On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, the moon gate of the Bai family courtyard was opened early.

The three treasures followed their parents happily and walked out of the courtyard.

Since they were born, their parents would take them to take pictures.

Later, as they grew older, they would go home after taking pictures.

Gradually, after taking pictures, their family would go out to play for a day before going home.

At this moment, in the breakfast shop, Erbao swallowed the doughnut in his mouth, looked up at his sister's big eyes, and turned to look at Lin Yuyu.

"Mom, Dad said that you wanted to take us out to play every year on the 27th day of the twelfth lunar month."

When Sanbao heard her younger brother say this, she quickly looked at Lin Yuyu, "Mom, I think it's fun to go to the streets on the 27th day of the twelfth lunar month."

After she finished speaking, she glanced at her older brother, and then lowered her head to eat the braised pork buns in her hand.

When Dabao pursed her lips, she looked more like Bai Ye.

"Mom, we want to go out and play on the 27th day of the twelfth lunar month."

Bai Ye looked at the children's little thoughts and smiled at Lin Yuyu.

The two people's eyes met in the air and then separated.

Lin Yuyu looked at the three treasures with a serious expression, "If you three can successfully get your high school graduation certificates this year, our family will go out and play for a day on the 27th day of the twelfth lunar month in the future."

When Dabao and Erbao heard their mother's words, their eyes lit up, only Sanbao pouted and didn't say anything.

Neither Lin Yuyu nor Bai Ye tried to coax her. They were very ruthless about the academic studies of the three children.

Children will have no idea of ​​the troubles in life they will have to face when they grow up.

If parents don't secretly help them plan in their hearts at this time and strongly guide them at critical moments.

If children are allowed to grow up by themselves and try their luck, they may miss time and opportunities, so that they can never make up for it.

Bai Ye and Lin Yuyu always give strong guidance to the three children in major matters and listen to their ideas in minor matters.

If they are not allowed to get used to the hardship of studying now, they will have to suffer the hardship of life for the rest of their lives.

After breakfast, the three of them went to the photo studio to take pictures as in previous years, and then took the tram to the Jixiang Theater.

Today's performance is "Yu Tang Chun", which they all like to listen to.

In the Jixiang Theater, Lin Yuyu's family sat together leisurely around the square table.

On the table were melon seeds, peanuts, hawthorn cakes, and pine nuts, which are all snacks suitable for watching operas. The tea brewed in the foreign barrel pot is Biluochun.

The three children also rarely calmed down, staring at the stage and listening to the opera seriously.

When they came out of the theater, it was already noon, and opposite the theater was the Fengshenggong cheese shop.

After the three children took their parents to buy cheese, the family went to Emei Restaurant for lunch.

When talking about Emei Restaurant in Laojing City, we must mention Kung Pao Chicken.

Among the 24 types of Sichuan cuisine, Kung Pao Chicken belongs to the lychee spicy type.

On the table are camphor tea duck, Kung Pao Chicken, fish-flavored pork shreds, husband and wife lung slices and Dandan noodles.

These are the dishes that they always order every time they come to Emei Restaurant.

At this moment, Bai Ye and Lin Yuyu were eating the duck legs seriously, not caring about Sanbao blinking his big eyes and swallowing his saliva secretly.

Dabao picked up the chopsticks and put a piece of duck meat into Sanbao's bowl.

If there are not many things in their family, they take turns to eat, and Dad said this is equality.

Next time, he and his brother will eat the duck legs.

Erbao next to him swallowed the Kung Pao Chicken in his mouth, his big eyes rolling.

"Wait until the Lantern Festival, he will ask his mother to promise that he will choose Emei Restaurant for lunch again."

The afternoon is the time for the family to go shopping.

At this time, Beijing was no longer the same as when Bai Ye and Lin Manyu first arrived in Beijing. There was garbage everywhere.

Soon after the Chinese Party entered Beijing, they organized manpower to clean up the garbage.

I still remember that at the end of June 1949, all the accumulated garbage in various places in Beijing had been cleared out.

At that time, a total of 73,537 people, 32,113 animal-powered vehicles, 807 cars, and 5,409 gallons of gasoline were mobilized for the removal work.

The total amount of money used was more than 200 million yuan in people's coupons, equivalent to more than 20,000 silver dollars.

In addition to the imperial palace area, the city removed nearly 22 square meters of garbage, totaling 201,638 tons.

At this moment, Lin Manyu and his family were walking on Qianmen Street. The street was spacious, clean and tidy, and the shops on both sides were bustling.

The small vendors shouted hard, and Lin Manyu saw three treasures stopped in front of the candy-blowing stall.

She subconsciously reached out and secretly pinched Bai Ye's arm.

Blowing sugar figures in Laojing City is an art, but now the craftsmen blow them themselves and sell them.

The taste of the sugar figures depends on what the person blowing them eats.

Some children buy sugar figures to play with, while some children buy them to eat as candy.She had already told the children that sugar figurines were not to be eaten.

Even so, every time the three treasures stopped by the sugar figurine stall on the street, Lin Yu would subconsciously get nervous.

Dabao held a pony sugar figurine, Erbao held a tiger sugar figurine, and Sanbao held a rabbit sugar figurine.

The three treasures walked happily in front, and Lin Yu and the others followed closely behind them.

March was coming in a blink of an eye, and tomorrow was the day when elementary school would start.

China is still using the basic school system of the Republic of China.

Four years for primary school, two years for high school, three years for junior high school, and three years for high school.

The three treasures had passed the primary school graduation exam the second month after they had completed their school registration and enrollment a year ago.

This time they were in the second year of high school, and they happened to take the graduation exam and the exam for junior high school in June.

In the living room of the Bai family, Zhang Mei sat on the sofa with a bulging belly.

Lin Yu handed her the small green apple with a smile, "I bought it on the roadside when I went to Jingwozi to pay the water bill yesterday. It's delicious. You try it."

Zhang Mei took the apple, took a bite and nodded, "I will send the children to school with you tomorrow."

"My Aze has a temporary mission and has to go back to the police station to be on duty."

After that, Zhang Mei sighed softly, "My Lei Lei has been playing with your three treasures since she was a child. Seeing the three treasures studying at home, she also studies at home."

"Don't think that she successfully passed the primary school graduation certificate before, but that was a marginal result."

"She is one year younger than the three treasures. If she can't go to school with the three treasures this time."

"In the future, she will do everything by herself."

Lin Yu is also a mother. Looking at Zhang Mei at this moment, she doesn't know what to say.

When she thinks of the little girl in Zhang Mei's family, she likes her. The girl combines the advantages of Zhang Mei and Li Ze, and her face is white, tender, and cute.

Every time she came to play at home, she would call her aunt in a baby voice.

She was a slow learner in elementary school, but she was also a strong-willed girl. She always followed the second child and wanted to go to school with the three children.

Li Ze and his wife also let her do what she wanted. The four children enrolled in school and took exams together.

If she failed to pass the junior high school entrance exam this time, she would be the only one left in elementary school.

She was surrounded by classmates who were much older than her.

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