The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 935: What should I do after the return?

And while Gu Zheng’s mind was confessing that the lenient villain was fighting with the murderous villain, the little mouth held by the doctor Leng Shuang finally issued an exclamation that decided Gu Zheng’s life and death. Voice.

"Gosh, Gu Zheng!"

"No wonder you want to live in such a quiet little yard by yourself!"

"Emotion, you are an invisible local tyrant! Don't say you are the offspring of a big collector, I don't believe it."

"As far as our country is concerned, there are really few people who can match the things in your house in terms of weapons collection alone."

"You didn't rob a private museum, did you?"

After saying this, Leng Shuang pointed her white finger at the golden bow on the wall, pointed at the long machete on the shelf, pointed at the silver scale armor in the corner, and pointed at the various bits and pieces on the Bogu shelf. , And she looked at the same collections, her beautiful eyes were full of excitement and surprises. When she turned her head to look at Gu Zheng, she automatically wrapped it up. A layer of gold-plated halo...It looks a little more handsome than just now.

Moreover, this happy girl also found a very appropriate reason for the rare chaos in Gu Zheng's house.

"Ah, I see, you don't sleep in the middle of the night, so you ran into the study when you were fine, dare you to dig a hole to bury the more important collection."

"Why? Is it because you can't see the light? Give me a look, and you will bury it again?"

Looking at the girl opposite, who had already lost her calmness, Gu Zheng really wanted to hold the other person's shoulder and shake her so hard: Hey, eldest sister, is this what you call not interested in antiques?

I think you love this business more than anyone else.

However, thanks to Leng Shuang's brain replenishment, Gu Zheng escaped smoothly.

After waking up, Gu Zheng naturally followed Leng Shuang's words and continued.

"Yes, this time the goods are a bit unconventional. I'm helping a friend to save it first, and then return it to others after this gust of wind has passed."

"You also know the nature of my job. If you look at someone who is so disciplined and law-abiding like me, it's okay for him to show things that are unclear in the future?"

Hearing Gu Zheng say this, Leng Shuang nodded with an expression like this, and then curiously looked at the floor where the floor tiles were opened: "Then what are you hiding? Can you give it to me? See you?"

"Uh, nothing special, the name of this thing is a bit weird."

After saying this, Gu Zheng turned his hand and gave Qing the Shaking Arrow that came with him in his pajamas pocket, and handed it in front of Leng Shuang.

Whoever thinks, this girl who seems to be really knowledgeable, didn't bring her hands... she just chuckled.

"That's it?" Leng Shuangzhi pointed at the golden arrow that shook the sky, and couldn't help himself with a smile: "There won't be an obligatory small commodity wholesale mall label behind this, right?"

"I see, this thing must have been given to you by your neighbour called Smoking Gun. He was fooling you. I'm afraid it is to remind you that you should pay him housekeeping expenses, so I found the reason to tease you. Did you play?"

"I said Gu Zheng, are you really ignorant or fake?"

Don’t say Leng Shuang doesn’t believe it. Anyone can take out a worn-out arrow that doesn’t know what metal casting and put it in front of your eyes to tell you that this is the sky-shattering arrow that suppresses the luck of the human race. I guess you can use it. The other party called mother directly.

Seeing Leng Shuang smile so openly, Gu Zheng scratched his head in embarrassment.

The best way to make a woman transfer from one topic to another is to do it personally.

When she is arguing, you can kiss her, and when she is punching and kicking, you can press him.

When she makes any unreasonable requests, or when she puts you in a shameless way, can you still up her?

Gu Zheng, who did what he said, hugged Leng Shuang in his arms. After a relaxed turn, he kicked the study door open, but after a few steps, he returned to the room.

The cold moonlight shined through the cracks in the windows.

A concerto related to the love of men and women was staged in this small courtyard full of fallen leaves.

When the sky was bright, the concerto on the sound of the car sounded on the quiet street again.

With a comfortable face, Gu Zheng straightened out his gray-blue big brimmed hat, humming a ballad he didn't know where he heard from, and opened the gate of his courtyard, dangling about to step on him to go to work again. During his journey... Leng Shuang, who held her waist with one hand and the wall with the other, stopped behind him.

"Hey, are you waiting?"

"What's the matter? Not comfortable? Don't worry, don't you have to stay at my house recently? Let's go home tonight and continue to chant?" Hearing Leng Shuang's call, Gu Zheng turned his head with a smile on his face, instead of continuing. Funny.

Dr. Leng on the opposite side raised his eyebrows and glared at him, before speaking, he reverted to the appearance of a cold goddess: "After the patrol in the morning, don't forget to pick me up?"

"Ah? Why? The two of us didn't go the way?" Gu Zheng, who didn't react for a while, thought that the other party was inconvenient because there was no car, so he handed his car key in the direction of Leng Shuang. past.

Who would think that Leng Shuang rolled his eyes, poked at Gu Zheng's forehead, and returned with contempt: "Why don't you say that no one is perfect? ​​You, all abilities are used up, this brain It’s a bit awkward."

"You forgot, we are going to the Starlight Film and Television Base to record and broadcast the show this afternoon."

When Leng Shuang mentioned this, Gu Zheng suddenly remembered, as if his own Director Li had sent someone to notify him of such a voice, and the other party also handed him a thin notice.

When he was busy, he just put it on his desk. It turned out that what was written on the paper seemed to be some precautions for the recording and broadcasting of the party.

When he learned that he was selected successfully, he was completely relieved.

He didn't pay much attention to the rest of the follow-up work.

But there is something that he needs to confirm with Leng Shuang. After thinking about it for a moment, Gu Zheng blinked at Leng Shuang who was standing at the gate of his house, and asked: "What? You are also in the top ten. Bit?"

"At the beginning, the two of us had agreed that all your votes for Fuwai Hospital had to be voted for me, Doctor Leng, isn't this yours?"

Leng Shuang laughed when she heard Gu Zheng say this. She curled her big wavy hair back behind her head with a little pride, and returned casually: "You think I'm in the unit, with doctors of the same age. How good can the relationship be?"

"They are either my competitors or my direct subordinates under my control."

"In every shift, there is a hospital that can be divided into different levels. Do you think anyone still loves you?"

"Little comrade, you are so innocent."

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