The next day, Lin Manyu got up early to make breakfast.

Elementary school students now go to school at 8 o'clock in the morning and leave school at 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

On the first day of school, they have to take their books home.

The first set of RMB is now used, with the largest denomination of 50,000 yuan.

The tuition and book fees for elementary school are 500 yuan per semester, and the tuition fees for junior high school and high school are 1,000 yuan per semester.

Just at 6:30, Lin Manyu started to put breakfast in the restaurant.

At this time, in the bathroom, Bai Ye was taking the three treasures to wash.

The three treasures cried and lay on their father's shoulders, not wanting to open their eyes.

Bai Ye kissed her little face with heartache.

After the family finished breakfast, they pushed their bicycles to the main courtyard. As soon as they went out, they saw Aunt Jiang carrying Jiang Mingyu and holding Jiang Mingbo out.

Lin Ai of the Jiang family is an elementary school teacher, and Aunt Jiang pays attention to education.

Jiang Mingbo is already in the first grade of junior high school before he is ten years old.

Lin Yuyu saw Aunt Jiang smile, "Auntie is also going to send Mingbo to school."

"Well, his mother went to work early today." Aunt Jiang looked at her grandson who was talking with Dabao, and she couldn't hide her love in her eyes.

The primary school and junior high school were not in the same direction, and the families of Lin Yuyu and Zhang Mei separated from Aunt Jiang and her family at the gate of the courtyard.

In the Central Primary School of Xisi District, Beijing, it is the beginning of the next semester, and there is no need to register and pay tuition uniformly, so there are not many parents in the school.

Li Ze put his son Li Fangxu in Bai Ye's arms and quickly rode his bicycle to the unit.

Bai Ye held the meat ball in his hand and weighed it. Li Ze's eldest son, who was less than three years old, was quite heavy.

Li Fangxu would occasionally follow his sister to play at Bai's house.

At this moment, his mother and sister were around, and he was not shy, lying in Bai Ye's arms and giggling.

At this time, not many families sent their children to school according to school age, and there was only one class for each grade.

Nowadays, most primary schools have several rooms in a large courtyard, and the bells for classes are manual bells.

In the classroom, San Sanbao and Li Fanglei sat in the first row, waiting for the teacher to hand out books.

Most of the children in the class were 13 or 14 years old, and some were already 15 or 16 years old.

Now when everyone sees four such young children in the classroom, they can't help but take a second look.

Outside the classroom, Lin Manyu and his friends walked to the teacher's office at the speed of Zhang Mei.

In the past, she, Zhang Mei, and Lin Ai would get together and chat from time to time.

After the Chinese New Year, I don't know if Lin Ai felt embarrassed, so she didn't get together with them much.

Now when Lin Manyu and his friends come to Lin Ai's school, they always say hello to her.

San Sanbao and Li Fanglei skipped grades in school because they found Lin Ai to help them.

Lin Manyu and his friends came to the teacher's office.

Seeing that there were few people working inside and Lin Ai was not there, she breathed a sigh of relief.

She had not yet figured out how to deal with this relationship, hoping that it would go smoothly.

At noon, when they were walking back, Lin Hanyu held Li Fangxu and Zhang Mei and walked slowly.

Bai Ye used a bicycle to push the three treasures and Li Fanglei's books.

The four little guys gathered together and chattered about interesting things.

Lin Hanyu and Bai Ye studied at home every day, and the three treasures studied at school, and time passed slowly.

In the blink of an eye, it was mid-May, and today was the day for the three treasures' high school graduation exam.

The war had just ended not long ago, and most people at this time had not been to school seriously.

Graduating from high school was considered to have academic qualifications, and the graduation exam was very formal.

Now the primary school exam only has Chinese and mathematics.

Before noon, Lin Hanyu went out to pick up the three treasures.

As soon as she walked to the third courtyard of the main courtyard, she met Zhang Mei who came to find her to go to school together.

Lin Yu looked at Zhang Mei's belly and couldn't help but worry about her, "I remember your due date is in July."

"Yes," Zhang Mei nodded, "After giving birth this time, I don't plan to have another child."

Lin Yu gently stepped forward and took her arm, "It's good to walk more now."

"When I was in school, my parents also picked me up and dropped me off like this." Zhang Mei held Lin Yu's hand.

"They died too early, and I didn't have the opportunity to take care of them."

It was the first time that Lin Yu heard Zhang Mei talk about her parents. Feeling her depressed mood, she couldn't help but reach out and pat her back gently.

Both of them lost their parents at a young age.

At noon, Lin Yu and Zhang Mei came to the school gate early to wait for the children.

The two of them stood alone together, looking at the empty surroundings, and couldn't help but smile at each other.

Before the three treasures and Li Fanglei left the school gate, they saw their mother standing at the school gate.

"It's mom..."

The four of them ran out excitedly in the envious eyes of other children.School.

When Lin Yuyu brought the three children home, Bai Ye had already prepared lunch.

Since the three children were six years old, the family has been eating in the dining room.

At this moment, on the dining table, there are pickled cabbage and pork, stewed pork ribs with beans, scrambled eggs with cucumber slices, Chinese cabbage and tofu soup, braised lion's head and white rice.

The three children were drooling. They had been taking exams all morning and had no time to eat. Now they were hungry.

When Bai Ye and Lin Yuyu entered the dining room, they saw the three children pursing their lips and looking at the food on the table. No one ate first.

They couldn't help but smile at each other.

At the dining table, the three children saw their father and mother and started eating before they picked up the dishes with chopsticks.

Lin Yuyu looked at the three children who were eating quickly and elegantly, and reached out to serve each of them a bowl of Chinese cabbage and tofu soup.

"Eat slowly. Eating too fast hurts your stomach."

At this time, Li Ze's family lived in the second courtyard of the main courtyard. Their house was renovated when Li Fangxu was one year old.

Master Lei had already gone to his son's home in Shen City to live in retirement, so Li Ze asked another master to do the decoration.

The house as a whole is a traditional brick and wood structure, and their family occupies the entire east wing.

The east wing has two wing rooms and an east wing ear room.

The wing room and the ear room are ten meters deep, the roof is three meters, and the height is three meters.

The wing room has a span of twelve meters, and the ear room has a span of three meters.

The door is in the middle. The living room is at the entrance, and the kitchen is inside. One wing room is divided into a living room and a kitchen.

The living room is 40 square meters and the kitchen is 20 square meters.

On the right hand side of the entrance is a 30-square-meter ear room. The door is near the front window. It is the bedroom prepared by Zhang Mei and her husband for their son.

The wing room on the left hand side of the entrance is divided into two bedrooms, each of which is also 30 square meters.

The west bedroom is the bedroom of Zhang Mei and her husband.

The east bedroom is the bedroom they prepared for their daughter.

The doors of the east and west bedrooms are both on the south wall of the bedroom, leaning against the middle.

At this moment, Li Fanglei is doing math problems seriously on the round table in the living room of the Li family. She will take the junior high school entrance exam next month.

She has to go to junior high school with her brother Qingxiang.

Li Ze sits next to his daughter and accompanies her in doing the exercises.

He graduated from Jinling University, and his wife studied at Xiehe Medical College.

The couple hopes that the next generation can also be admitted to university and read more books.

But seeing his daughter working so hard at such a young age, he feels his heart is tied.

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