The Country Life of a Rich Dad

Chapter 386 There is something wrong with the flower sea

Li Chen has been watching silently.

To be honest, before this, the three relatives of the Li family didn't like him very much!

He could feel it.

But when Murong Xue brought the three children over, the situation was completely different.

The three little guys, Li Beiwu, seemed to have opened their minds and made them laugh!

Go home in the afternoon!

Murong Xue seemed very excited, and so were the three children!

Grandpa Li Chuanlong was also in a very good mood.

After returning home, Li Chuanlong said, "You stay at home with them, I'll go to the fields to see."

"By the way, how are the lands I contracted now?" Li Chen remembered that he had contracted a lot of land before!

"They are all very good, don't worry." Grandpa Li Chuanlong went out with his tools.

The scorching sun in the hot summer was still unbearable even in the afternoon.

Li Chen glanced at the big sun still hanging high in the sky and took out his mobile phone.

"I'm home, come to my house!"

Not long after the message was sent out, several figures appeared at the door of Li Chen's house.

It was Li Peng, Li Jianhua and Li Dashan!

"Li Chen!"

The three strode over with smiles on their faces.

They already knew when Li Chen came back yesterday.

The news that Li Chuanlong showed off his great-grandson, great-granddaughter and grandson's wife had long been known to the whole village.

Murong Xue, who was trying to pack up in the house, saw someone coming and immediately asked Li Beiwu and the other two to keep their voices down.

She stood up and used the kettle to make tea and pour water with some discomfort!

Li Chen was about to get up when he saw Murong Xue coming out with tea.

"Drink tea!"

Li Peng, Li Jianhua and Li Dashan all took the tea with a slightly red face. After Murong Xue went in, the three of them gave Li Chen a thumbs up.

This is not a great beauty, it's simply a fairy descending to the earth.

I don't know if it's an illusion, why do I feel that Li Chen has changed after going out.

His skin color has become whiter, and there is a faint indescribable charm flowing in his every move.

It's as if the person sitting there is no longer an ordinary person, but a banished immortal!

However, the three of them are honest.

Even if they have a very good relationship with Li Chen, they will not take the initiative to ask these questions.

"I called the three brothers here mainly to understand the situation, nothing else." Li Chen smiled.

The tension of Li Jianhua and the other two also eased a little.

Li Peng spoke first: "The land you contracted last time is now full of Chinese herbal medicines and fruits and vegetables! The growth is very good!"

"Yes, since you revitalized our village, everyone's life has been getting better and better." Li Dashan smiled innocently.

Thinking of the scene when Li Chen's family returned to the village, almost everyone despised and spit on them, and now almost everyone supports them.

This change is incredible in their eyes.

Even Zhoujiawan, which was originally in opposition to the village, is now gradually getting along with the village.

Village chief Li Wende can have such a high prestige now, thanks to Li Chen.

If it weren't for Li Chen, the village would not be so good now.

In addition, after everyone sold the large amount of Chinese herbal medicines and grain crops they had hoarded, the foundation suddenly rose.

Many families have started to build new houses.

Lijia Village has been planting Chinese herbal medicines for generations, so there is no need to mention the experience. The only thing missing now is the channel.

Now that Li Chen has opened up the channel, there is naturally no big problem.

Now everyone knows that everyone in Lijia Village can be where they are today, mainly because of Li Chen's contribution!

"The major medicinal fields are almost full, and the grain fields and wheat fields are still in accordance with your requirements." Li Jianhua said, "It's just... now there is not enough culture medium!"

When Li Chen heard this, he remembered that he didn't leave much at the beginning.

He said quickly: "I forgot about this at the beginning. I will prepare it tonight. You can come and pick it up tomorrow!"

"By the way, how is the flower sea now?"

Hearing this, Li Peng and Li Jianhua looked at Li Dashan!

Li Dashan's face, which was originally a little dark, was immediately filled with guilt.

"I'm sorry, that... the flower sea... is not doing well for the time being."

Looking at Li Dashan like this, Li Chen also knew that the cultivation of the flower sea might not be very successful!

"It's okay, I will go and see it myself when the time comes." Li Chen comforted: "As for the rest of the medicinal fields, wheat, and vegetable areas, you should pay more attention to them. There will be more opportunities to make money in the future!"

"Okay!" The three nodded in unison. Seeing that Li Chen had no intention of blaming him, they felt even more guilty.

Li Chen saw it in his eyes. This is what an honest man is like!

Take the least and do the most work!

The three chatted with Li Chen for a long time before leaving.

It was almost seven o'clock, and the sky was still bright!

Li Chen picked up the phone and called Pei Jiangnan!

"Brother Chen?" Pei Jiangnan's voice was full of joy on the other end of the phone.

"Jiangnan, are you free now?"

"Yes, yes!" Pei Jiangnan said immediately.

"It's like this, my family wants to build a new house now, do you have anyone reliable? Money is not a problem." Li Chen asked.

Pei Jiangnan was stunned for a moment, he thought Li Chen was going to make another big move.

"Are you home?"

"Yes!" Pei Jiangnan was delighted again and said, "Okay, I'll come over tonight!"

"Okay!" Li Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This guy was so excited?

It seems that the Pei family has made a lot of money.

After hanging up the phone, Li Chen turned to Murong Xue, who had cleaned up the house quite well, and said, "Xue'er, let's go out for a while!"

"Where to go?" Murong Xue wiped her sweat. She was almost exhausted from accompanying three children.

"Let's go!" Li Chen waved his hand, and Li Xifeng, Li Nanfei, Li Beiwu and Doudou immediately chased out.

Li Beiwu threw herself into Li Chen's arms. When her great grandfather was not around, Li Chen was her first choice.

"Why are you sweating so much?" Li Chen touched Li Beiwu's back and it was soaked.

Even her hair was stuck on her face.

Li Chen could only wipe Li Beiwu's sweat with a towel and then put it between her clothes and body.

"Dad, where are we going?"

Li Beiwu hugged Li Chen's neck, and the little girl was sticky.

Li Chen said: "Flower sea!"

Hearing this, Murong Xue and Li Beiwu's eyes lit up.

"Did you plant it before?"

"Yes!" Li Chen smiled.

The flower sea is a terraced area, stacked up layer by layer, very spectacular!

Originally, Li Chen wanted to prepare a flower sea for Li Beiwu.

But unexpectedly, the flower sea plan was aborted.

When Li Chen brought them here, Murong Xue rushed over with Li Beiwu.

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