw was correct, Gu Zheng also deliberately picked up the phone on the desk and checked the date marked on it. That's right, it was the cold night that had just been taken in. After the battle ended, that He didn't sleep in the wind, and came over to see what happened to Laughing and Forgetting Books at night.

When Gu Zheng stood in the room and felt all kinds of feelings, he was interrupted by a sudden knock on the door behind him.

‘Boom boom! ’

"Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng, are you okay?"

Hey, having an old lady at home is troublesome.

Gu Zheng raised his eyebrows, tidyed up the thin cotton nightgown outside, turned around, and opened the door of the study for Leng Shuang nonchalantly, and asked: "What's the matter? I am so anxious about knocking?"

"Did you have a nightmare? Or do you want"

After saying this, Gu Zheng glanced down unconsciously. How many years have passed since his brother had never seen Xunxuan before?

Shouldn't it be before dawn to make another shot to suppress the shock for yourself?

Who would have thought that Gu Zheng’s sinful big hands hadn’t embraced Leng Shuang’s waist, but Doctor Leng, who was standing opposite him, was on his side, pointing at the floor tiles that were all lifted up behind him, and asked in surprise. : "What are you doing inside?"

"Make it so loud? I slept so can be quarreled."

"What? Is there a problem with your home renovation in the middle of the night?"

Gu Zheng followed the direction between Leng Shuang's fingers, and at this glance, his whole person became rigid on the spot.

How could he forget that when he was dragged into the black hole abruptly, he had fought back?

At that time, the cracks in the floor tiles that he buckled in with his fingers had already been opened by him. Now, how should he explain this situation?

Just as Gu Zheng's mind was running fast, no matter what strange reason he could not explain what was behind him...for the first time it made him feel...when lying is a very difficult thing, standing in front of him However, Leng Shuang slowly stretched her hand to her mouth, trying to hide her mouth that was opening wider and wider because of surprise.

Seeing Gu Zheng here, he looked back in horror. Could it be that because he returned in a hurry, his secret that has always been hidden is about to be discovered by this very sensitive woman in front of him. NS?

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