The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 936: Playback of the 19th World (1) (Forty-Nine/Fifty)

After saying this, Leng Shuang wrapped her cashmere coat around her shoulders. When she passed by Gu Zheng, she did not forget to stretch out her slender wrist and touched his face with it. The little **** said one more sentence: "So, the votes of Dr. Leng, who is loved by everyone, don't need the help of the hospital at all."

These years, who doesn’t have a relative or friend, and who doesn’t know the relationship with several public relations companies?

Since knowing that the funny kid on the opposite side is about to enter the top ten with a single mind, Leng Shuang, who was originally not interested in these false names, has also taken a little seriously.

She sincerely gave all the votes of her friends in the hospital to Gu Zheng.

But in the same way, she also used the votes of her seven aunts and eight aunts who turned around and used them on her own body, right?

The proud Doctor Leng, arrogantly left Gu Zheng, who was dull after hearing these words. At the intersection of the alley, she slightly sent her farewell air kiss this morning, Shi Shiran stepped on the morning exercise. At the rhythm of the bus stop, he rushed happily towards the bus stop sign.

Gu Zheng, who only left the corners of his mouth, was left alone with a little pitifulness.

"Haha." Gu Zheng shrugged his shoulders, and a sense of unprecedented ease emerged spontaneously.

No matter what kind of world he is in, whether it is brilliant or brilliant, he still likes the familiar and relaxed feeling brought to him by modern life.

It's nice to go home.

Gu Zheng was in a good mood. After confirming that Dr. Leng had stepped on the 88 bus, he made a circle under his feet and returned to his own courtyard.

The hurried man who came yesterday didn't do business all night.

Now I am finally quiet by myself. It's time to clean up the messy study and my own messy mood.

After a few steps, he returned to the study, and everything remained the same as when he left.

Gu Zheng subconsciously kicked the opened floor tile with the sole of his foot, pushed it back to its original position, and then stepped on it firmly.

After fixing it roughly, he came to the table lightly, and after returning him, he took out the animal skin bag that fell in the pocket of his pajamas.

This animal skin bag was quite heavy, and after Gu Zheng untied it, he hammered it in his leg with a little excitement.

The materials in it are very rich. In addition to the spiritual spring water and the shaking arrow he collected from the nineteenth world, there are also the properties related to the Shanhaijing that he put in the twenty world at will.

Of course, Gu Zheng, who is a fan of money, picked up the precious ore, jade, and the natural crystal beads that he once bought huge supplies for the race.

Now, these tangible and visible treasures have been brought back by him...with his return this time.

If you talk about something that is so easy to get rid of like this time, it's really not there.

It's no wonder that after seeing so many good things, Gu Zheng would be overjoyed by the harvest.

The world’s feedback is now finished, and Gu Zheng expressed his satisfaction.

So next, I have to ask how much life has been saved for myself in the course of this one after another great crossing.

To say that this laugh and forget the book is pretty bachelor, it has really gained a lot of benefits from the cheap mom in Gu Zheng's world, and it has indeed fulfilled the guarantee that it had to work hard to upgrade it said to Gu Zheng.

It's just that it doesn't dare to move rashly now, after all, its upgrade is afraid that it will delay Gu's time to watch the replay, isn't it?

So when Gu Zheng came to take a look in the morning, Xiao Wangshu breathed a sigh of relief, and when he answered the question, it was quite joyful.

"My lord, the result of our contract this time has come out. From now on, you can finally relax for a while."

"Look, our two worlds have added 20 years to your life expectancy. This is a remarkable result."

"Your volume can finally reach 60 years old."

"And your actual life expectancy has increased a lot, from the original 30-something, directly to the full 50."

Speaking of laughing and forgetting the book here, he paused for a while. It was also afraid that after hearing the good news, the very diligent host would quit when he was satisfied, so it used a very seductive voice. , And went on.

"But Gu, now this society has stepped into the aging rhythm. Our country has said that people at the age of 50 can't be called uncles in the future, they must be called successful middle-aged people."

"So even if you live a full life now, that's also a regrettable life lost early in the middle age."

"You can't be easily complacent. Who doesn't want to live a long time in such a good year?"

"You say yes?"

"Furthermore, after I have played it back for you, we are the system that can be upgraded. After I finish the upgrade, it will be more useful in the future, and it will be especially obedient."

"If you are so satisfied, then you won't see my magic."

Seeing the nervousness of Xiao Wangshu, Gu Zheng felt quite funny. He turned the page to the nineteenth page with a splash, and interrupted the other party's boasting a little bit jokingly.

"It's done, don't talk nonsense, I cherish my life, who is too long?"

"Hurry up and show me the replay, so I can go to work."

"Go! You love it, look at me!" Liao Wangshu who got the exact answer was so excited that he put the nineteenth page along with the twentieth page of it. The pages of the book are lit up.

As the pages of the book slowly turned, a dark scene caught Gu Zheng's eyes.

Let Gu Zheng who saw this raise his eyebrows and watch the development of the world with a good look.

This is a broken world.

Ever since Gui Guzi tried his best to upset Hongjun Cave, and since Yasha Gu successfully escaped from under Hongjun's eyelids with the assistance of Banzhuluo, the Lord of Heaven, who has never been provoked, has completely The runaway.

He looked at the mess that was full of holes, narrowed his eyes viciously, and moved towards the place where Gu Zheng had left. The crack in the square ruler.

"Haha," Hongjun smiled when he saw this, with a winning ticket in hand, with such an expression.

"In this world, I am the representative of the Dao of Heaven. Even if you escape to the ends of the world, you, the ant, are still under my control."

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