The Country Life of a Rich Dad

Chapter 385 You must not be like my sister

Murongxue suddenly felt that she shouldn't have said this yesterday!

Although, it was quite touching.

However, being rejected by the children on the spot, Murongxue was also crying without tears!

However, Li Chen was indeed doing his best to be gentle and compensate, and Murongxue was still very satisfied.


Li Xifeng put down the bowl and chopsticks and glared at Li Chen.


Li Nanfei put down the bowl and chopsticks and glared at Li Chen!


Li Beiwu stomped his feet and said to Li Chen: "Bad dad! I don't like you!"

Murongxue smiled with her mouth covered, she was lying flat.

Li Chen looked at the three little ones with a dull face. I am trying to please my wife, what does it have to do with you?

"Don't move!"

Just when Murongxue was about to wipe her mouth, Li Chen scolded, scaring Murongxue so much that she really didn't dare to move.

Li Chen took out a tissue and gently wiped her clean in Murongxue's somewhat dull eyes!

Murong Xue: "..."

She finally understood, what a dandy, what a romantic, all these are fake!

Li Chen's set of embarrassing routines made her feel a little breathless, she didn't want to expose it.

If these were not from Baidu, she would rather chop them off... Forget it, let Xiao Wu still despise them!

After Li Chen cleaned up, the family of six went straight to Li Chuanxing's house!

There are now four branches in the Li family.

They are the great grandfather Li Chuanzhao, the second grandfather Li Chuanxin, the third grandfather Li Chuanxing and Li Chen's grandfather Li Chuanlong!

Before, although Li Chen had some dealings with these three families, the relationship was only average.

However, the old Li family members are all arrogant.

Although I help you, I still despise you!

Ordinary people really can't stand it.

Li Chen has already understood, the Li family, this is the virtue!

Li Chuanlong led Li Beiwu and Li Xifeng, Li Nanfei pulled Murong Xue, as for Li Chen...

Now the three children are beginning to despise him!

"Xia Liu!"

As Li Chen shouted, Li Xia Liu, who was playing marbles, immediately looked back.

"Uncle!" Li Xia Liu's dark face immediately became excited, "Sister Xiao Wu!"

"Sister Xia Liu!"

Li Beiwu let go of Li Chuanlong's hand and rushed to Li Xia Liu.

Li Xifeng was very quiet, not jumping, not rushing or making noise!

She was as quiet as a beautiful woman!

Li Xia Liu and Li Beiwu gave each other a big hug.

"Xiao Wu, you have become more beautiful." Li Xia Liu gave the most sincere compliment to Sister Xiao Wu.

Li Beiwu was so happy when she heard it, and said, "Sister Xia Liu, you have become darker!"


Li Xifeng and Li Nanfei slapped their foreheads at the same time!

Stupid Xiao Wu!

Li Nanfei let go of Murong Xue's hand, and then pulled Li Xifeng to Li Xia Liu, whose face was even darker.

"Sister Xia Liu!" Li Nanfei smiled and said, "This is my sister, Li Xifeng! Sister, this is Sister Xia Liu!"

The clever Li Nanfei decisively introduced a new friend to Li Xia Liu!

Li Xia Liu seemed even more restrained, especially after seeing Li Xifeng, who showed a standard smile and beat her in all aspects in terms of skin color and appearance, she didn't know what to say.

"Sister Xia Liu!"

Li Xia Liu didn't speak, mainly because she felt a little ashamed of herself.

"Sister, sister, let's go play." Li Beiwu pulled Li Xia Liu and Li Xifeng!

Li Xifeng glanced at Li Chen, saw Li Chen waving his hand, and smiled.

Li Xialiu pulled Li Nanfei and whispered, "Your sister is so beautiful and quiet!"

When he heard this, Li Nanfei choked, "Wen, quiet?"

"Yeah!" Li Xialiu said solemnly, "My mother dislikes me for being like a boy... I wish I had half the talent of Xiaofeng."

"No, no, no, if you really have half the talent of my sister, your mother would probably dislike you even more!"

"Ah?" Li Xialiu looked at Li Nanfei suspiciously, "Is it true?"

"Of course it's true!" Li Nanfei patted his chest and assured, "What you see now is all an illusion!"

Li Xialiu didn't believe it!

But it didn't stop her from accepting Li Xifeng. When children were not familiar with each other, they were particularly restrained. Once they got familiar with each other, they instantly became good friends!

"Let's play marbles together!" Li Xialiu suggested.

"Hit the pigs, hit the pigs!" Li Beiwu, who knew nothing, always ranked first in creating an atmosphere!

Li Xialiu was the oldest, but she didn't necessarily have as many thoughts as Li Nanfei and Li Xifeng.

Therefore, the marbles were divided fairly, even Xiao Wu got five!

"Xia Liu!"

Two silly-looking boys ran over from the opposite side.

Li Xia Liu looked at Li Xiao Zhuang and Li Guo and said, "Why are you here?"

"I came to play with you!" Li Xiao Zhuang smiled naively, his eyes fell on Li Xifeng's face, and his eyes were stunned.

Li Guo glanced at Li Xifeng, then pulled Li Nanfei and said, "Who is it?"

"My sister!"

"You are so ugly, how can your sister be so beautiful?" Li Guo said in shock.

Li Nanfei said with a dark face, "Thank you!"

"Then let's start playing!" Li Xia Liu didn't care, anyway, it was more fun to have more playmates.

A few minutes later!

"Hit him, hit him! Get out of the way, watch me!"

The tall and strong Li Xiao Zhuang was pushed back more than three meters by Li Xifeng and fell to the ground.

"You can't do it, watch me!"

Li Guo stared at the beautiful sister in front of him and twisted her up with one hand.

"Haha I won!"

Li Xia Liu looked at Li Xifeng lying on the ground with his butt stuck out with a dull look on his face. He lost all manners at all and Li Xifeng!

I really can’t believe my eyes!

As for Li Xiaozhuang and Li Guo, they were completely stunned.

Xiaofeng is beautiful, but she is a bit strong!

There is no fun at all in this game!

Inside the house!

Li Zixin pulled Murong Xue to sit down, and everyone in the room was very excited!

As for Li Chen...

Left alone!

Li Chen squatted in the corner, and it wasn't until his brother-in-law Jiang Fan handed over a cigarette that he calmed down.

"You can do it! You actually found a celebrity as your wife." Jiang Fan smiled and said, "Look at your sister being happy!"

Li Zixin's favorite female star is Murong Xue. When Murong Xue suddenly retired, she cried for a long time.

Now that I saw that Murong Xue was my sister-in-law, I was so happy that I couldn’t close my mouth from ear to ear!

Needless to say, Li Yinghui and Li Changxiong were the ones who helped Li Chen’s family the most among the other three!

They were chatting, but Li Chen couldn't even get in the middle of the conversation.

The scene that worried Li Chen did not happen.

Murong Xue had no stage fright at all and even got along well with these relatives.

Before leaving, Li Yinghui and Li Changxiong both gave red envelopes. This is the custom here!

Later, Li Chuanlong took Li Chen, Murong Xue and others to the home of his second grandfather Li Chuanxin!

After staying for a while, Murong Xue gradually adapted to this rhythm.

When they arrived at Grandpa's house, Murong Xue was able to take the initiative to talk and mingle with them.

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